childrens story book based around asthma - Asthma Community ...

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childrens story book based around asthma

5 Replies

BEST FRIENDS FOREVER - based on a true story.

for more info check out my website

you can buy the book from my website (a signed copy of course) or it is available from, WH Smith and it is now on the Waterstones website.

i am doing radio interviews at the moment and soon will be on local television.


Julie M Stephenson

5 Replies

sorry forgot to tell you a little bit about the book didn't i.

its about 2 boys both of whom suffer with asthma, one boy takes both of his inhalers on a regular basis and the other boy only likes to take his blue inhaler and will do anything to get out of taking his brown inhaler.

the story line takes the reader on adventures with the two boys both in school and out of school, the story takes them into hospital, and basically lets the reader imagine themself taking their inhaler as well as not taking their inhaler informing them of how asthma affects them in their daily life or as best i could describe it anyway, not having asthma myself that bit was hard.

like i said it is based on a true story as my 11 yr old boy died in August 2004 and i believe that if he had taken his brown inhaler on a regular basis then he just might still be with me now.

take a look on my website it gives you a sneak preview of the book.

hello me again, just wanted to keep you informed about what is happening with the book

for those of us who live in Yorkshire, or who like listening to the radio over the internet.

I just thought I would let you know that Thursday 23rd November I have been invited to BBC Radio York to do a pre-recorded interview, I think the interview will be aired on Sunday morning but again I will keep you all informed.

so listen out for me on BBC Radio York.

I also intend on doing other Radio interviews and television interviews to spread the word about Asthma (as I am sure you all know I am a volunteer speaker for Asthma UK) and at the same time I am sure Asthma UK would not mind me plugging my book......(cheeky I know).

Well speak to you all soon. Take care, and keep taking your brown inhalers everyday like the doc/nurse has told you.



Interview on BBC Radio York

Hi everyone,

As promised i said i would keep informed as to when my interview was going to be put over the airwaves.

Tuesday 28th November

now the show is between 9am - 12pm, and i was told that it would be over the airwaves around 11am, but in order not to miss me and if you can i suggest listening to the show from the beginning. Or like me and you work log on to BBC Radio York on line when you get home and click on ""elly"" show. that way you are bound not to miss me.

well hope you enjoy the interview and if you do enjoy remember to catch me on Look North again i will keep you update as to when that interview will be taking place.

p.s. signed copies of my books are going fast and i only have a limited stock left so don't miss out check my website for more details.

take care all of you


I have 25 books left and once the interview goes live on Radio York on Tuesday you might miss out

So come one everyone get your signed copy now. Don't worry if you can't buy using paypayl there is another way to pay just by filling in the form which you will find on my website.

hello Julie

just thought i would let you know my aunt has just brought your book and i read it today its very good and it certainly makes you realise the importance of taking inhaler's even if you feel well so i gave it to my sister to read whom has mild asthma as she is always saying she will not need to take hers as she feels fine!! . best of luck with your book FROM SP.

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