My cat Morrison sometimes stays out overnight in my enclosed veranda that has catflap that only let’s him in and out, responds to his chip. Thursday morning he was out, so called him, appeared immediately, ran in, upstairs and hid in airing cupboard. He was there all day, didn’t want to eat. Gradually yesterday he started to behave more normally. Last night I heard rumours that a red van is about catching cats and dogs, don’t know how true this is, but could be why he was so traumatised. I’m keeping him today if I can. Has anyone heard these rumours? Best wishes, Jean
Traumatised Morrison: My cat Morrison... - Lung Conditions C...
Traumatised Morrison

That sounds awful Jean, poor Morrison. Hoping the rumours aren’t true and Morrison can continue to live his best life with you. Xxx❤️
I'm glad Morrison has you to look after him. He'd have been a sitting duck in the supermarket car park. Something obviously scared him badly, but he knew where to come for safety. xxx
Could u perhaps look on local social media to see if others r aware of it.he mustve b frightened xx
I wouldn't let him in and out as he pleased and is he neutered? That is VITAL. Lots of cat experience being a rescuer for many years. Itb may not go so well next time. Keep him in, give him his space and interact with him more please.
yes he’s neutered, and identification chip. I don’t let him out when lot of school traffic etc, I live by school that wasn’t there when we bought this house 60 years ago. He can go all over house and veranda, likes lying on windowsills watching action in gardens, and I play with him when have time, living alone and having to Nebulise twice daily, and do exercises etc, takes up lot of day. He’s lying by me cleaning himself as I type this. Jean x
Gosh. I’d keep him in for a while if you can Jean though if he’s been spooked he’ll probably stay in x
In the past, I’ve had that sort of behaviour with a couple of our cats, and it has turned out to be a strange cat (probably feral) on ‘their’ territory. In a rural location, so not used to a lot of competition. Ours weren’t really fighters, so were obviously really thrown by the confrontation. In each case, they did get over it, but took a week or so of just coorying down in the house for most of the time, before regaining confidence. Just double check for any small, hidden bites or scratches, just in case? Love to Puss! 😸
HI, thankshe for replies about Morrison. He has encountered strays etc in past and never been troubled, I’ve fed them, and he’s not been bothered. One Asian was rather vicious, but not come back thankfully. Today Morrison is nearly back to normal, he’s been out short time and is now snoozing on his chosen place, end of settee, whilst I Nebulise. Wednesday he goes vets for annual checks, don’t think there will be any issues. Best regards, Jean xx
I didn’t report that since last Friday Morrison has been sleeping with me on my bed, it’s double and I put him soft jacket to sleep on at bottom of side I don’t sleep on. He sometimes moves, but last night was there when woke and put light on this morning. He usually comes upstairs to bathroom, think he’s puzzled that I get myself so wet! Regards, Jean x