I’ll believe it when I see it!
I’ll believe it when I see it!
I must admit I’m more confident of this one working, because it’s based around Google/Apple infrastructure, but when you see it also involves Dido Harding your heart sinks!
We’ll soon know if it’s a success....or not. Let’s hope so. Xxxxx
Hi sassy59, I really hope it is a success, it’s been reported on the news today the cases are now doubling every eight days. I’ve been shielding since March 5th and apart from one trip to the barbers at the end of July and a week in Cardigan Bay, on a family holiday I really haven’t stopped shielding, I go for local walks twice a week for my own physical health and sanity.
We’ve been informed unofficially we will be going back into lockdown from Monday, I live on the Wirral and the whole Merseyside area are now on the watch list.
We certainly are living in very strange times.
Yes I saw that Merseyside was being watched. It’s such a strange and scary time right now. We’ve been careful and stay as safe as possible but then it’s not us who have a cavalier attitude to covid.
I wish you well Ian. Xxxx
I am on the isle of Wight and downloaded my app on weds, we will see if it's any good sooner or later
Whatever its like its success will depend on the number of people who download it. They have had a functioning app in France for some time, the problem is very few people have downloaded it and lots of those who did so subsequently deleted it.