Having a lung lavage next week to try... - Lung Conditions C...

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Having a lung lavage next week to try and identify the cause of my fibrosis.Any tips or advice would be very much appreciated thanks.

Mrbojangles profile image
37 Replies


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Mrbojangles profile image
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37 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I have no tips but want to wish you well Mrbojangles. Xxx

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to sassy59

Thank you so much..

Fruitbat2 profile image

Hope all goes well for you.

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to Fruitbat2


skischool profile image

Hi there,i haven't experienced one myself but i am enclosing a link describing the procedure.i imagine you have probably had a briefing from your consultant to much the same effect.henryford.com/services/pulm...

Hopefully being under anaesthesia you won't remember much about it but i imagine after the procedure you may feel a bit battered and bruised but that after a couple of days of slight discomfort you could indeed feel a whole lot better than you do now and probably be able to breath much better.

Good luck with the procedure.

Ski's and Scruff's :)

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to skischool

Thank you so much..👍👍

revans2001 profile image
revans2001 in reply to skischool

Thank you Ski. That site has a wealth of useful information. Thanks for the link. Much appreciated.

And best wishers MrBojangles!

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Just wanting to wish you all the best, and hoping you’ll feel much better afterwards ✨

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Thanks ..👍👍

alunrob profile image

Hello Mrbojangles, I had lavage 3 months ago.I was rather nervous expecting it to be horrible but truly it was a piece of cake.Very short anasthetic.Not unpl,easant at all. When I woke up I had a slight sore throat but that was it.I expected to fell better but the process is only diagnostic for fungi,viruses,bacteria,cancer and perhaps some others.It is not therapeutic.Good ,uck mate,truly you have nothing to fear with this procedure.All the best.

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to alunrob

Very reassuring thank you..👍👍

Kristicats profile image

Hope all goes well I’m sure you will be fine afterwards.

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to Kristicats


Patsy164 profile image

Good luck 🍀

Danielmystar profile image

I've no tips for you but good luck going your way 🙏 😃

Rugbyguy profile image

I had one earlier this year. They sprayed the back of my throat with an anaesthetic which became numb and, whilst not very pleasant, it wasn't too bad. Easier said than done but try and relax. It doesn't take long and good to know the outcome. Absolutely no bad after effects whatsoever, just the best cup of tea ever. Good luck!

Aingeful profile image

I have Fibrosis too but havent had this suggested. Mine was just classed as Idiopathic ( cause unknown). Please let us know how you go on and good luck!

Ergendl profile image

Good luck. Hope it goes as smoothly for you as others have described.

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to Ergendl

Thanks a lot..👍👍

Alfiebax2 profile image

Hi I had a lung lavage in oct 2018 in my right lung as I have cavity in this lung and a bacteria was growing in it. It was nothing to worry about the procedure was pain free and I went on to have LVRS on my left lung . Good luck and please don't worry .

Best wishes Barbara

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to Alfiebax2

Thanks Barbara.. i’m really just a woose when it comes to these type of procedures .

Alfiebax2 profile image
Alfiebax2 in reply to Mrbojangles

No problem everyone is different so I hope all goes well for you . Maybe a sore throat and a bit of heaviness in the chest but certainly not painful in any way . Let us all know how you get on .

Kind regards Barbara x

Dedalus profile image
Dedalus in reply to Alfiebax2

Did the LVRS on your left lung help your breathing, and how long did recovery take Barbara?

Alfiebax2 profile image
Alfiebax2 in reply to Dedalus

Hi my breathing is under control and much better than before surgery . My surgeon was amazed that I was recovered in 4 weeks when pro rata it takes up to 12 weeks . My legs were still a bit heavy and I wasn't back to 100% fitness but I certainly was over surgery altho I had to go back in 4 days after discharge as the stitch in my scar burst in a coughing fit . I had a pleural effusion and was restitched and sent home 4 days later . Hope this helps

Best wishes Babs ❤

Dedalus profile image
Dedalus in reply to Alfiebax2

It helps a lot Barbara (I'm going for assessment in January). Couple more questions if you dont mind - how many days were you in hospital after the operation, and was there much pain? Many thanks x

Alfiebax2 profile image
Alfiebax2 in reply to Dedalus

I was in for 10 days post op . As much as I remember there was no pain . You are in the high dependency unit for approx 4 days with self administering morphine . They said I didnt use it much so I think that tells you . I dont mind you asking im happy to help in any way . Just remember everyone is different . Keep us informed . Regards Barbara xx

Dedalus profile image
Dedalus in reply to Alfiebax2

Thank you so much Barbara. That info really helps. Apologies to Mrbojangles for butting into your post. Kind regards and all best wishes to you both.

Lullabelle_18 profile image

I have no experience either, but wanted to wish you the best of luck. I’m sure everything will be fine.

I’ve never heard of the procedure before, but I’m intrigued why they do it. I have an undiagnosed issue with my lungs, I keep having flair up of a reoccurring chest infection due to the bacteria Morexalla.

Can you let us know how you get on please?

Mrbojangles profile image
Mrbojangles in reply to Lullabelle_18

Thank you Lulla, will do.

Keep pressing your GP for answers.

I had a cough for 3 years and was pushed around from pillar to post without any progress.

It was only when a GP finally put a stethoscope on my lungs that he heard crackles and arranged a scan... that showed up the fibrosis.

Lullabelle_18 profile image
Lullabelle_18 in reply to Mrbojangles

Oh I’m on the case don’t worry! I had a really chesty cough and multiple infections for about two years before the finally sent me to see a respiratory consultant. He put me onto azithromycin in January which helped straight away, had a phone consultation in July when he said come off of them for 3 months to see what happens. In between then and the end of October I had two further infections, so I’m back on them again. But I had a hib injection to help, so we’ll see what my new blood tests show in December!

I wish you well

Izb1 profile image

Good luck with this Mrbojangles, I hope all goes well and it is over quickly, sometimes the fear of the procedure is worse than the procedure itself, sending calm vibes x

watergazer profile image

Hope all goes well for you xx

Dedalus profile image

Good luck and all best wishes for your procedure.

HiveMind profile image

Had one about 4 years ago and it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. As others have stated, your throat is sprayed with a foul tasting substance and you are given a mild sedative. In all honesty I was knocked out (I don't drink alcohol so apparently the sedative works super effectively) so I only experienced a bit of discomfort when they pulled out the camera (only for a brief second though). I was worrying about nothing really. All over very quickly. Good luck!

Catlover432 profile image

I had bronchoscopy and lavage last year. I was terrified, but it was piece of cake. The spraying of nose and vocal chords a bit unpleasant but nothing to worry about. It was really strange. I had been really ill, and eaten nothing for eight weeks. You get food and drink before you go home and I scoffed down the sandwich. my husband was amazed. The sedation must have made me forget I was ill and couldn’t eat🤣

It was diagnostic and revealed I had COP Cryptogenic organising pneumonia., which is ongoing, it loads better than last June when I was diagnosed. Lots and lots of prednisolone. Hope this puts your mind at rest

Suesal46 profile image

Yes good luck mrbojangles 💛💛🐾🐾

Meg52 profile image

I’ve had two, the first was three years ago, they went through my nose and the second was last month, which was done through my mouth. Each time I was given sedation in my hand.

When it was finished I was moved into a recovery ward and monitored for about an hour, then given tea and biscuits and allowed to go home.

I can’t remember much about the first one and have no recollection of the second.

Try not to get anxious about it, They should go through things with you beforehand, if you’ve got any worries or questions ask them and get reassurance.

Before I had one, I found the worrying about it was much worse than actually having it done.

Good luck, you will be fine.

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