A Couple of Tips...: ....on this Sunday... - Lung Conditions C...

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A Couple of Tips...

Dmactds profile image
24 Replies

....on this Sunday morn....

I've been indulging in a kind of 'self' experiment trying to understand why oxygen (which I don't use much of) makes me feel sluggish and outright BAD when I try to use it anything like according to doc's instructions.

As mentioned, I don't use it much especially when I'm just sitting around streaming movies and otherwise being sedentary; when I do, after a few days, I begin feeling very sluggish, tired, my 'ennui' bubbles over and my breathing becomes worse and worse. However, when I stop using it except when I'm out running errands and otherwise moving around and practicing PLB and/or diaphragmatic breathing I start bouncing back and my breathing, while still that of an 'emphysemiac' is not nearly so pronounced.

After doing a bit of research, I found the explanation: Hypercapnia is condition resulting from the accumulation of too much carbon dioxide in the blood system:



"....Many people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have a low partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. Treatment with supplemental oxygen may improve their well-being; alternatively, in some this can lead to the adverse effect of elevating the carbon dioxide content in the blood (hypercapnia) to levels that may become toxic..."


"...In individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who receive supplemental oxygen, carbon dioxide accumulation may occur through three main mechanisms:[5]

Ventilation/perfusion matching: under-ventilated lung usually has a low oxygen content which leads to localised vasoconstriction limiting blood flow to that lung tissue. Supplemental oxygen abolishes this constriction, leading to poor ventilation/perfusion matching. This redistribution of blood to areas of the lung with poor ventilation reduces the amount of carbon dioxide eliminated from the system.

The Haldane effect: most carbon dioxide is carried by the blood as bicarbonate, and deoxygenated hemoglobin promotes the production of bicarbonate. Increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood by administering supplemental oxygen reduces the amount of deoxygenated hemoglobin, and thus reduces the capacity of blood to carry carbon dioxide.

Respiratory homeostasis: in healthy individuals, a rise in carbon dioxide causes an increase in the drive to breathe. However, in some patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, this response has been blunted, leaving low oxygen levels as the main stimulus of respiration (hypoxic drive). Hence, giving supplemental oxygen reduces their stimulus to breathe, causing respiration to slow (hypoventilation), and allowing carbon dioxide to accumulate in the body..."

So..., there you have it; everytime, without fail, whenever I try to adhere to docs' instructions to use oxygen 24/7 on settings of 2 or 3 or even 4, depending on my exertion level, I begin manifesting the effects of hypercapnia; and when I stop using it in the main, I begin feeling better and breathing easier.


In a completely different direction, some medications and even the aging process itself brings on bouts of constipation and I have suffered this most 'damning' malady more times than I care to recount until a couple of weeks ago, when I was totally fed up and again did an exhaustive search on the net for natural solutions and discovered....., OLIVE OIL !!!

A good slurp first thing in the morning before eating anything and perhaps a couple more during the day, clears the whole thing up and you'll find yourself "slipping and sliding" your way to intestinal comfort straightaway.


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Dmactds profile image
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24 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Great info Dmactds and thank you for that. The internet can be a great source of information used wisely. Xxxxx

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to sassy59

You're quite welcome, Sassy; here's some more supporting info on the matter:

Supplemental Oxygen-Induced Hypercapnia







knitter profile image

I can never get my head around the Haldane Effect and the Bohr Effect.

I was trying to find out why I can be breathless, but still have a reasonable oxygen reading.

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to knitter

Here's a 'Search' results page with info on each, it does take me carefully reading through the initial explanation and going "HUH??" a couple of times to 'get it'....


Yellowrose79 profile image

Dmactds, thanks for the info. I have the same issues as u. I use the co2 while sleeping and exercising only. I don't use it for running errands or walking-just do the plb and I'm fine. At times I believe that many doctors use the cya principle. Thank goodness for the internet. I live in the States.

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to Yellowrose79

Yes, I'm in the States also and I agree about the CYA principle..., but then that's true of so many areas of life..., now ain't it??

Yellowrose79 profile image

Yes it is, unfortunately. Where do u live?

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to Yellowrose79

I'm in JoJah..., little town just north of ATL.....; you in Texas??

Yellowrose79 profile image

No, I'm in South Florida.

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to Yellowrose79


I thought sure with a handle like "YellowRose" ...., how can you sing, "Oh, the Yellow Rose of South Florida..."; just don't sound right....

Yellowrose79 profile image


Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to Yellowrose79

Nice to meet'cha....; I've got some chores to attend to; see you again??

