Thank you all soo much for your replies believe me it helps & I know you are right I will just have to grit my teeth and go for it with luv Sue x
IPF oxygen : Thank you all soo much for... - Lung Conditions C...
IPF oxygen

Good for you Sue, Just wear your Nice Lippy Hun. Hugs XXX C.
Hi 🙋there Looseloafers and I agree with both Hacienda and skischool - we really should start an O2 Club and it is a rule that whenever possible,us girls put on our lippy 💄 👄 , after all we mustn't let standards drop,lol !!
I refuse to wear Lippy or even after shave come to that. x
Oh what a disappointment 😕..
... There was me thinking you were in touch with your feminine side 💅 ???
Ha ha, ...Hubby came home with a Lilac Coloured wig on from Work ,Friday Night, There had been a "Cancer Awareness "Do, big Event at the Pub, Raising lots of Money, not only did he wear the wig through his shift and Serving Drinks to every Lady there, The different colours of "Lippy's" on his Face, says he thoroughly enjoyed the event, as you Would. back Home and smelling of all the Perfumes, I took a photo of him fast asleep on the sofa wearing the Wig, I shared it on FaceBook not here though. xxxx
My Lippy is Waterproof, for the Wine not to smudge It. Ha Ha XXX Hugs Hun.
Oh my,you certainly have a few tricks up your sleeves my dear! I'm quite 😟 concerned about skischool though as he isn't in touch with his feminine side and I'm not too sure if he's able to put on his lippy due to the staring look Scruffy gives him.... 🔪(meant to be a dagger,lol).
Scruff's is not gender fussy,as long as her slave dispenses tuna it can dress as it pleases. x
🐈 🐟 ... ok it's not tuna but it's still got to be good for Scruffy since it's fish! She's a very understanding cat who keeps you same 😂😂😂!