Do you get Asthma or Chest Congestion Symtoms after you eat? Just curious if anyone else is having the same issue and trying to narrow it down on what's causing it. Any input will help.
Do you get Asthma or Chest Congestion... - Lung Conditions C...
Do you get Asthma or Chest Congestion Symtoms after you eat?

Yes I definitely do really struggle after eating we are supposed to eat little and often. That’s a laugh trying to eat a Sunday dinner little and often
Do you suffer with acid reflux?
Not sure because it doesn't burn if I do have acid reflux. Does all acid reflux burn?
Yes I do get very breathless after eating, I have to eat low fat food small amounts and slowly and drink warm water after slowly, not cold.
GERD which is a type of reflux commonly causes that, so you should go see your doctor. You can have reflux without having the acid burning feeling, or even indigestion. Typically I get breathless, tight chested and have horrendous upper back pain. Also makes you tired.
Remedies can help, you can buy Nexium from the pharmacy but take it 1 hour before eating for it to work and Gaviscon advanced after meals and before bed.
GP can arrange for a PH test and perhaps endoscopy to have a look in your stomach see what's going on, then treat you appropriately for it. Don't just leave it as it typically can get worse if left untreated.
You need to eat smaller portions, slowly and not drink at the same time..If you get bloated etc it will press on your diaphragm..
I had been wondering about that too as seem to cough every time I eat or laugh.
If I eat too many sugary foods or soft drinks, I can start to wheeze. I also found out that ginger does the same thing. Keep an eye on what happens and you will eventually work it out. Best Wishes!
Yes my doctor gave me pepcid for my GERD. He said it would help with my mucus after eating since it turns off the hystamine pumps.