Mucus at back of thought can't sleep - Lung Conditions C...

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Mucus at back of thought can't sleep

120 Replies

I now have mucus back of throat difficult to sleep breathless each time I get up


120 Replies

Hot drink and move around a bit...more blue inhaler if needed

Darceydoo profile image
Darceydoo in reply to

Honey n lemon.

in reply to

Thank you

nottowell profile image
nottowell in reply to

I to suffer with bad mucus in throat making me cough all the time. Been prescribed Flixonase and fostair inhalers help a bit but still get it all the time.I keep Potters mucus lozenges with me and they help a lot

in reply to nottowell

It's not too bad does fostair inhaler help I am on fostair 100/6 2 puffs twice a day

sassy59 profile image

Plenty of fluids and moving around if possible. Pete has mucus in his throat most of the time and I encourage him to drink plenty. Xxxx

Caspiana profile image

Lots of warm drinks. Sometimes steam helps me but not too much. xx 🌿

I realise I clearly had this before diagnosis and mobilised worked had head baby cleaned my house. Studied visited parents sister.

Now having diagnosis I feel I am no longer me.

Having a diagnosis of asthma I put my breathless down to that..went on first holiday abroad in 23 years Rome. Walked everywhere..did dementia walk with grand kids daughter not once breathless.

Now struggling to see that person since diagnosis.

I spent most of last night looking at old post of people who have had a diagnosis and the feelings fears have been the same. So that made me feel a little better. Not much though.

Next I looked for any stories where people where able to continue to working...found very few...broke my heart crying.

I do not want to manage my feelings anxiety depression with anti depressants so that's one decision I have made so far.

Feel so so ungrateful because I need to not continue to feel like this.

Having to go off sick has made me feel defeated. The deputy in the job I am leaving also has copd and asthma and she is still working. Was petrified to ask what stsge as this seems to be the important factor.

57 years of age this was the year I was going to experience life. Travel do my degree. Reduce my work hours for 40 to 31.5. Have my grand daughter on days off so son and daughter on law could have more time to selves. Decorate lounge and one wall of my bedroom.

Join a tai chi class. Zumba class.

Non of these seem possible as I hear progressive disease progressive and I can not move past that if honest.

I want advise on how I can stop..slow this disease down.

So hear I sit ungrateful angry at myself because I smoked and dreading a life of breathlessness and being on Oxygen not being able to work....that is so so important to my mental well being.

So desperate to move to move forward because I can't not carry on like this

I want this to be a nightmare but I know it's my reality.

That is how I feel...scared to move in case I become breathless. Looking at my course work and not being able to start it. Please God help me. I had so much of my blue inhaler yesterday it was unreal. Is that going to be my life until it's time for one truly knows.

There just needed to get this off my chest. Thank you in advance for reading this

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

This condition diagnosis has certainly hit you like a bolt from the blue leaving you in such turmoil you can't sleep function eat and your left reeling with it .

Its easy to let things grind you down and easily so as desperation takes over leaving you with all types of mixed emotions on a daily basis.

It's all new to you and you need to take one day at a time small steps before jumping head long into years down the line.

I was diagnosed stage 3 copd two years ago I was well aware for years I had it but choose to ignore it .

Since my diagnosis I have become a self employed dog walker I can walk up to 12kms a day I exercise I have my grandaughter regularly I go on holiday I go on date nights with my hubby .

So there is light at the end of a tunnel you just need to find yours and start with a day at a time.

Plenty of people work live survive for years without any oxygen . Don't be despondent it will unravel itself in the wash and you will find a way of accepting your health and condition you need to care of you walk a little eat a good diet build yourself up slowly and you will find you will be pushing yourself and wanting more . Don't let it take control of you get control of it ...I'm going to shut up now I'm not preaching at you in any way but fully understand where you are right now


in reply to Blackbird6

I do not feel lectured at all I am grateful for your response...hopefully when I actually get to grips with my condition I hope to revisit all the support comments made as I am sure they will all make sense.

