Hobbies?: Just thought i'd start a... - Asthma Community ...

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21 Replies

Just thought i'd start a thread to get people chatting.

What hobbies do you all like to do? When you have a litle time to yourself what do you like doing? I've decided to put more time a side for me, so these are the thingsi like to do.

* Walking my dogs. I have 3 border collies who are my life. I just love getting the map out & trekking for miles

* Tae Kwon Do - only on my yellow belt, but love it. Thought it might come handy on a walk one day!

* Horse riding - I am a qualified riding instrutor, i don't make enough time to ride & enjoy the sport i loved as a child. So i've got my first riding lesson at another stables on saturday morning... i'm so excited! I know our horses to well. And i hate it when the kids watch me ride and keep putting the jumps up to see how high i can jump. Little blighters!!

* Reading - I don't read enough, so i have made myself sit down this weekend & i've started to read the Harry Potter books. I'm 34 but i do love Harry Potter :p

Julie x

21 Replies

What I love to do most in my spare time is draw & also to spend time with my 'new' husband!!

I love harry potter, has to be the best books ever

I love listening to meaningful music (the lyrics have to be good)

I love sleeping thats my number one hobbie!!

Then theres sja cadets which is ace

what about every1 else?


I cannot seem to get myself relaxed when i am sitting about the house so i enjoy going shopping.

KateMoss profile image


Any shape, any form including chocolate ones!

My Hobbies include

Playing the piano - I taught myself how to play!

Listening to music - really helps to wind down after work

Driving - I love my driving lessons and can't wait untill I get a car which will hopefully be soon

You've all got great hobbies. Especially like the penguins.

Well with the weather as it is, i haven't been able to feed my first passion walking for a few days. Not been that well but i really need a good stroll x

yaf_user681_26410 profile image

I love scrapbooking and card making when I can manage to find the time. I also do crossstitch.

I can add computer and iinternet too.

I like cross stitching too! I like other kinds of needlwork, embroidery etc alongside that (when I get the time, which hasn't been very often at all recently).

I also like:

*Music of all kinds. Listening mainly, as I wouldn't dare inflict my playing on many people. I hope to learn to play the alto sax one day.

*Running. This has also been postponed recently - exams grrr and then a knee prob have kept me off. But it's my major form of destressing.

*Gardening - love my garden although it's a mess at the moment! I like keeping pot plants but they don't always like me (e.g. when I forget to water them...).

*PEAKing - volunteering on the AUK holidays (used to be known as PEAK and I am an old fogey so keep calling them PEAK hols even though they are Kick-A hols now). One of the best experiences of my life, have met some wonderful people there (a few of which are members of this board- hellooo!) and have learnt so much from the kids!

*Reading - love my fiction. I've just read The Time Traveller's Wife which is a beautiful book.

*Computing - seem to spend soooo much time on here...ooopps :-)

This has been a great thread - nice to see other sides to people :D

Running - I'm addicted! hehe. My form of escapism! I run 5/6 times a week and I'm aiming for the London Marathon next year.

Music - Another addiction! I play clarinet, sax (sop and alto), violin and piano and I'm a member of an orchestra, sax quartet, 2 jazz bands and a string group. I also teach clarinet and saxophone. I probably play one of my instruments 2/3hrs a night.

The Internet - I'd be lost without it!

Kick Asthma Holidays (PEAK) - Volunteer since 2000. I look forward to the holidays every year. Great kids and fantastic staff.

Reading - I love autobiographies and have just had a lovely week on holiday where I could indulge myself with hours of reading!

Mine (in no particular order are):

Sandie - Taking my guide dog Sandie for her free runs. This is her free time when she gets to be a dog and roll around in as much smelly/mucky stuff as possible. I especially like taking her to the beach with my boyfriend as the beach is her favourite place.

Internet - I love coming online, chatting to friends, contributing to message boards and e-mail lists etc.

Animal Crossing - The best, most addictive computer game in the world! You get your own village with villagers and you make money buy buying and selling things. You can decorate your house and you get rewarded. You can also visit other people's towns.

Music - I play the tenor horn and the piano I also sing. I don't do as much as I used to due to me loosing a bit of sight and my asthma playing up. Now my chest has been beaten into submission for the time being I've started to get my tenor horn out again to play. I love listening to my ipod on the way to work and have a wide taste in music.

Reading - Can't wait for the new Harry Potter to come out. I've ordered it in large print (its twice the price of standard print. grr!) I get lots of audio books to listen to on my ipod too.

I used to love doing cross stitch but doing a full time job means that my eyes are too tired. I also used to prick myself in the nose quite a lot trying to see what I was doing which was quite painful! lol!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Sport, Watching Watford, Saracens, both live. Cricket, going to Lords and Oval.

Cycling, used to actual cycle before asthma worsened but now use an electric assisted bike.

