thought read somewhere it said stay a... - Lung Conditions C...
thought read somewhere it said stay away from fizzy juice probably imagined it stupid question

I said about fizzy drinks .... I had been threw the mill was habing epododes of bad acid and with having lung condition acid is very nasty aka acid reflux
Yes a looked on internt and it said something about fizzy drinks and it not very good ... So i stoped my locazade drink .... And bang no acid
Am no expert but acid is bad news for your lung fuction
All the best

thanks for the advice decided to stick to fresh pineapple juice
No question to stupid we are here with help if we can always sharing what is found .
No doubt there will be a member who has seen or heard more along soon
I've not heard this but could imagine why it might cause reflux. But inimagine acidity in natural juices could be quite bad.
Only thing I'm aware of re drinks is to steer away from grapefruit juice as it interacts with a large number of different meds.
Marie x
I stick to still drinks .... But find natural fruit helps when am congested if a dont fancy OD ing on inhalers becouse of mis fires or my procesing power aka i forget if i took a blast
All the best and al great answers
I think it is up to each individual,,i still drink cans of coke,,and not the skinny one, and never suffered from it,still go to pub occasionaly,,2 pints is the limit tho,,i stop taking tablets day before if i am going,,worst thing is getting back home tho is its all uphill ,,least with no street lights in the village no one see,s me leaning on the walls puffing,,,
I stick to water and wine lol. Not mixed together though.
Lynne xx
Know that fizzy drinks should be avoided for arthritis sufferers - so I stick to a well known brand of blackcurrant drink, makes water more interesting AND looks quite good in a wine glass!!!!!!!!