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

They will in time and you will realise it's not as bad as you think at the moment take care of you ps I do zumba and tai chi also 😂

in reply to Blackbird6

I know I do not have a crystal ball's my future I am worried about. Do you find tai chi helps

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

Absolutely there is a few on you tube worth a browse very gentle stretching ones worth a look lol x

in reply to Blackbird6

Ok thank you....just which I could get breathing and mental state under control

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

It helps with that also pursed lip breathing technique will help you calm down if you feel your building up any angst . Sniff the roses blow out the candle find that on you tube I use it a lot when walking and exercising try and enjoy your weekend do you have family support around you xx

in reply to Blackbird6

My children but donr want to bother husband but he does not understand my fear no not really ....he thinks I will be does not understand why I am not helping myself

Eldest daughter understand but donr want to bother her

So feel alone

in reply to Blackbird6

My friend recommended breathing device but don't know

Sat in bedroom all day since respiritory nurse visit

Want to go to daughters tomorrow but scared to go out in the cold and I drive

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

First port of call YouTube have a chat with your friend and your children explain your fears to them all . It's a long road ahead but chip away slowly and in your time but dont lock yourself away . Xxx

in reply to Blackbird6

Feel I have done this to myself have no right to be moaning to my kids ....the eldest knows the news had rocked my world she just keeps say well you know what you need to do now mom ....actually I don't...I am so sorry to keep nothing you

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

We all have to a degree I smoked for years so self blame at this point in time is natural. This time in 3 months when you have worked through how to deal with it you will feel better with yourself. Write a list make goals so by the end of next week you are being more positive about things ... you will get through this in your own mind either way xxx

in reply to Blackbird6

My goal is to get breathing under some control...get back to work next week Thursday start research for my assignment and do the baking for my grand daughter and daughters birthday gathering next Saturday oh and have a good night's sleep.

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

Making goals already thats positive ...What assignment are you doing for your work ??

So when you cook and do your assignment focus on making more goals... try the breathing technique when your trying to sleep x

in reply to Blackbird6

Hi no started open university psychology and counselling degree...what breathing technique

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

counselling degree is fantastic .

Sniff the roses then blow out the candle pursed lip breathing technique.

Breath in for 4 seconds through your nose hold and blow out through your mouth nice and slow .

If you have another student that you know on the counselling course could you chat to them just a thought x

in reply to Blackbird6

No becsuse its distant learning. I Trying the smell the roses now..Thank you

Hopefully we progress very very slowly

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

Try it a few times a day you will soon get used to it and there's examples of it on you tube you can practise along with people demonstrating it for you might be easier than me describing it to you lol xx

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

They gave me 1 mg of Lorazapam for breathing/panic attacks and my physio told me to look at a square and hold my breath on the shortest part and take short pant breaths on the longest sides of square worth a try it helps me sometimes also put me on 5 ml of liquid oramorph for when my breathing is bad but my hubby hates me taking it xx

in reply to Angelsstar

Hi my mucus not that bad...does the square thing work...I think I an fearful of my future really am oramorph why oramorph

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

Oramorph is to settle down your breathing Consultant says they give it on chest wards. Also square excercise works if you haven’t got your self into a deep panic works for me if I catch it at the beginning xx

in reply to Angelsstar

Ok thank you...when was you diagnosed

in reply to Angelsstar

I do panic breath I know have you tried potters lozenges

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

No but will definitely get some to try anything is worth it x

in reply to Angelsstar

It helps to shift mucus apparently mine just arrived today so trying one..

Pjmf profile image
Pjmf in reply to

So do I. Tai chi is great. AndI do zumba and walk a lot. It all helps, but the shock of first diagnosis is awful. You will find a way to do what you want in life still. Good luck.

in reply to Pjmf

Thank you just seen this

in reply to Blackbird6

Hi can I ask have stayed at stage 3 or has it progressed ...I understand if you don't answer

Any suggestions as to what I ask consultant on the 25th have a few questions but not sure what I should be asking...given a few ideas on here just want to be armed with a list

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

I was diagnosed stage 3 with a lung function of 46 % . I stopped smoking day of diagnosis and my last spirometer check my percentage had increased to 68 % ...So very much still stage 3 it will progress as we get older I'm 60 .

