Hey peeps this is like Wimbledon 19 love, it won't be long before I can say game set and match to me!! Some advice please .... have been noshing these 4mg nicotine lozenges every day since I quit. Is it necessary to keep on eating all these every day or could I reduce to the 2mg ones? I started on 8 a day and am now down to five. My main concern is that they are stuffed full of salt. Thoughts please, hugs to you all. xx
Lizzie 19 days El Nico zilch - Lung Conditions C...
Lizzie 19 days El Nico zilch

Sorry can't help but just came to say Well Done.
polly xx
I never used lozenges (about the only thing I did not try). I suppose it depends how you feel about it. Good luck whatever you decide.
Well done Lizzie. Can't help with the lozenge question, I gave up the nicotene at the same time as I used Champix. Is it worth asking at the chemist?
Lynne x
The theory is that after a period of time on the 4mg lozenges you then reduce to the 2mg thus gradually reducing the need for nicotine. It's like a reducing course of steroids - no sudden withdrawal. I stopped but still occasionally buy the 2mg gum, I actually like the taste and prefer it to normal gum! Hope it all goes well, take care, Richard.
Hi Lizzie and well done you are doing ok. as Richard said reduce down to 2 or 1mg as and when you feel the time is right.
I gave up with the patches 7 yrs ago did well for about 18months then with a bout of depression
nearly had a cigarette. luckily i remembered my smoking councillor left me with some lozenges "just in case" i found them and was ok again but now addicted to the lozenges !!!
only supposed to take them for 6/9months so was a bit worried but neither my Dr or Dr at hospital seems concerned about it. all my Dr said was "better than smoking"
Keep up the good work
Ivyleaf xx
Fantastic Lizzie,almost 3 whole weeks!!!! I never tried the lozengers when I gave up but with the patches you just cut down gradualy.Hope you are remembering to 'treat' yourself !! x