just had an e mail my gas /electric is going up to£147 a month ,over winter the heating has been on for around 6/8 hours a day , is this excessive or about average?
heating: just had an e mail my gas... - Lung Conditions C...

In my opinion whit I think it’s all excessive but unfortunately we’re all having to deal with huge increases. Our bill is going from £108 per month to £158 but what can we do? Take care xxxxx😘
Hia just make sure you getting home frount grant & the 180£ if you pay counsel tax .there are other grants out there insulation . Some times if you have nice gp he she can get ball rolling , but don’t be cold & hungry in this country .rubbish .I came back here .been working.my but off overseas .about 10 years ago . Nothing but hustle . Hayho

We know that it’s a difficult time with the rise in the energy price cap having been announced by the energy regulator, Ofgem, and the increase that this means in the cost of your gas and electricity bills. When you live with a lung condition you’ll know how important it is to stay warm. Please give our Helpline Team a ring on 0300 222 5800 Monday – Friday 9:00am/5:00pm if you’d like to. We’re happy to help with information and advice about heating costs.
We also have details about help with heating costs here: blf.org.uk/support-for-you/...
Lumme, that's a lot. Luckily mine's still £70 a month so far - thats gas & electricity. I keep my thermostat at 18°, heating on about 8 hours a day too
Everyone's increases on April 1st. xxSheila 🙈😣
Funnily enough, my 1st April payment is £70 . I was expecting it to be a lot more, perhaps E-on are saving my increase for later. I'm sorry that yours is so incredibly high.
""Hello Penelope,
Just a quick reminder: we'll collect your monthly Direct Debit payment of £70.00 on 1st April. ""
Are you on a fixed contract? If so your payments will remain the same.
NO, that ran out last month and there was no more.
Peege may be on one if her payment is the same.
Yes, fixed to 21st June - by which time I'll have sold up & moved east to be near sis and my youngest, downsizing in the process. I know my older neighbour has been with British Gas for many many years . She's computer savvy but doesn't fancy the hassle of switching. It's a shame as she's been paying a lot more than I have over the years for a slightly smaller house.
I'm not sure there's much to be gained by switching at the moment. Hope all goes well with your move and that you get a decent utility package in your new home x
I reckon that this winter will be about 50% up on last year, unless I cut out a lot of the heating.
Mine is increasing to £268 per month xxSheila 🙈🙈😣
Blimey, Sheila, that's an awful lot. Xx Moy
I used to pay £177 now gone up £91 to £268. .My supplier has already taken the increase on 15th March although the increase isn't until April 1st. Unbelievable .xxSheila 🙈😣
It is deplorable that these massive increases are taking place: many vulnerable people will not be able to afford them. Ous increases by £58 a month & friends by £66. I suspect further help will have to be given.
A lot depends upon where you live. My mother's monthly bill would have gone up from £89 a month to £137, but my aunt in Scotland's bill would go from £300 a month to £462.It is also due to go up again in October!
Disgusting and due to consecutive governments not creating storage and selling our energy companies to foreign investors. This was also happening prior to the Ukranian war, not due to the Ukranian war, which Boris seems to be using as a smoke screen for everything - including lack of planning, after Brexit.
I knew it was a mistake to get reliant on dictatorships for energy. I reckon our monthly grocery shopping bill has increased £100, just due to brexit (which we voted against by the way). Governments are too busy trying to keep in power, taking their eyes of the balls. We should be insulating buildings, focusing on renewable energy makers, heat pumps in all new homes by law. More assistance to home owners to get these things to help save the planet. And let's make it in UK using our own factories and workers. Don't rely on China, as they may pull the plug sometime.During the pandemic, effectively shopping on-line, only buying what we needed and not stuff we didn't, not being able to go on holiday or down the pub for lunch we were actually saving money in the bank account, so we are probably in a position where we can withstand these cost of living increases; but I'm sure there must be millions in UK and around the world who can't, particularly those who were already struggling.
Sounds like a recipe for REVOLUTION.
Thank your politicians for the miss handling of your energy needs
A gd way to save on energy is to turn the thermostat down on the actual boiler itself,even by 1deg,same on water temperature to taps.They also advise to turn gadgets off rather than standby at night,
I often use a slow cooker instead of big oven or hob
Also,only boil as much water as u actually need in the kettle and any pans.