You need to eat a decent diet get yourself referred to a pulmonary rehab class which is really beneficial exercise within your limits stop and rest if you need to .

As for consultants I have never saw one but write a list of question you feel the need to ask and if you get answers it's part of the puzzle sorted for you .

Main thing is don't let it eat you up inside go for walks occupy your mind and just focus on the positive xx

in reply to Blackbird6

Hi thank you... I gave up smoking 1st December....I was in hospital 1st December unable to breath was so frightened it was accute so scared of that unable to breath situation...thought I was going to die so was poorly until around 25th Christmas..thought that's it need to look after myself and get this just feel

Great your lung function increased

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

But that's you over step one knowing you have to look after yourself and you will in the long run once you have put things in order with your inner self you will make conscious decisions to benefit from them ...

What area will you practise in whrn your degree is final have you thoughts on it as yet x

in reply to Blackbird6

Not thought I have always want to do the degree told kids at 57 it was to late for me but they encouraged me...I am a learning disabilites nurse love love that field...currently working 2 days a week elderly dementia care the residents but service to big and there is not the time to spend with them...that's what I like going back to my field ...doing degree as I love to understand people...hoping to do some ..was do some voluntary work when qualified

See these are my hopes and dreams

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

And well done you for taking that challenge . I think you have said your field to practise in without thinking . You could easily counsell families of dementia sufferers your knowledgeable in that field already with the condition and you develop learning curves with the family of the clients your looking after now .

Xxx and there is no reason not to fulfil your hopes and dreams is there?

in reply to Blackbird6

Only just stated but could be ...and a long term goal...Thank you so much for communicating with me

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

Your more than welcome anytime lovley lady have a glass of wine later 😍😍

in reply to Blackbird6

Thank you so much...I so so appreciate if ...I rather speak to someone who actually did you feel when first diagnosed...

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

I knew I had it for a few years prior to booking my lung function tests .

I was feeling chesty and smoking wasn't helping so I booked an appointment off my own back and the rest really is history . Knowing I had it made it easier that when I was told I suppose I had already been in denial for some time so it enabled me to focus from that day stopping smoking getting myself sorted wasn't as hard as I thought it could be it's self awareness and realisation that what good you do you will benefit from in the long run ...and your very welcome x

in reply to Blackbird6

How proactive I wish I could be as strong as you I am just a gibbering reck have spent good part of you Saturday talking me down.

I just wish I could talk and breath eat and breath....I know I am stressed and anxious...I don't even know when I need my rescue pack...what professional support did you get after diagnoses

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

You will get through the worst and your strong enough to fight your way back out of the way your feeling right now.

The education will develop in time with pulmonary rehabilitation as well as exercise your educated in your meds your breathing your needs and wants and how you benefit from things .

Take any support you can see a GP and if you feel you need counselling sessions take them we both know it's sounding off mechanism and they are around to listen .

If having a rant on here helps do it there's always somone to help or ring the BLF support network...

Just don't go back on the ceiling now lol xx

in reply to Blackbird6

I hope I am thank you so so much...I hope I am going to be able to breath soon when I am walking....I know it affects your breathing but get scared flash back...respiritory nurse good bless her has organised PR for me after Dr saying no so that's something

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

Your so welcome and things will come right . Always ask for help when you need it somone will help you out x

in reply to Blackbird6

Thank you

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

Your really welcome there is a few support groups on facebook if you choose to go that route they are all private once a member just type in copd support on its search bar and join enjoy your weekend

in reply to Blackbird6

Oh thank you and you will look now....I don't think you will ever know what you did today xxx

Blackbird6 profile image
Blackbird6 in reply to

Nothing that you didn't already know. You just had to get a perspective on it and to keep going with the flow now enjoy your day today go see your daughter and have a gossip with her 😊

in reply to Blackbird6

Blackbird, the support you’ve given Emily today epitomises what’s so great about this forum. Thank you for being there for her. I don’t have copd so can’t help with the sort of advice you’ve been able to give.