Yellowrose79 profile image

Of course. 🤗

Sandyeggo profile image

Wow thanks for the info, somebody did their homework👍 now I’ve a better understanding of why my PCP said No to oxygen

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to Sandyeggo


Because you're one of the very few folks who's PCP did NOT prescribe oxygen, I was wondering if you could fill us in a big on more of your condition and mebbe some figures from your tests and anything your doc might've said in NOT putting you on oxygen.

It might give some of us a better understanding.

Sandyeggo profile image
Sandyeggo in reply to Dmactds

Dmactds, sure, here’s me: I’m 52 y/o female. I was an athlete as a young person, stroked at 25 and first open heart surgery(mitral valve replace), so stroke left me hemiplegic.Aproximately every 10 years after that the valve gives out and has needed replacement. Last time 2012 there were complications due to all the scar tissue an I was on life support for week following surgery. From their best explanation it was b/cuz my lungs weren’t doing their job. I awoke to lots of new diagnosises : COPD, emphysema an a bunch of others chronic this or that. Luckily before that operation I had decided to completely cease the smoking. Last check my PLF tests showed I could get my air in just couldn’t get the exhale out enough to hit the needed numbers so that guy said I failed. That’s when I really wanted the oxygen and my doc said no, she was sure I could work on getting better w/out it. I did accupuncture cupping on my back 3x’s a week as I could tolerate, Did homemade breathing treatments w/balsam oil in boiling water standing over stove breathing the steam, many other types of accupuncture, nasty herb teas, finally got quite a bit better. Usually get pneumonia once a year and go to hospital for 3 days. I’m VERY sensitive to smells. I do a lot of weight bearing exercise and drink a lot of greens, physical therapy for more things than I can list, accupuncture every other week and take very little prescription meds. My doc told me the side effects of oxygen would outweigh the benefits for ME, that’s just me... I stroked from a blood clot on my heart hitting right side of my brain. I’m very fortunate my brain still works good enough to get through the rest of this life. Although the state in which I live deems me as a permanently disabled person. The word disability means one who has a hardship that prevents them from living a full life. I do not have that problem. I cannot use much on the left side of my body though I do walk w/out device or assist. Much thanks to my muscles memory. Hope you have a wonderful day🤙

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to Sandyeggo


Which all goes to demonstrate once again, no matter how hard you think you have it in this life, there's always somebody somewhere that has it more than a bit harder.

Many kudos on your perseverance and accomplishments; you certainly have my admiration.

Thanks for letting us all in on your situation and it DOES shed some light on the idea that not all pulmonary problems require oxygen and, in fact, it can be deleterious in certain situations. I wonder how many of us would fair better if we reexamined our own situations.....

Again...., a big THANKS!!!

Sandyeggo profile image
Sandyeggo in reply to Dmactds

Honestly my doctor told me of how the oxygen breaks down healthy tissue and that I should save the resource for much later down the line( EVERY one of my father’s immediate family members has died of lung cancer EVERY SINGLE ONE!) My favorite uncle that left this world in 2014 had NOT smoked in 32 years and still got lung cancer! Which I do apologize for those of us who have busted our butts(in more ways than one) to quit smoking, it’s not a very encouraging thing to hear tho on the upside we stopped doing damage when we stopped smoking. I imagine most people on this site have some history of smoking-most-would I be correct in that assumption?

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to Sandyeggo

Yes..., in my case at least, I smoked for a bit over 50 years and no sign of cancer at this point in my 75 years. On the other hand, Sandyeggo, there're many folks as well who've never touched the evil weed who develop cancer. It seems at least sometimes to be, "In the luck of the draw"....

Billiejean_2 profile image

Very helpful information for top and bottom. :)

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to Billiejean_2

Glad you found it useful....

noraskye profile image

I think that's why I'm on the BIPAP to get rid of the side effects of oxygen.

I was told to use the oxygen 15/24 by the oxygen nurse but me being me opted to use it 12/24 leaving me the option of when I'm feeling off and really need it I can take the oxygen for another 3hrs. The medics say I'm doing ok on that regime. I have Bronchiectasis.

Dmactds profile image
Dmactds in reply to noraskye


Just so I'm sure I understand, are you on oxygen 12 out of 24 hours a day 7 days a week and then on BIPAP the rest of the time??

noraskye profile image

I am on oxygen total of 12/24 BUT 8hrs of that is oxygen piped through my Bipap. I generally have just oxygen two hrs before and two hrs after being on Bipap overnight. Hope this helps.

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