Hi all.
All my family have either had or got the dreaded flu bug๐ข
Do I start my rescue meds as a precaution,or wait until it hits?
I really don't want to be ill over the Christmas holidays.
Hi all.
All my family have either had or got the dreaded flu bug๐ข
Do I start my rescue meds as a precaution,or wait until it hits?
I really don't want to be ill over the Christmas holidays.
At PR they said to wait until you start to show symptoms then, using the indicator "I can't complete a sentence without having to stop for a gasp of breath" that is the time to begin taking them. If you take them and don't get the bug you increase your resistance to the benefit of the drugs.
Personally ... with a house full of grandkids and dripping noses, I plan to wait (cause I know it's going to happen at some point in the next 10 days!)
If you have ad your flu jab you will probably be ok. If they are other viruses, stay under the duvet!
No flu jab.i don't like having it๐ข
uh oh.Your choice of course. I have been having it since 1979 and have not had a proper flu in all that time. No reactions to the jab but if I had had the flu I would have been a gonner. A no brainer from my point of view.
Why won't you have the flu jag I thought it was a must for people with lung problems. I had the flu and pneumonia jag. And still managed to get pneumonia at the beginning of November but it was not as bad as it would have been if I hadn't had the jags. I would start your rescue Meds if you start coughing up green stuff. Hope you have a nice Christmas xx
Hi Fantasy, the rescue meds can only treat an infection when you've got it - they can't protect you against picking something up. And flu is a virus so antibiotics won't treat that, only a chest infection if you get one secondary to flu.
The joys of Christmas! Fingers crossed, and I hope you have a very happy one, with no bugs or illnesses. Sue x ๐ ๐๐ ๐
Thank you sue.
I think I'm just panicking a little bit,because I know ab don't work on viruses.
It's the thought of getting a chest infection that's worrying me.
Never mind.im sure I will cope if and when the time comes.
Happy Christmas to you too.๐ ๐
Dawn x
Don't start them till you really need to xxx
Hope you stay well Fantasy. Xxx
I hope you will reconsider the flu jab next year.If you have COPD flu can kill you, according to my doctor.
My doctor offered it to me just a month ago,but I said no,as it causes me terrible pain in my tummy.
Very unusual,but for the previous 3 years it happened every time.
So I decided to stop it.not had a flu jab for 3 years now.
And hopefully will be fine.
Happy Christmas xx
There may be a way round the pain, are you allergic to eggs? My daughter can't have the flu jab because she reacts badly to whatever vaccine is prepared in. She also had extensive bowel surgery.
No,not allergic to eggs.
Not sure why I get the pain,just know it's unbearable.
Definitely talk to your Doctor about this Fantasy.
antibiotics dont work on flu its a virus they work on infections flu jab works well ring ya doc ask their advise
Hi Fantasy, if you take ABs when you go down with flu or before you do, it won't stop the flu. Basically you are taking them profilacticly (sp!) i.e. to stop a chest infection developing. You will probably know if this is likely from your medical history.
I don't take them until (as advised by my resp nurse and consultant separately) two of the three following things happen:
1. You feel unwell
2. You get an increase of mucus
3. The mucus is discoloured (green/brown etc)
I always found it hard to know when to start my rescue meds but I've had no problem since following these guidelines.
Thank you.x