Emily, when first diagnosed with bronchiectasis (already had severe asthma) I was really ill at the time. I went home & made a will. But I’m still here 25yrs later. I’m having a difficult time just now, but for most of that 25yrs I’ve been stable, worked until age 60 & had a full life. What made this possible was getting on the right drug & treatment regime. I went from really ill at diagnosis to really quite well in just a couple of months! You’re not on the right regime yet. The consultant will decide the best way forward for you, and it might be that your medication needs tweaking along the way, but once you’re on the right regime for you I’m sure you’ll improve a lot.

Reading your posts, I feel the most important thing at the moment is to tackle your anxiety. Stress is terribly bad for asthmatics, or indeed any breathing difficulty. I know I can go from ok to incredibly wheezy & breathless in minutes, if I’m really wound up. On Monday you could phone the BLF helpline, and/or the Asthma UK one. I’m sure they can help talk you down from this panicky state you’re in. Things WILL get better, they really will. Just take one day at a time for now 👍 You’ll get there x

in reply to

Hello and so right blackbird has spent most of Saturday with me..and that has been unbelievable. And I know my anxiety is not helping nor is my lack of sleep...I am trying and honestly blackbird has made a major difference to my stress you know up until joining asthma UK and this forum I never knew there was varying types of asthma

The fear of the unknown the fear of another hospital admission

But one positive had I not had this diagnosis of COPD on top of asthma I would not have encountered such strong compassionate people

Thank you again and I will phone asthma UK and BLS Monday

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Blackbird6

How wonderful you’ve been with your support Blackbird and I agree with Hanne62, it’s people like you that help make this forum the great place it truly is.

Hang on in there Emily, you will be ok and we’re here for you. Xxxx 😘

in reply to sassy59

Thank you and I will

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to Blackbird6

That’s is such an encouraging post for our new friend.

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to Blackbird6

Well done hun x

christina1947 profile image
christina1947 in reply to

Hi Emily can I just tell you my coping mechanism I tell myself look you are lucky you don’t have lung cancer so you can manage this condition and do everything in life you planned it’s a challenge but you can do it . Take care xxx

in reply to christina1947

Thank you....I am still just scared

in reply to christina1947

Hi Christine I hear what you say i just need time to process this don't understand the condition...I may have some calm once I see consultant on the 25th...I don't want this to limit me and what I I can walk up and down the stairs and breath...

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

Aww know exactly how you feel soooo depressing can’t arrange anything not even to do simple jobs around the house. It’s an awful desease I did same smoked for years and now paying the price but we have to carry on someone out there a lot worse off love and big hugs hope your clouds soon lift Jo xx

in reply to Angelsstar

Hi When was you diagnosed I still work but so worried won't be to continue to work

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

Diagnosed 5 years ago also same year collapsed while walking the dog 🐶 an ambulance was called and they diagnosed Addisons Desease. Then a brain tumour wasn’t a good good year at all so work was stopped. Xx

in reply to Angelsstar

Oh my dear you are amazing what is Addison disease

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

No not amazing I was completely terrified until I digested it all Addisons is when your Adrenal Glands which sits on top of each kidney stop working. They make steriods among other things your body needs to keep you alive. Mine failed because of all the steroids I had been given Tablets for chest injections and injections for my back knees and other body parts. I had a very bad car crash in early 90s. That was the start of it all. X

in reply to Angelsstar

Oh my goodness for you to take the time to comfort me are amazing do have you got asthma copd as well as this

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

No Emily it’s not Ashma just COPD and to Chat to someone always helps we don’t always have the energy level to do it but it does help we lose a lot with this illness friends can go out when they want to but our lives change. I even dread early morning appointments. Think the holidays have ended we went to Cape Verde xmas 2017/18 and I ended up in hospital for 5 days with sickness and diarrhoea if I get anything like that I have to have a 100ml injection which I carry but if that doesn’t stay in me it’s hospital and that was a hell of an experience that I wouldn’t Lille to go through again and I know my husband definitely will not chance again it happened 3 yrs ago in Cuba also so it’s a definite no from now on xx

in reply to Angelsstar

You have a lot to contend with and it does help...have just phone community respiratory nurse awaiting call back as can't be living on fostair spiriva and still need to be reliant on blue inhaler Addisondisease a form of COPD or as a result of

