Anyone for a Guinness?
George Seurat - Bathers at Asnières - Lung Conditions C...
George Seurat - Bathers at Asnières

I love this picture, and how apt for the weather we have been having! My younger daughter and I love our Guinness ❤️ This is a picture of Amy just before she flew off to Australia, new year 2018/19 for a year. Ended up being 3.5 years!!
Great painting with lots of detail. Not a Guinness fan though. Xxx
Yes I know but I don’t see it till this morning yesterday I was at the races and had some Guinness so it was too early to start again 😂😂😂 take care
My Mum used to love a Mackinson stout, think they are the same thing x
I'm told my mother's mother had a stout delivered to her most days towards the end of her life.
Love to sip a Guinness in Ireland x
Me too. My first was in Killarney about 1966. I've been again several times and played at a wedding in Dublin. But haven't been back for 25 years or so. I love Ireland.

What a beautiful painting , I'd love that in my study room when I'm working on my uni course, it looks so happy and relaxing. Thank you for sharing, have a lovely day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxxx 🌻🌻
I'll have a Guinness and Bushmills chaser please 👍🏼

I'll have a word with the artist.
Way back when, on Geriatric Wards, they used to serve Stout/Guinness before supper every night (those who could have alcohol) and horrid sweet sherry for some ladies. This was regarded as a good appetiser for older people who were picky eaters. Can you imagine this happening now!?
Thanks for this although it did bring it home to me that not being able to go out how much I miss the national gallery. Feeling a bit gutted at the moment as had to cancel ct scan at uch today due to my back pain but this cheered me. How I wish I could do galleries again!Sue
Don't worry Sue. I have a surprise for you. I will try and post a painting once a week in which thete may or may not be a pint of Guinness hidden in the picture. My son can help as he uses my Adobe photoshop app. Renoir will feature soon.
I'll look forward to it greenthorn.thank you. Renoir always brings to mind the umbrella painting which my granddaughter likes.Sue
I'm disillusioned. I thought Seurat painted in the Guinness and that I'd never noticed it before. Did the Mona Lisa like Guinness?
😂 not sure if she enjoyed a Guinness but I do know she had no eyebrows and the painting is only 8”x11” contrary to what most people imagine 😮
Haha, it fits in there perfectly.
Thanks Teenieleek. My son had to draw the shadow behind the glass and use the colour tones of the nearby shadow.
He did it very well. Do you think Gustav Klimt liked Guinness? xx
Laurie, here is your answer.
The Kiss and Guinness!! Two of my very favourite things!! Brilliantly executed, thank you so much 😊💕😊💕 I love it xx
Thanks Laurie, I'll pass on your thanks to my 15 yr old son who overlaid the image. This was the 'discreet' version where we leant towards hiding the Gunness in the painting (not making it so obvious). But I'll send you our original attempt and you can choose your favourite!Next up will be a Renoir. But do you have other favourite artists or paintings?
In ya face!
My thanks to your talented son! I definitely prefer the "discreet" version I am looking forward to some Renoir and the Mona Lisa, but will have a think about other artists that may benefit from an iron supplement. Have a lovely day 😘😘 xx
I love that picture! I can’t drink because of dodgy pancreas but it look good all the same!