Hello everyone,my gp has recently told me i've emphysema,i'm just waiting for a ct scan,and i'm in the dark about it all really,i'm reading up on all i can about this.thankyou
Hello ,i'm new on here: Hello everyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Hello ,i'm new on here

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Please feel free to ring the BLF Helpline 03000 030 555 if you require further information we have nurses, specialist advisers to help with benefits and a counselling /emotional health service and can arrange a call back if necesssary.
Take care
Hi Carol and welcome. Many of us on here have emphysema aka COPD. I was diagnosed as moderate this year and manage to live with it quite well. I still work and take my medication and exercise. I was only diagnosed after I stopped smoking as I didn't have obvious symptoms before.
Certainly giving up smoking after 30 years was the best thing I did.
There is loads of support and advice on here and please take Heych up on her offer. The BLF welcome pack with DVD is really good.
Last tip is don't look at any foreign web sites or non accredited one's, they don't give accurate information.
Lynne x
Welcome carol
I have chronic asthma no emphysema as yet! was a smoker for forty years.
There will be many on here to help you as well as the BLF
Best wishes B.
Welcome Carol
Welcome Carol. You will find lots of information on here. Anything you can't find - just ask. We are here to help, advise and support each other and the BLF team are at the other end of a 'phone. Auntymary xx
welcome Carol
I was diagnosed 5 years ago after giving up smoking, there is loads of information on here and help and advise
welcome Carol, I have COPD and I was an baker and confectioner from1965 to1975 and as a result of the flour dust and of course smoking since 14 years. I am now 61and emphysema is just a couple of my problems . I take my nebuliser 4 times a day and oxygen for 16 hours, If you have a Breath Easy Group in your area try to attend that and you will find people with the same complaint. and of course this site is so amazing and you will meet some wonderful people who will help you. good luck and most of all keep smiling.
Hello Carol and welcome
welcome carol x
Hi and welcome Carol...
Thankyou all so much for your warm welcome and advice,i will certainly read up on all i can,i gave up smoking 11 years ago,so was surprised when gp told me i've emphysema,i'm waiting for a ct scan ,but my gp hasn't told me anything,i expect he will once he gets results from scan.
welcome carol, I am pretty new here, a fantastic site, have learned a lot and everyone has patience and understands your fears and concerns. they take time to answer your queries and share their experiences ....enjoy
Hi and welcome Carol.
You can read too much and scare yourself, even if it is nearly Halloween ! The advice to stick to 'known' UK based sites is good as there are a lot of quite worrying sites out there.
I often refer people to a wonderful booklet issues by NHS Sheffield, but readable on-line by anyone, that explains lots about COPD. It's intended more for their healthcare professionals, so goes into a lot of detail. It's at sheffield.nhs.uk/respirator...
The BLF helpline is good if you have questions, they are used to giving this type of information out. This community is also doing what it can to help and support people where we can.
Have a look for your nearest Breathe Easy group, made up of people like yourself - check at blf.org.uk/BreatheEasy
thanks gordon, i will have a read at that myself
Hi Carol, Welcome, glad to see you on here, hope you find it beneficial, I know I have. x Arn
Hi CarolTayz .I was diagnosed 18 months ago. The rest is virtually a carbon copy of Lnne's post except I'm apparently at severe stage even though I feel a lot better than that.
Hi Pinochio,i have already had an x ray,but have had this persistent cough for a while so my gp said i need to have a ct scan,i now realise i should of asked my gp questions about it all,but intend to after i've had the scan and got the results.
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