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

No neither is completely seperate but can be born with or as a result of being given steroids either in tablet or injections which is what happened to me was a complete shock and nightmare x

in reply to Angelsstar

Wow I still find you Amazing really I do I feel honestly so humble

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

Honestly I feel so lucky 🍀 to have a good hospital round the corner and a good family there are people who have to cope with so much worse have just learned to give in if I can’t do a job I leave it for a better day . Take care hun smile you WILL get there this site is so good 😊 xx

in reply to Angelsstar

God bless you xxx

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

You too Emily will remember you in my prayers tonight hun xx

in reply to Angelsstar

I will pray for you also ...God is good he has introduced me to some amazing people

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

😇😇😇have a peaceful restful night Emily nite God Bless lovely lady xxx😇😇😇

in reply to Angelsstar

Good night God bless

2greys profile image

Hi Emily, believe it or not I went through a period just like you when first diagnosed. Maybe even worse, because I actually had suicidal thoughts, stupid I know. I can tell you with certainty that coping with it does get easier and better, at the moment you sound like you are in bereavement for the old you. It really is not the end of the world no matter what you may think now. You really will get used to getting breathless, even the young, fit and healthy get out of breath, it is just we get puffed out quicker that is all. You will recover your breath, there is nothing to be frightened of, in fact, exercising to get out of breath is really good for you.

The reason that you can only find a few of us still working is probably down to age, the vast majority of members here are retired. I have been self-employed for 33 years, it is up to me just when I retire, which is not in the foreseeable future. I will not say it is easy for me as my body is a medical wreck but I do still manage.

Give yourself time to adjust, time for your inhalers to build up to their most beneficial. Your Ventolin, try to keep it's use to the prescribed 2 puffs 4 times a day, using more will start to make your heart race and probably the increased pulse rate will also affect your anxiety level too. You just have a lot to learn on how to manage your condition.

in reply to 2greys

Thank you and I can honestly say if it was not for here I had very stupid thoughts running through my head

Thank you

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to 2greys

Another great post for Emily61. Very good advice.

knitter profile image

As Ski says , my diagnosis felt like a kind of bereavement for the life I had planned. At first I was in denial, then angry, then very depressed .

But I managed to get my degree through the OU......they are excellent for dealing with people who may have health challenges.

I do gentle yoga, have joined an art class....three of us have COPD/ asthma..., the WI....again a few with the same cough, a church group ( also coughers) . I used to go to a rehab gym class and Breathe Easy group.

I just learned to adapt.

I do still mourn sometimes for the life I had planned, but I think I have gained more insight and compassion in some ways, and less guilt about doing nothing sometimes, just cloud watching!

I also learned which medications suit me and which don't ...trial and error.

That is very important.....learn to read your body and its needs.

And a huge help to me has been Mindfulness and Meditation. Have a look at online Future learn courses from the OU . I have just finished a three week one called Intergrating Care: Depression, Anxiety and Physical Illness.

Learning to breathe in a relaxed, comfortable way....nose not mouth breathing to warm and filter the air. Relaxed GENTLE belly breathing with relaxed upper chest muscles and relaxed diaphragm area. Low GENTLE breaths....low and slow.

I noticed you said you were using a lot of your blue inhaler, if you are getting increasingly breathless, contact your health professional and see if your preventer needs adjusting.

Sending best wishes....

in reply to knitter

Hi community respiratory nurse came out to see me, as breathing not to great. Totally fell apart was totally honest with how I was feeling...she advised me to read leaflets which not got around to...but I am going to try doing...told her that I have felt unsupported apart from here....I explained I don't know what type of COPD I results still mean nothing to me...she was lovely and said she would go back to the office and try and find my results...and phone me...

