Not sure who to ring since Saturday my sats have been dropping into the 70s I was on 1 for rest and 2 for walking .I have put it on to 2 at rest but I still not maintaining a decent reading any advice on who I ring please x
SAts : Not sure who to ring since... - Lung Conditions C...

Your respitory nurse.
Not recommended to alter your oxygen dosage unless sanctioned by your respitory nurse.
Do you not have any contact numbers from the oxygen team at your local hospital.
Increasing your prescribed level of oxygen is rarely a good idea. Do you have a respiratory nurse? If not I would ring your GP, 111 or 999 depending on how you feel.
Call your GP or your respiratory nurse asap and tell them you need urgent help. Do you not have a care plan? After you've sorted out the oxygen problem, you need to ask for one to be made for you. Don't waste time - make the call now.
Good luck Time to drink...I hope you get help as soon as possible. Sats of 70 is too low .
Let us all know how you get on
Hi I agree with the others. 70 is far too low. Ring for help now and don't take any chances please. x
I hope you follow the advice given Time to drink, and that you'll soon be reporting improvement. xx
We have a number here in Canada 811 were we can call a nurse for advise that is what I have done at times and she talks things over with you, then lets you know if you should go to the hospital or family Dr..