Modern history, relevant and we should learn from the mistakes.

Music, a broad taste but not rap crap.

Current affairs, read at least two quality papers a day.

Gardening, when pollen is low.

Travel, unfortunately can't fly too far at one go.

Cooking, love experimenting. Most blokes are FAR BETTER COOKS.

REAL ALE, no *** *** lager for me.

Good wine

(Mildly modified by pasing moderator ;))

I like sewing, espcially patchwork, sometimes cross stitch. I have made 3 patchwork quilts. I love reading, I like to read Jacqueline Wilson (she is really a children's author) and Louise Rennison, she is soooo funny.

I belong to a Methodist Church, i really like it, i am spearheading a project to ensure that we stay and grow more family friendly. I am a steward there, its exciting to be involved in the planning and leadership.

I like walking but i get too wheezy.... I used to like swimming too but i get wheezy...Never mind a new magic med for difficult asthma is just around the corner.

I love the sea, its my favourite place to be. I live 15 miles from the coast, i love to collect shells and pebbles with my best friend.

KateMoss profile image

I feel I must add to the penguins....

Kick asthma volunteer since 2000!

Cross stitch - doing a large penguin one, a sampler for baby (Zac) and a millenium sampler which may get finnished by the next millenium.

Bird watching - No I am not a twitcher.

Botany - plant ID etc.


Gardening - especially my pots full of house leeks!

Swimming - well, need to start that again!!

The occasional abseil for charity

Reading - Can't wait for HP7 either!

Visiting niece & nephew!

Visiting the Falklands

Good wine and good beer ( Murphys & ale for me!) Oh and a wee dram of single occasionally.


I like to do cross stitching, knitting swimming but not done that for a long while must get back into going again and my st John ambulance those are my hobbies i did used to belong to cas union but that was years ago

I enjoy aqua aerobics & swimming - I swim 3 miles a week. I love Harry Potter & cant wait for the new book but other than that dont really do reading! I love baking - especially cupcakes & bread. Travelling & seeing new places is also something I love to do.

Most of all I love to spend time with my friends & family. One of my favourite things is going out for a late breakfast on a rainy Sunday morning to Bettys where we chat, read the papers & have eggs benedict or criossants with fruit.... & of course a very large hot chocolate! Because of all the rain its becoming a regular occurance this year but do enjoy going for a picnic with all our friends when the sun does shine! We all make something & then all dig in! Its a really fun way to have a chilled out day that is inexpensive & so enjoyable.

i like sports, most kinds...

-Sailing is my life, i do it all year round and it is the most amazing feeling in the world.

-Football I've played for 8 years, and i like it, but i dont love it.

-Tennis i just started this year, but i play it a couple of times a week, and it is such a great sport i think, especially with asthma, i recomend it.

-Skiing, i did compedatively for a few years, but then i moved to england.

-Windsurfing: I just started but it is so insanely fun, and also hard, but it is amazing.

-Traveling: i travel and move ALOT! More than most people could even imagine, sometimes it gets on my nerves, but it always pays off.

-As much as i hate to admit it, i like math and physics a lot and i could sit and solve math problems all day long.


*drools at the mention of Bettys tearooms*

Music is a big hobby of mine. I play the violin, piano and I sing. Doing violin exams at the moment has come to a halt due to school and stuff, but will hopefully do some more after next year and i don't do exams in the others. I also love listening to music.

I love reading most things and am really looking forward to HP7!

Writing. I write a lot of poems and am writing a story at the moment.

Drawing is something I also like. I draw quite a bit but most of it's just odd things that have caught my eye.

I like walking, we do a 10- 15 mile walk with people from our village every year somewhere in the country and we walk our dogs as well which i enjoy.

The sea is lovely. I'm scared of actually going in deeper than knee deep but I love watching it- especially when it's grey and greeny colour or choppy.

landrovers, yes i get to play in the mud, which is great fun and our club is like 1 big famliy, so i get to go camping and social events aswell

reading i love to curl up with a good book

cooking i love it, esp having people around to cook for, when not feeling to good it means i still get to see everyone ( some body eles cooks then)

going to the pub


sewing i have mades lots of things for camping this year

yaf_user681_26410 profile image

Becca are you brave enough to let us see one of your poems?

I enjoy - 1) running my brownies and seeing them grow and acheive

2) Card making - gradually buiding up a range of different techniques

and have sold a few. Made all the invites for my brothers wedding.

3) Camping with my kids and hubby in our tellytubby dome!

4) Singing in the Church Choir (when able)

5) Swimming (when able) or supporting my eldest at competitions

6) Baking esp designing special cakes.

7) Reading, yup ive pre ordered HP7 but will have to fight daughter for it!

8)Occassionally writing poems (have to be in the right mood!)

9) Shopping - preferably spending other people money(ta dad!!)

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