She has since phone said prior to inhaler spirometry test results 66% after inhaler her that meant nothing to me..she said she would get respiratory nurse who is calling tomorrow to go through it with me...

I will I am sure take a lot of what is said for example how do i find a breath easy class.

She respiratory nurse is going to refer me to pulmonary rehabilitation class. Feel at least I am getting some practical support from health care professional.

Please bare with me as it is early days and had horrid set back yesterday

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

Hi again Emily was just reading your post are you under Pennine LUNG TEAM by any chance ? Glad you got to talk to your response nurse because it is frightening I had 2 really bad bouts this eve. Been on my nebuliser twice with ventolin. I still get panicky it’s so hard not too I have now turned down oxygen twice I see my constant on the 20/2 only a couple of weeks and I have decided that if it’s brought up again which it will be as he put some results of latest lung function test said that he would like me to see oxygen team also. I had a chest MRI scan so he will have those results also but I am now at the point of giving in.. I was in hosp for day last wed for facet joints injections in back of my neck and have had an operation there 10 years ago and it’s giving me a lot of pain so they take me in theatre and do them every 9 mths or so but my lung is killing on left side so feeling bad At moment I will put a sputum specimen in at my G P surgery tmorrow if no better just to be sure it’s not infection . Sorry for late night moan everybody going to cuddle my little dog 🐶 and then hop into bed

Nite god bless you all here is to a good nights sleep 💤 sleep 🛏


in reply to Angelsstar

Hi no I am based in Birmingham under sandwell hospital first visit 25th not really sure who team you doing now. You are going through a lot so you are definitely not moan..not gone through as much as you yet I am moaning

I hope you sleep well good night God bless

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

No your not moaning just trying to get used to an illness that you need to be in control of and it will happen it’s a lot to take in and understand love Stay strong and positive this lovely site helpssuch a lot the people make it x

in reply to Angelsstar

How are you today

in reply to Angelsstar

Only test I have so far x-ray on admission December bloods outcome of those I don't know and spirometer test very hard very hard

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

Hope you have had a good night and day and things have been a bit easier. It’s so confusing all these numbers and terms I write things down now to ask consultant as I forget when I get there. Just had a really lazy day today. Stayed in as it is wet and damp here not ideal to treck around in . Have a peaceful evening hun big hugs 🤗 xx

in reply to Angelsstar

Thank you so much and cooked dinner went to see my parents and sister resting going to wash up then have some rest 😘 thank you again

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

Glad to hear you been to see parents and sister will do you good Emily. Am definitely not as bad as last night pain in left lung was awful but haven’t done a lot today I rested all day Hubby done some shopping for me and did tea . Didn’t put specimen in will give it a couple of days I have coughed that much. Am sure that’s where my lung pain is happening. Hope you are doing better. Do your ? List and ask away don’t be worried hope you get a good peaceful sleep 💤 tonight in my prayersxx

in reply to Angelsstar

Glad you feel a little better you haven't got infection have you? Please take care good night God bless

in reply to Angelsstar

I am going to do my list of questions started but need to complete

in reply to Angelsstar

How are your lungs today

One thing to remember — if nobody has mentioned it yet — is that this is a support group. Usually people who post in support groups aren’t at their best or are having problems, and if someone’s doing great they’re unlikely to post. When I’m well I sometimes forget I even have this app!

in reply to

Thank you

Yatzy profile image

You’ve had some perfect advice this morning, Emily, from valued members of this forum. I do hope they help you to adjust your thinking.

Meditation can be very useful to calm your pills needed. Lots on YouTube.....and you don’t need to be ill to join in!

in reply to Yatzy

Thank you I still feel the same but crying is helping

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

I’m so glad blackbird has been able to help you today, Emily. You’re on the right path now, I’m sure.

Good luck with your OU work. I did a degree with them some years ago. It was hard work but very very interesting.

