For those who missed Boris's speech!!🤔
Clarification : For those who missed... - Lung Conditions C...

So true thank god we all have common sense !

Ok and it means what lol. Have a good night and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈
Well quite honestly after that speech I was more confused ...and i bet i am not the only one. So what happens if I am sheilding.....heaven only knows...
Ah, I get it now. Thank you. Xxx😂
I don't need government to tell me how to look after myself. I am STILL staying home and will be for the forseeable future. It appears that the 'healthy' population are being given the choice as to whether they risk going back to work. Some will, some won't.
Precisely! People expecting to be told exactly what to do in their particular circumstances are always going to be disappointed. Common sense is no longer all that common. 😉
Amount of people out and about over the long weekend shows common sense is very lacking and no you can't buy it in B&Q

As my Grandma always said "Common Sense Is Most Uncommon"
Oh so true. I am totally confused if im supposed to go to work or not??? Im not in the shielded group🤯
Yes, as my daughter just said, she's now free to walk the 28 miles to work leaving her 12 year old home alone....
Perhaps they will start issuing free bicycles in place of the unwanted food boxes? That's all I need, a shed full of free bicycles I can't stop them sending.
This new computer of mine is coming up with some really screwy ideas. 🙄
Please tell me I’m not the only one who isn’t confused! This plan is conditional on the R rate, an unknown quantity until the effect of the slight easing is known. Also, it’s to be explained further in a document presented to the Commons tomorrow. So there are bound to be points not answered in today’s statement.
But as I understood it, people are “actively encouraged” to return to work, avoiding public transport if possible. So for preference they should drive or cycle etc. Obviously those who have to care for a child won’t be able to work, other than from home.
The shielded don’t have to think about work, the 12 weeks isn’t up yet. They should stay home.
Really, what’s the problem here?
And you got all that from Johnson's waffle!
I did. Perfectly clear to anyone prepared to listen and use their common sense.
You must have listened to a different broadcast than me!

Hi Hanne, I have watched the speech on you tube again today, and read the transcript twice.
However I spent most of the night worrying after listening to the PM ‘s yesterday .
I found it confusing .
My daughter travels to work by tube, too far to cycle or walk. Can’t work from home as her job is a manual one .
The advice is to avoid public transport if possible, but for your daughter it seems unavoidable. Very worrying for you. It’s just not feasible for the country to stay in quarantine until a vaccine is found, we have to take tentative steps

I totally agree with you, they are testing the water, go out more, try and get back to work when it is safe, when your company have made it safe. It the r rating rises, your back home in lock down.
This is an unknow virus, nobody has all the answers, but we've got to get going again, just slowly.
People need to be told every single detail now, without thinking for themselves, I blame the press, they are shocking.
The mass movement and mixing of people is going to send the R rate up again, spreading this terrible disease once more. So how many more people are going to die as a result of what is, after all, just an experiment. The R rate is only just below 1, very little room for a mistake, we often hear that they will only act when the science tells them. What science? this is all new, never happened before, so what facts are they basing this scientific advice on? I fully expect 100's of more deaths as a result of this experiment. The R rate in my opinion needs to be a lot lower before experimenting with peoples lives. It just shows the contempt that they have for the sick and elderly.
Very well said! His speech was as clear as mud. He was meant to say Wednesday for a return to work not 'tomorrow'... Couldn't even get that right. Confusing, mixed messages, not clear baby steps at all. Putting the onus on individuals so Govt does not have to accept responsibility for the huge number of deaths in our country. From delaying the lockdown, to inadequate testing & ppe, & allowing 18million in at airports without checks or quarantine the whole response has been shambolic.
Its just as crazy in Wales, They are allowing Garden Centers to open, But, telling people not to make non essential journeys.
I certainly will not be going anywhere for a long time yet, think it will be even more dangerous now than at start of lockdown. Boris needs to get some clarity into his information.
I will not be going out anywhere either, even if it is confirmed that I have had it with an antibody test. With my partner being in contact with infected residents daily, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that I could still transfer the virus physically through touching public items through my clothing even. The transmissible factor of this virus is extremely high, even when taking all the precautions. We followed all the advice with personal hygiene, sleeping in separate rooms, not having meals together etc. but I still caught it from her. It is almost like you can pass it on just by looking at someone.
Yes, confusing ! What are we supposed to do? What do we believe? Nothing is straightforward.
It's a matter of Common Sense. Dominic Rabb Has explained the Situation and answered lots of questions which I understood. The Road to Freedom must be taken with Precaution. Common Sense. Stay Safe, That's our Motto. XXX C.
Pity Johnson was not listening!

