Hi all, hope your well and safe. I feel I’m in a grey area at present, eight years ago was severely ill for two years with chest affection after chest infection that Halle be able to get out of bed on my days off, this lasted two years. Finally went to the doctors he sent me to hospital and I was diagnosed with COPD in Which they said if I didn’t do the physio will be on her oxygen intake within a month. Anyhow decided to go and live in India in the hot sun, got onto Iveda herbs got deep into yoga again and gradually over six months appeared to heal my health. I returned to the UK6 months later I was discharged from the COPD clinic, but the consultant said I was in remission and it was likely to return. I’m a nurse that works nights and when rundown I do get a lot of back lung pain, But I’ve only had one chest infection in five years which was last year and the x-ray showed that no further damage has occurred in my lungs. I am a nurse that works in Care Home and I’ve been off on annual leave and haven’t been able to return as my babysitter is in the vulnerable category and won’t have my daughter...However Work is getting desperate with lots of nurses off and want me to return to do nights in a few weeks and take my daughter there to sleep. As the time gets closer I’m getting more nervous about returning and worried for my health, I haven’t received a vulnerable letter and I assume because I’ve only had one chest infection in five years and no care regarding my lungs that I’m not considered vulnerable. I can’t get hold of my doctors to seek advice and was wondering if anyone could kindly share their wisdom with me. My condition has never bothered me but with the coronavirus lurking I’m worried as I know I’m healthy but my lungs are very vulnerable and I feel it every day.
Many thanks x