Speak soon 🌸

I am sure once I stop feeling sorry for myself I will be able to process this information

Sandyeggo profile image

Oh my so you’re waking up feeling like you’re choking on mucus then you get breathless from that struggle or you wake up breathless then choking on mucus? I use to suffer from that most often and I’d have the heater at my feet and the AC blowing in my face that felt like the only way I could breath. You really better ask the doctor good luck hope you get better soon

in reply to Sandyeggo

Thank you

Ergendl profile image

Try singing. It helps you learn to control your breathing and when you sing your body releases natural feel-good chemicals called endorphins. The British Lung Foundation website lists singing for lung health groups all around the country. The group I run uses singing for exercise and fun and doesn't bother about whether members can sing well or not - we're an exercise class, not a choir.

in reply to Ergendl

Thank you can't find anything but will look again tomorrow thank you

Whitechinchilla profile image

Hi again Emily61. I am staggered at how many responses you are getting. It is indicative of the support we all want to give you and you have been given some solid and inspiring advice.

Remember to do your breathing exercises because they really help and they move your attention in a different direction.

I can’t add anything more of use but I am thinking of you and wishing you well because you are going to get through this.

You are still in shock and this is just a temporary rock in the road.

And if you can’t climb over a rock you can always go around it😊

Sincere good wishes.

That looks promising but thought it couldn't be established see I have no understanding of my disease

les4560 profile image
les4560 in reply to

hi Emily61-im in the same boat don't understand any of this, I have had all the test done in October at my pulmonlolagist and everything was ok-went to my doctor I see in my own town and told her I was really stressing over the blood oxygen levels dropping so she had a ct scan done with this red dye stuff and said it showed just a stace of emphysema but everyone says you can not be mild if you have blood oxygen drops you have to be in a bad stage so here I am a basket case cant even sleep and cant see my pulomolagist until march 5th so I am also like you don't know what to do! hope you do well soon!

in reply to les4560

Hi this is so the best place to be the BLS nurses are fantastic have you got their number...only today I spoke to one of them as I was getting very anxious ...March is a while away phone and see if there are cancellation...

And who is everyone...I don't know about bloods ....had bloods whilst in hospital from arm don't know outcome of that please phone as if not for her asthma UK BLS Nurse I don't know where I would be...don't get me wrong scared still but ask phone

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les4560 in reply to

thank you Emily61-im from the US and there information is VERY scary so I say away from googling anything on there! I stay here cause I read such positive stuff and right now I need this! thank you for responding!

in reply to les4560

Absolutely no thanks required and yes stay away from Google I did that on more than one occasion and was absolutely fell apart...this site is beyond brilliant I was told over the phone by my doctor I have asthma which I knew and COPD...that was it googled and all I saw was a death sentence....that was days ago ...I know how you feel ...please keep posting. I am a newbie but there are some experienced people here who are so so full of compassion

O2Trees profile image

Hi Emily - has anyone mentioned reflux to you? Silent reflux (where you dont tend to have heartburn but stomach liquids get into your airways) can cause a lot of mucus in the throat. It can cause asthma like symptoms but with the difficulty being with breathing IN, not breathing out as in asthma. Lots with copd, including myself, have this. Might be worth discussing possibility with your GP/consultant.

Do hope you are a little calmer now and have been able to take in the wonderful advice and support you've had. This awful time will pass. Good luck :)

in reply to O2Trees

Yes I am a lot calmer and when I have rubbish day moment hours I come here still scared but thank you will ask about mucus 25th thank you so much

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O2Trees in reply to

By the way, just to let you know, I was diagnosed around the same stage as you are now. That was 18 years ago and Im still going strong at 73. And there are many more like me :)

in reply to O2Trees

Thank you I don't know what any of it means but that's promising to read

les4560 profile image

hi there Im new on here not sure how everything works did you get to read my post?

in reply to les4560

Hi just let please know who you are and what support you need and keep posting...


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les4560 in reply to

just need help trying to figure things out about a trace of emphyasema showing up ona ct scan and not kowing what that means

in reply to les4560

Can your Dr not explain what professionals are supporting you at present ....please keep posting because I have not been on here that long but there are loads of people on here who can offer great advise

les4560 profile image

thank you I will take advise from any one!

Keep posting

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