Pet Name: If you are an animal lover... - Asthma Community ...

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Pet Name

20 Replies

If you are an animal lover like me I would be interested to know what your pet is and what names you have given them. I know animal dander is a big problem for us asthmatics but all the same having a pet is one of the true joys in life. I have had three cats, Timmy, Max (both RIP) and now Rhys who is 17 years old. Bless!!!!

20 Replies

yeah my asthma is awol at the moment and having pets doesnt help but i love them. We have cats well now cat oliver maddy and bobby (rip) tinker is our last cat, then ginne pigs jazz snowball and rosey (rosey rip), rabbits smoky and peter (tickles is rip), then cockatiel charlie (teal is rip) then a dog ruby. My mum says sets make a home complete

Jack my boarder collie.My cat Mason.Mason was called Macey till vet said it was a boy so came out Mason.


Five rabbits - Tangoe, Trickxie, Perky, Thumper, Kooky.

11 goldfish - Pixie & Dixie, Johnpaulringogeorge, Goldie & Splashie, Goldie II & Splashie II, Goldie III & Splashie III, Mercutio, Mercutio II.

Cat - Ginnie (half pedigree Siamese, half local Tom) died age 12 yrs - adult onset diabetes.

Still very much here

Two cats - Claude weighing in at 8kg is black/white and 15 years old. When they were handing out brains, he was around the corner stuffing his face. Loves to join in with conference calls.

Gizmo weighs not a lot, pure white with blue eyes, perfect eyesight and hearing even at 16 years old. Arthritis in left knee but still manages a straight up leap to top of 5 foot scratching post. Likes shedding cat fur like there's no tomorrow.

Asthma-girl profile image


Bearded Collie - Tousy

New Zealand White Rabbit - Bright Eyes

Both were loved it bits and are dearly missed.

Annista profile image

Working full time so no pets at the moment, but when my children were small I used to have a bunch of cats - TC and Benny (anyone remember Top Cat? Benny was long haired and looked completely round when he sat on the floor, hence Benny the Ball) another one known as The Dustbin because he ate everything. Border Collie called - wait for it - Shep (not my fault as ex-husband had her before we got married).

Our first pets as children were 2 budgies - Peter and Susan, a corgi called Shandy (nasty nipping thing she was) and we had a cat that my sister insisted was called after Micky Dolenz, and my 4 year old brother came home one day with another cat that never got a name as far as I can remember. Later I had a cat called Tigger and my brother got a rabbit called Phwed.

Oh, and my son had a rat called Rincewind (Terry Pratchett) who was a great pet - it's a shame small rodents don't last very long, because we all loved Rince.

Ah pets!

I have: a 20 yr old cat called Chewy aka Boglin aka Mr Mistoffelees

2 bunnies called Flip-Flop and Hippity-Hop

Also had goldfish called Battered and Sushi, tabby cat called Whispey Cat, ginger female cat called Cookie Cat aka Schninkumpuss or Schininks for short! A rabbit called Lucky who wasn't lucky when my mum accidently killed it with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, a guinea pig called Juggles, Labradors called Suki, Bell and Rona and hamsters too mumerous to name apart from one called Taz after the Tazmanian Devil and one called Arnie cos he could use the top of his cage as monkey bars.

yaf_user681_6778 profile image


I used to have a rabbit called Sparky who was a standard rex rabbit but he passed away a few years ago, he was a house rabbit. I had to budgies called Magic and Bertie but they passed away last year.

I now have two more house rabbits called Binky and Thumper they are brother and sister and aged four years of age.

The rabbits and their bedding may affect my asthma and my hayfever but I love all my pets and would not change them for the world.


I forgot to mention I once had two goldfish called Cod and Chips and a rather large spider called cyril.

I remember Top Cat - they lived in dustbins and used to terrorise a policeman was he called officer dibble?

Pets - hamsters called rhubarb, custard, boris (renamed gitley because he was nasty) all childhood pets

Rabbits - Arthur, Tallulah, Maisy, Clover and Tinker again all childhood pets although Tinker only died this year aged 11.

Guinea Pigs - mostly my brothers - seagull (erm never sure why) smudge and zeberdee.

Dogs - Sindy a jack russell I only remember her a little bit - I fell in her basket when I was very little and she did not like it.

Then there was Bess a welsh border collie who loved watching Eastenders and used to sing the theme tune.

Then there was Bramble - Golden retriever - my favourite broke my heart when she died aged 12 last year. Still miss her now.

Now we have Bailey - a Golden retriever cross Golden labrador - was rescued after being kept in a puppy crate for 19months not even enough room to turn around. He is a gorgeous boy - very loving and dopey but huge! He has issues after such a bad start in life but now aged three and having lost of TLC he is beginning to understand what being a dog is all about.

In America Top Cat was called Boss Cat and anyone remember Choo Choo?

Annista profile image

Dave, Top Cat was one of my favourite programmes, so I do remember Choo Choo - and Brain and Fancy and I think there was one more, but can't think of the name.

Have just googled Top Cat - I think the last cat was called benny not sure, there is not alot online (that I can find anyway) about the programme, it was made in 1961 and 62 - can't believe it was that long ago. You can buy it on DVD....

Another cat apparently called spook - don't remember that one!

i am okay around my cat who lives wiv my mam dad and nan back home in wales whereas i am in london with no pets :( boohoo!

anyone else cat, no go area!

the cat is furry with beautiful fluffy tail and long whiskers, mainly black, with white 'beard' and 'socks' so we called him SOX

hehe x

Annista profile image

Thanks, Honey, the one I was missing was Spook. I loved that programme and was amazed when I got a bit older and saw Bilko and realised that Top Cat was a total rip-off of that, even down to the voice!

I think we might be straying from the original subject a bit.

angievere profile image

I had budgies as a youngster, different ones over the years - Bluey (x2), Sparkey, Joey, Oliver, Bonnie, Clyde.. Unfortunately I was found to be allergic to them in my 20s and had to give up keeping them. I still think they are delightful little birds.

PS I loved Top Cat, yes one of them was called Benny.

As a younster I was allergic to cats & dogs. Now in my middle age I have 4 cats - Odin, Steele, Smitten and Moto (hello Moto) and two Cavalier King Charles dogs - Ruby and Dusty (after the singer). My allergies seem to have changed or the medication got better............

i love animals and have had many over the years including cats, dogs, hamsters, fish etc. currently we have 2 dogs who are my babies lol, 2 old goldfish which creep me out but my teen wont let me rehome them and one elderly half blind grumpy male guinea pig who is lovely but i cant handle him as he makes me wheezy (as does his hay). at the hospital recently the consultant told me i need to get rid of him but it would break our hearts and besides hes prob only got about 6months left. i also adore cats and have had a few but they make me very ill now sadly. god bless my thin-coated non-shed hair dogs lol xxx

I have a cat who I did get rid for 6 months when my RB was younger as I was lead to believe it was her RB was allergic too. Boy was they wrong he went from being mild to chronic so I got her back and hay presto stroking therapy worked wonders and his asthma got better. She is my kiddies guardian angel in really life the amount of times she (or at least I believe) has saved there lives is a miracle. She is an Australian White Turtleshell, she's 13 years old and her name is Tabitha Louise but we call her Tabs for short. I have had dogs in the past as a child and they where called Sheba, Tina, Abbey and Misty. I have also had cats as well that was called Tigger, Ging, Rebel, Paddy, Tiggles, Edwenia, Gizmo, Pippa and Poppy

My first dog was Max,RIP)then came Buster(just passed to rainbow bridge) and Annie.

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