Husband has very severe copd and asthma and has been shielding since covid started he has less than 28% of his lung left in January this year he had two lung consultants place a DNR on him which he hasn’t been able to remove he keeps having frequent exacerbations yet now he’ now doesn’t have to shield
Has anyone received a letter saying t... - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone received a letter saying they do not extremely vulnerable and don’t have to shield any more

You don't have to shield in full but you may exercise once a day outside and have a bubble with family (don`t know if that means a good booze up of bubbly)
I am continuing shielding (although I have not received this letter) and will continue to do so until I feel comfortable to stop shielding.
However I now have more contact with Grandkids and my children.
I would advise (tho I am no doctor or expert ) your husband should be careful but still enjoy life.
I hope both you and your husband stay well and enjoy each others company, Even tho, that, sometimes gets a little straining ( at least in my house it does)...
I have also had a letter about not needing to shield after the 1st of August, but it still, by implication, advices restricting activities. For example it mentions shopping and prescriptions, but not pubs and restaurants. It also says to stay at home as much as possible.
We have decided not to change anything. I have my on line shopping slots and my prescription is delivered. We have contact with our family by telephone and Skype. As they are all back at work, we have no plans for face to face contact just yet.
We are going to watch the situation carefully. What with outings to the beach, pubs and restaurants reopening it is possible that we will see an increase in cases. I hope not, but it is a possibility.
Whatever you decide is the best course of action for you, stay safe.
Agee with Troilus. Everyone who is shielding should have had a letter from our (now bezzy mate apparently) Matt.
I too am still in effect shielding. I have 1 of 3 nurses comes in every fortnight and yesterday, for the first time, my daughter, son in law, granddaughter and sister came. I have a huge garden and we sat social distancing outside and had fish and chips. Used all our own chairs and drinks. Good ball games with only gd allowed to touch the ball. We will do it again. . It’s so important to see them and much better for mental health. I did feel like everyone else during lockdown but now I am much more anxious.
I am pleased you have each other for company. I feel it’s a different ball game when you live alone.
Basically I think it’s a common sense thing. Only do what you are comfortable with.
Love cx
My letter says from 1 August advice to shield will be paused. From this date the Government is advising you to adopt strict social distancing rather than full shielding measures. Strict social distancing means you may wish to go out to more places and see more people but you should take particular care to minimise contact with others outside your household or support bubble.
More information here:
Perhaps read all that information headed From 1 August.
You will - we all will need still to take care and be cautious as we are all still at risk of severe illness if we catch the virus.
My husband letter says his gp or specialist has reviewed his medical record and no longer considered to be at highest risk of severe illness from coronavirus and that the government no longer recommends shielding advice and any support you were receiving from national shielding scheme will no longer be provided
In your situation I would contact your husbands consultant and explain the situation, the Gov letter goes on what the NHS records show. Sounds like they may have made a mistake in your case. Perhaps give the BLF a call to see if they can advise the procedure.
Hope things work out for you and your husband ok
All that has changed with my husband is illness is progressively getting worse not better
Living as I do on the English/Welsh border I have had letters from England and Wales, which needless to say are different. I shall stick with the Welsh advice which keeps to mid-August for vulnerable people as I have a Welsh GP. Went to an English cafe this morning though, and sat in the sun to have a socially distanced coffee. What a treat!
Its likely it will vary between people and counties. My letter goes on to say after 1 August we will continue to keep your name on the Shielded Patient List. We will monitor the virus continuously over coming months and if it spreads too much we may need to advise you to shield again.

Same here
I live on the border too and have not received shielding letter from either government. I have IPF and on oxygen, no seems to know why and can’t seem to help me. So I’m shielding anyway and will continue to do so until mid August.
Nope, but I live in Scotland. So Nicola has been more cautious and the virus hit us later.
I received a letter stating shielding will end at the end of this month, I presume I will have to go back to work as a waking night support worker with vulneralbe adults, I must say I am a bit concerned as there is a lot of housework involved as well as care for the adults and I dont know if Im up to it anymore.
I'm still shielding my mum (other than a trip in the car out - and not too far in case we breakdown or need to fill up) as frankly for me the government has proven on countless times it's not to be trusted. Better safe than sorry is my motto.
Although family in the garden at a big distance (and both parties wear masks) seems to be a safe-ish option.
I had a govt letter last saying I didn't have to shield. Got one today saying: " have been identified as someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable due to an underlying disease or health condition that may put you at risk of severe illness ... and you are advised to follow the shielding guidance rigorously!" (my exclamation).
I haven't received one so far but it will be this government manipulating the figures for whatever purpose they have in store for us extremely vulnerable next.