I had a chest x-ray a number of years ago and was told I had bronchiectasis. I am a COPD sufferer. My doctor has never mentioned it since or medicated me for it. I was unaware that I had it until I went for a pre-op assessment the other week when the nurse said I would stll have it. Should I be concerned enough to see my doctor to discuss this?
Confused!: I had a chest x-ray a number... - Lung Conditions C...

Afternoon I would ask dr as you would like to know for sure with a ct scan and spirometry test then you would know how fair it’s got but if it doesn’t affect you at all then I would not worry I hope helps in some way
Stay safe
Hello Leanne, first of all nobody should tell you that you have bronchiectasis from an xray. It can only be diagnosed by ct scan with a bronchiectasis expert reading it. Because you have copd I would guess that they would be taking the same precautions for an op as they would if you have bronch. If you are concerned enough to want a proper diagnosis to rule it in or out I would suggest talking to your doctor. It may delay your op but give you more peace of mind.

I'm sorry, I did have a ct scan to have a look at my lungs and then told I had it. Sorry to mislead you.
That's no problem. As they know from your notes they should take all of the correct precautions. Goid luck with the op.

Hi littlepom, what precautions should they be taking when having an op if you have bronch? I am asking because I am due to have an rotator cuff op in September, I did mention this in my pre op but the nurse didnt comment.
I’m not an anaesthetist so can’t say exactly and neither could the nurse. The surgeon and anaesthetist should see the notes and your medical history and decide on the best way to go with the anaesthetic. When you are admitted to the hospital they should come to talk to you. If you are worried about it, which is normal, make sure that you talk to someone. Either a chat with your GP or insist on seeing the surgeon and anaesthetist when you are admitted if it seems that they will not be talking to you. I am pretty sure that they will come to talk to you though.

Thank you for the reply, I will ask on the day.
Hi, I would suggest you get an early meeting with your GP or practice nurse to see what medication you can have. You should be on some type of inhaler and maybe something more. Lungs are valuable things that don't mend easily if at all don't delay.