The wedding was wonderful a full and busy weekend but wouldn’t have missed it for the world. We travelled on Friday and there was a family gathering on Friday evening we had travelled from all over the UK even as far as Scotland. The wedding next day was beautiful the sun shone and everything went without a hitch. The meal was delicious; speeches were funny and not too long. We left after the cutting of the cake there was a disco and buffet for the evening but we left that for the youngsters and went back to the hotel. On Sunday we all met at The Kings Head Hotel in Ross-on-Wye for lunch before heading home. It was a lovely weekend but as anyone of you will know with arthritis sitting for any length of time on hard chairs and sleeping in strange beds gets to be a bit painful, so yesterday I just relaxed and stayed most of the day in bed and remembered how lovely the weekend had been. By the way the Naughty Spider’s behaviour was perfect except for once when he leapt off my head when I caught him on the car door frame so not really his fault. He He. I will try to post a pic of the happy couple hope it works.
Grandson's Wedding: The wedding was... - Lung Conditions C...
Grandson's Wedding

Glad you had a great time,,,,,
Lovely photo and I'm glad you enjoyed the whole event.
I've eaten at the King's Head in Ross. It's lovely there is the summer. Ross is a lovely ark et town, but like many such places now, it seems to e full of charity shops and little else.
Lynne xx
I live in an ark et town too Lynne
We had a lovely meal service a little slow but considering there were a lot of us and also they were full not one seat spare. Will go there again when up that way.
Sounds a perfect weekend, pleased to hear the spider behaved - was he/she the only one there.
Lib x
I'm glad the day went as it should, even the weather !
Really happy to hear you had such a fabulous trip. Happy memories for you all! TAD xx
Beautiful photo and so pleased you had a lovely weekend and that the spider behaved
Nice to read you had a lovely time, nice piccie too!
Sounds perfect, glad there were no hitches, the picture is lovely, looks like a scene from a romantic film. And sun, how lucky after all the gloomy weather in the days leading up to the big day. Your blog has left me feeling all warm and happy.
What a lovely photo, glad you had a wonderful time, plus sun wasn't that great.?
A beautifully romantic photo exblonde You sound as though you thoroughly enjoyed every moment of your grandson's wedding.and rightly so. The memories will keep you going for quite some time I expect.
keep on keeping on ....
If your head starts itching exblonde it means that your spider and your daughter in laws possibly mated, just be warned.
Lib x
Lovely photo, I,m glad you & the spider had a great time & yeah, strange beds & hard chairs are hell on old bones nice to have you back though cariad
Gorgeous photo,so glad everything went so well,& that spider travelled well! xx
Glad you all had a lovely day, it has taken me until now to work out who "Spider," is!
Thank you and shame I guess you missed the "spider" blogs
So glad you had a wonderful day and many congrats to the happy couple. Did you take plenty of tissues? The spider was very good it seems so that was ok then. Take care. xxxxx