?. Stay safe like the rest of us. x
Common sense for us perhaps, but around where I live? they cannot even stay at home. The last few days of warm weather has really shown how much they understand social distancing, all bunched up, clamouring around an ice cream van parked up all day at a pedestrian entrance to a local retail park (in my road).
I was going to tick "Like", But Refrained. I also see the different areas of Activity, They Video it and put it all over face Book. This is so annoying and dangerous, without a Thought for anyone else. Selfish & Idiotic Behaviour. Stay Well now, and keep your Brain Active, as you do. Hope you & Sharon are feeling Better now. XXX C.
I really can't help thinking a woman might have been able to manage this a bit better. Sorry chaps.
Like Jacinda Ardern? I cannot argue against that. Not just because I am an expat Kiwi either.
From the 1st June he wants year R children in school.
Year R class = 30 children aged 4/5 (will be 5 by August 31) 1 teacher, 1 teaching assistant. Shared children's toilets.
Among the 30 children, there's a nose picker, a nail biter, a thumb sucker, a few that need reminding to wipe their nose on a tissue, not lick the snot or wipe it on their clothes, the scab picker (not always his own grazed knee, anyone's will do), two that wet them selves and the child that makes themselves sick so Mum will collect them.
They all have to be reminded to flush toilets and wash hands.
They love to hug each other and the teacher/teaching assistant/dinner ladies/their friend's mums.
The classrooms are not big enough for social distancing. The hall is not big enough for social distancing.
They say not many children have died of Covid or any associated illness. Us parents and grandparents say "That's still TOO MANY"
What if children can carry covid and spread it to the school staff? What if children can carry covid and take it home to their families?
I worked in a primary school. I've described a typical class.
Yes they can be disgusting little angels at times, little wonder they are sometimes referred to as germ factories.
I have two daughters in the teaching profession. One who teaches reception is back at work.No social distancing, no PPE. I am worried every time she goes to work!
sorry state of affairs -non committal at the mo - maybe after today there will be more detail and understanding. I think they are back on this herd immunity again. I'm not doing any thing different at the mo. Stay safe every one. We don't want Covid 19. x Anita
More details in his statement to the Commons, about 3.30. Then he’s doing the press briefing. Presume we’ll then have more details.
But this is a test-the-water scenario, to get people slowly back to work & ensure they have jobs to go back to. This furloughing will have to be paid for, by us the taxpayers, & I can imagine the reaction when taxes soar after this is over.
Of course he won’t be giving answers to every individual’s circumstances. Common sense will be required.

In a cycling or swimming scenario you would "test the water" with all the appropriate safety gear to the moment we have a testing regime that is constantly failing and an unproven track and trace app still undergoing trial.more details and less spin and waffle are required for even the safest of exeriments to take place in my opnion?
Last week people were moaning the exit plan was being kept secret. Now the tentative steps have been set out, they’re still not happy. They complain of being “confused” and want answers to unanswerable questions. If you go back to the original statement of 23 March, it was never intended that everyone should just stop work.
I suppose I’m just amazed how unprepared people are to think for themselves. No wonder we get treated like idiots.

People are quite prepared to think for themselves and a lot of them see confusion even amongst the governments own team,you can't deny that given Mr Rabbs performance this morning,You obviously do not have to return to work but others do and they wan't reassurances that they will return to as safe a working environment as it is feasible to make and that the have the transport to get there and also that their children are suitably cared for either in the school place or at home.
Let us reserve judgement until we hear more of the flesh and bones of this ease of lockdown and also how we are able to manage the inevitable escalation in infection rates.
Perhaps we shoud ask the illustrious professor Feurgeson for his advice.,,oops suddenly remembered he's no longer on the team.

Whilst it may not have been advised that people just stop work, you seem to forget that even in industry there are key workers, without them all work stops. Why is there a furlough scheme? It is not quite as simple you say.
I’m going to stop commenting on this topic, I seem to be out of step with everyone else (not for the first time.) I don’t want to annoy people I like.

You must never stop Hanne,you have every right to your opinion and to voice it accordingly.i'll still be your friend. x
Aww that means a lot, what a poppet you are x

Never stop Hun, I can see your on the right wave length. We have to discuss things cos we are Human and this is what we do to keep sane. XXX C.
Don’t despair, most people either missed or were incapable of complying with the first part of the new slogan 'Stay Alert', not slavishly follow any instructions given to you. It's no wonder that the Irish, Scottish and Welsh stuck with 'Stay Home', you can't go wrong with that! Boris whatever his faults, is no coward and went for it whilst the other three coward behind their stay home boards.
The devolved nations have no fiscal responsibilities so can easily take the more populist course. I do think Boris is between a rock & a hard place.
I’m tempted to blame the current “spoon-fed” education system for the inability of people to think for themselves, but that’s another debate entirely!

Spot on
Matt Lucas who has lost 7 people he knows to Covid 19 made this video and is brilliant at the further confusion caused by yesterdays speech
Hi, what a waste of time only a muddying of the water nothing was clarified. I think more people are confused by mixed messages what ARE we supposed to do. the Government seem to be playing by ear so don't we
I am carrying on shielding,the new measures are dangerous! The travel to beauty spots is especially worrying as I live in a place that usually gets 1000s of visitors every year. How do we social distance? How do we stop the virus coming in?Will I ever be able to go out again?....I am totally depressed!
Please don't get depressed one day it will be over. stay indoors when there are visitors to the area.It will pass. Then you will have the place almost as was. There will always be a difference to what we have experienced before but you will be able to outside again but in a different way.Live in hope stay safe & keep well.