Diagnosed with bronchiectasis and advised to avoid chest infections a few weeks before anyone had heard of Covid 19..
Bronchiectasis diagnosis late 2019. - Lung Conditions C...
Bronchiectasis diagnosis late 2019.

I was diagnosed in 2012 and told to avoid chest infection too! I was prescribed antibiotic, Azithromycin, as a prophylactic. All went well until December 2033. I was to be changed to a different rheumatoid arthritis drug. With this, the Azithromycin had to stop because the two shrugs together can cause heart and lung problems. I changed to doxycycline and I’ve 2 chest infections since then. The Azithromycin was brilliant. 🤩
Hope this person told you how to avoid chest infections!! Check your home for Black Mould.
I don't see how we are to avoid all possible sources of chest infection. Even if we went to live in a hermitage on an off shore island, the bugs could still blow across. This is the counsel of perfection, but impossible in the real world.
yes, big problem is you are in danger of becoming a total hermit. It is embarrassing with friends to stop anyone coming round or anywhere near you if they have a cold or any snivelling bugs, and as for coughing people in the supermarket !!
The reason is - viral infections often lead to respiratory infects & EVERY infection causes more irreparable lung damage. I'm on azithromycin daily.i also use handgel and masks,and use viral blockers - coldzyme throat spray&vicks rescue nose spray.x
I've had shortness of breath for over 30 yrs (I'm 74 now). I was missed diagnosed for 15 yrs until a specialist diagnosed Bronchiectasis with asthma.
My advice: be proactive. Talk to your specialist. Get the right combo of meds. Check your environment for causes of SOB (pets, hidden mold, etc). Lower your stress level and take care of yourself.
Since I retired and moved to an area of better air quality I'm doing a lot better.
Thanks for this Beth, glad you're doing okay now. I was told that my bronchiectasis could've been triggered by lifelong allergies... Take care x
I was told that due to childhood illnesses (mumps, whooping cough, etc), it can trigger Bx later in life. Some people have very mild Bx, and some like us...it's a life changing illness.