What will you be doing for Mothers Day! - Asthma Community ...

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What will you be doing for Mothers Day!

4 Replies

Spending time at home in the morning with my youngest son and then to inlaws take her present and card and later tonight see my folks to give my mum her present as sunday is busy for my mum up to grave yard put flowers on grave .

Sometime during sunday will see my eldest son and spend time with him.

My mum sees alot of us and my sisters and brother and as my hubby is my inlaws only son we spend most time with her.

Hope everyone has a lovely asthma free Mothersday xxxx

4 Replies

We are a very small family and I am the older generation. No mums above me plus older daughter's MIL died (she'd cancer) day before Mother's Day '03. My husband is taking me for a run in our 79 VW camper and younger daughter's popping in after work. Other daughter tends to stay home with her husband and wee daughter.

I see my family quite a lot each week and don't mind if they miss Mothers Day. My own mum used to say if the only time the family visited was on Mothers day then she'd rather they stayed away altogether. Like our kids with me, we were never away from the family home. Always popping in.

Best wishes if you still have a mum to visit and best wishes if you have not. Take it as a day to celebrate Mother Earth's gift of snowdrops in the woodland and daffodils by the hedgerows. I am.

I don't live any where near my mum, so I sent her her card and a book. Just hoping it got there in time!

well my mum is away on hols at the minute but made sure she had the prezzie in time to take with her.

For me my son said he is going to be my slave all day, he has planned all the meals himself, been to Sainsburys and bought the food all within the budget I set him and is going to cook it all himself including bacon sarnies for brekkie, roast chicken for lunch, and cookies for afternoon snack, he is so adorable and a great little chef in the making and he is only 11, so I hope to have a great day.

Snowy x

Kids planning breakfast in bed for the wife . So i'll be left with the cleaning. All being well with a little bit of luck I will feel well enuff and have enuff puff to visit my mum. Failing that another day stuck in doors,,,,,

made it too my mums with a lot of huffing and puffing...... Had a large slice of homemade apple pie.... Mums u just gotta love them...

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