It's a funny old thing really. But before this game came along, both myself and my wife (who is suffering from terminal cancer) struggled to get out very often, and were loathe to go out some days even when we were feeling good.
This game, this Pokemon GO came along and changed all that! Now, I'm using the game as a bit of fun to help me get out more and get the exercise I need for my lungs, as is the wife who uses it to help her. We even go out for late night walks now, hunting these Pokemon things, which we never did before hand!
Been out this morning, and we walked around (occassionally stopping for me to rest!) for about an hour playing this game, then round Tesco's for a bit of shopping and walked home.
I feel terrible now mind you. Chest hurts, hacking coughing, but I have coughed up a fair bit of that crap that was sitting in my lungs not going anywhere (thank you damn Bronchiectasis). Just resting up, and the wife has told me not to move out my chair for the rest of the day!
Anyone else using this game to help with their exercise?!