Hi everyone. It's been too long since I was last here. I've been struggling like mad recently but don't seem to be getting very much help from doctor. After falling of the wagon with smoking a couple of times, I am now completely smoke free and have been for some 4 months now. My problem is that although I know it won't happen overnight, my breathing hasn't improved in the slightest. I can't move from room to room without having to sit down. I work part time now but even this is now causing me problems. My doctor says it's to be expected and I accept that. What I need is a way to cope until it improves. I get taxis everywhere now and this is proving expensive even with the money saved from not smoking. I was turned down for PIP last time I applied. I made the mistake of not appealing but because I wanted to carry on working, I think that went against me. Any ideas or tips would be gratefully received 💜
One big struggle : Hi everyone. It's... - Lung Conditions C...
One big struggle

Hi Susiedee, good to see you again. I just want to say well done for stopping smoking. Good for you.
Do stay in touch. Xxx 😘
It takes lungs a long time to respond to quitting smoking. I wonder if your GP would refer you for Pulmonary Rehab which may well help you to copd more easily. I don't know on what grounds your PIP was turned down but is it wirth looking at a new application if your situation has changed? I hope that you soon start to feel better.
I know I need to be patient. I was offered pulmonary rehab but it's on a day that I work and also quite a long way. It's not on a bus route and I don't drive. That's something I need to negotiate with my work. I'm going to try PIP again.
Sorry that rehab doesn't seem to be an option. Emphasise what you can't do if you reapply for PIP and on your worst days if some are a little eadier. It isn't the illness it's how it affects your life that is considered. The more points scored the better. Sometimes Citizen's Advice will help. Good luck
Tell the pulmonary rehab people about your problems; rehab on wok days,can’t get there. It’s my understanding that if you cannot get there they have to supply transport. Try to chase it up
In Cheshire we had several PR sites operating o different days. I opted for any, and was lucky to get in at my local one on days that suited, but there was a choice.
Alternatively, order the exercise DVD from the British Lung Foundation. It's free, and will help you get back moving a bit more.
Congrats on giving up smoking 👍
As for your doctor telling you to get used to it and just accept it, 🤬 There are doctors out there who tell you it’s all pointless, just give up now. But, there are other doctors who will help you to find a different way forward, and if they can’t find one then they’ll look for a way sideways, but anything to help you progress, anyway. Can you seek a second opinion? Sometimes just getting a different inhaler can make a huge difference to how you feel. What works fantastically for one person doesn’t work at all for the next, or even makes things worse. Some doctors are just totally unsympathetic. If you can see someone else it might be someone that takes an interest and actually cares enough to want to help you. Good luck 🤞
Hi susiedee im sorry to hear of your situation as for pip apply again after all they tell you to let them know if things regarding your illness has changed and it seems like it has and don’t give up if they say no ! Appeal you really must until you get what your entitled to after all it’s such a shame you do want to work but can hardly move around the house, poor you I know how this feels, I would definitely go back to dr ask if there is anything else they can do to help you . Please take care of yourself best wishes 🌷🌷🌹
Hi Susidee well done for stopping smoking. I’m sure it will take awhile for your lungs to show benefit however imagine them cleaning out bit by tiny bit x Anita
Hi Susiedee. So sorry to hear of all your worries at this time. The thing that makes me so angry. Is that a person who has worked and paid your dues, In your hour of need you get no help whatsoever from the benifits system. To help you get back on an even keel. I can only wish you Thoughts and good luck. Hope your G P can help you get some relief,BRIAN
Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply. I really have taken comfort and hope from the responses. I will give the DVD a go. I'm off work this week and apart from a couple of planned trips, I can relax. Respiratory Clinic tomorrow and PIP application Wednesday. Onwards and upwards to a healthy future 💜
Well done Susie for kicking the cigs. It took a long time to shift the gunk off my chest. You will feel better for it in the long run