Hello there has anyone here been diagnosed with Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema ?
CPFE: Hello there has anyone here been... - Lung Conditions C...

It's possible more common to some degree,than people realise, considering the risk factors.
Even though the cause of pulmonary fibrosis is still being investigated, the following are considered to be risk factors for disease development:
Viral Infections.
Exposure to dust / fumes and smoking.
Age /gender (diagnosis is more common in men and older people).
Acid reflux from the stomach into the lungs.
I have emphysema with some lung scarring from previous exposure to asbestos 1962 +
I have obliterative bronchiolitis which causes pulmonary fibrosis but I was also told I have emphysema; I also have bronchiectasis which was the first lung disease I was diagnosed with, so yes presumably you can! Wish it wasn't true.
Hi andyput, yes i have been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema after a lung biopsy in May 2014. You say your oxygen levels are all over the place, are you on oxygen or have you checked your levels using an oximeter ?

Hello Birdwatcher1.My oxygen level is 89 to 91 some times at rest but can go as low as 78 when doing things then after go up to 94/95 after I stop then back down to 89/91 or a bit lower again at rest. I do not have oxygen yet but check every 6 months .Was told because it goes high to dangerous for oxygen.
Maybe you need to be assessed for ambulatory oxygen so that you can use it just when you are mobile.
I was told by my oxygen nurse that at this time the benefit of oxygen would be lost in the carrying of oxygen bottle.