Fabulous face mask for those of us that cannot use the normal mask. Mine arrived yesterday and its fabulous! cheap too lol from Amazon.
Fabulous face mask for those of us that cannot use the normal mask. Mine arrived yesterday and its fabulous! cheap too lol from Amazon.
The link isn't working for me. Any suggestions?
Thank you.
Sorry Dids, try this link:
Hi just to let you know there is no link above (maybe site would not let it )
Can't access the link Woofly. I am interested so if you can check the link I'd be grateful.
Sorry Road. This link hopefully works:
Thanks woofly on oxygen but just might give them a try.
I also am on oxygen, and have no problem, and SO much more comfortable than masks, which I cannot wear. At least with the plastic mask you can scarcely feel it, so much so, I went to wipe my nose, and clashed with the nask lol
Please b aware,that while it may offer protection that certainlly is beta thn noyhing,yr still extremely exposed unless u wear a mask with it.dont want to spoil it 4u,just felt u need to know xxx
I feel that once the wind picks up these shields are going to present some problems, acting like a sail, not being a kill joy. Perhaps something to be aware of.
A reusable fabric face covering might be worth investing in for those times when you must go out on windy days, chose the type that have long elasticated fastenings that go around the head, rather than the ears, more comfortable and will not interfere with using a cannula. They are certainly a lot easier to breath through than those blue disposable ones.
seems to get rather a lot of negative reviews
Well there is NO WAY I can wear a mask made of any kind of material, so my thinking is its better than nothing.
At that price, I've ordered one to try.
Well I’m blessed Woofly.
Didn’t see on Amazon but saw somebody in the town yesterday with one on and asked where she got it from. Her Mum made them up and sold them so went back to her car and bought two, and found them great!
I paid £7 each, but hey ho, thank you for the link as will keep a note for the future.
I’ve tried a couple of shield designs along with masks and these are by far the easiest to use.
I appreciate masks are more secure, but like so many of you I struggle like hell and my health is not as severe as some in this group.
Keep as well as you can and stay safe everyone!!
So pleased you found some Makingmebetter,
even though they were a bit expensive! better than the masks for us lot that find it hard to breathe in the other kind.