Just a little story I wanted to share... - Lung Conditions C...

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Just a little story I wanted to share with you.

Jolyn profile image
58 Replies

As most of you know, my wonderful Husband (Brian) passed away just two years ago from Pulmonary Fibrosis.   A few months ago we had a big family get together at a big posh hotel.  All my Husbands side of the family were there to celebrate a friends 30th Birthday party.  My daughter Jo came home from Manchester, not wanting to miss the family festivities. We all had a wonderful time and Brian was so missed when we were all together.

Well, when my daughter was driving back home to Manchester the following day, she said out loud in the car...'Were you there with us all last night Dad'....seconds later...a car overtook her then pulled right in front of her.  The number plate read 'DAD'............makes you go all goosy doesn't it. :-) xxxxxx

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Jolyn profile image
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58 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Whoa there Lyn! That is spooky but.on a good way. Brian was there alright. Glad you had a great time.

Lots of love. Xxx 

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to sassy59

I thought it was wonderful Carole...does make you think though doesn't it.  Jo said she couldn't wait to get home to tell me. lol  

Love Lyn xxx

Titchy52 profile image

Jolyn  that was one heck of a coincidence it's nice you could all get together and remember Brian I expect you have many happy memories x

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Titchy52

It was Kathy...makes you wonder.  Yes, we all have some wonderful memories to treasure. xxx

Lyd12 profile image

Hi Jolyn   nice to hear from you.  Its strange when something like that happens, makes you think that perhaps we don't know it all.   Shortly after my dad died, we were on holiday and i was waiting for my husband to come up from one of those below ground  men's toilets in Bairritz.  Two men placed themselves either side of the steps and I felt sure they planned to mug the next man up.  I was really worried and suddenly thought of my dad's camera which. I had in my bag.  I got it out and started taking shots around the exit and the men walked away.  I really felt it was a protective message from my dad. Maybe overactive imagination but I have never forgotten it.  Iris x 

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Lyd12

Ooh Iris...I've gone all goosy now. lol.  I really do believe that the messages they send are so simple that they can easily be dismissed as imaginery or coincidental. But sometimes...you just have to wonder don't you. We'll all know one day won't we. :-) xx

rubyred777 profile image

Wow! Omg, Lyn!  Goosy indeed! Thats wonderful.... You know hes with you.😊  Must give you a sense of peace.               Fantastic .. Hows it make you feel?           You are lucky.  I speak to my dad and brother often. Never have gotten a sign, they are okay. My friends husband passed away a yr. ago. She went to a medium recently. She told my friend,  she saw him holding a cat. He said-- "Look who I found." She went on to describe the cat perfectly! This was a cat, they had to have put down. Amazing stuff, Lyn. Good to know our fur babies pass with us.😆 So good  to see you back 😊 Rubyxx 😊

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to rubyred777

I felt wonderful Ruby and it's a real comfort to know he's watching over us.

There have been so many other instances too numerous to mention and I do like to keep an open mind about these things. Maybe you are getting signs but you don't notice them Ruby and that's amazing about your friends cat. :-)  I'm starving now...going to raid the fridge. :-) xxx

Junegirl03 profile image

Ah that's so nice, I like to think they are around us xx

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Junegirl03

Me too June, it gives you a great sense of peace doesn't it.  :-D xxx

redted profile image

I would certainly have taken that as a sign in the circumstances,and not just a coincedence.

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to redted

A very obvious sign too Glenice...nice to know he checks up on us all. :-) 

My smiley faces aren't working. lol

Sheilab123 profile image

I think that was a wonderful sign, I'm convinced all our loved ones spirits are around us. Pleased you had a good day Jolyn. We do miss your beautiful photography, hint hint! Xx

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Sheilab123

Hiya Sheila, how wonderful to hear from you. (Big hug). I believe in the Spirit World too and I've been reading up on it since Brian's passed.  There's just so much we don't understand and we're not meant to.....well not just yet anyway.

Glad you like my pics, thank you. xxx

Mandy6513 profile image

Oh blimey that was not a coincidence it was most definitely a yes from Brian....My friend has had some similar things happen to her since she lost her husband and im sure many other people on here have has similar experiences .x

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Mandy6513

The signs are there aren't they Mandy, we either choose to accept them or not. I thought this was wonderful and it gave my daughter such a lift when it happened. xxx

scorpiolass profile image

Hi.Lyn, I am doing this wrong way found I think. Those we love never quite leave us. Sometimes coincidence does seem to point to more than this. I believe Jung had a word for it, it may have been synchronocity. It's great it was such a comfort to you both. X

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to scorpiolass

Ooh that's a big word Margaret...lol.  I don't think they leave us either...I think they know what's going on.  xxx

in reply to scorpiolass

It is synchronicity  Margaret.   It's basically the idea that if you want something badly enough then the universe will receive the message and send the call out for you.  It's a lot more than that though and I don't fully understand it. 

Carl Jung quoted an example of looking for a book by an author with a very unusual surname.   He couldn't find it.  A day or so later he called a cab and had to ask for a receipt.  The cab drivers surname was the same - he was the only cab driver in the city with that name.   He said it's like the universe was asking 'Is this the right person'?  x

in reply to

I'm still wondering but what a good post.  It's certainly very thought provoking.

naresh62 profile image

Hi jolyn,thank you for sharing such a special experience with us all we lost Dad then Mum  a year later My brother,sister and I often have signs that they still look over us,Brian is with you all he is in a special place where he can see over you but cannot be seen visually but look he is there in your loving memory mind and Heart and will be there always,good to hear from you take care Godbless always naresh62X

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to naresh62

I fully agree with you Naresh...God bless you too. x

That's lovely Joclyn.  I don't know if you remember my post but when my mother passed in June 2013 we got a sign on the first anniversary of her death that she was ok.   She had owned a plant called a Day Lilly where a flower only comes out for 1 day then dies.  My sister had it.  It hadn't flowered for 4 years and they assumed it was dead.  Then 2 weeks before the date 1 little bud appeared.  I flower came out on the exact date.   We said thanks mum we know you are ok now.  x

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

WOW!  A wonderful sign Cough and so lovely to hear from you.  What a lovely story.  The signs are there aren't they.  I hope you're keeping well Cough and thanks for sharing your thoughts. xxx

in reply to Jolyn

You are very welcome Jolyn.  I had heard about these kind of experiences before but only half believed them until I experienced it for myself.   My mum also used TCP a lot and none of us can bear it in the house after that.  My younger sister has smelt it a number of times in her home,  including in the bathroom and even in her husbands glasses case!  Bizarre. 

I am ok thanks love and hope you are too.  x

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

That's amazing Cough, I love these stories.  Glad you doing ok hon.  I'm good thanks :-)

Hello Jolyn,

Yes it certainly does, and I am sure we have all had that feeling at some time in our lives.   We can choose to embrace it or not  for we know no better, and you can either let it give you comfort or not. We do have choices:-)

There are more things Horatio.....than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

Hi Jennifer, yes, I agree totally, we do have choices.  I certainly felt comforted by this and so did my daughter.  It's always good to keep an open mind. I hope you're keeping well. x

in reply to Jolyn

I'm fine thankyou Jolyn.

I had an unusual experience in the late 1970's.  The bungalow we lived in at the time had been built on old clay mining land - this I did not know until later - I had fallen asleep in front of the gas fire ...the pilot light of which gave out a blue glow. I awoke to see a smallish man dressed in a frayed cardigan, very shiny knees to his trousers, which were tied up with something around the ankles, and an old peaked cap.  He just stood in front of me, looking down, looking weary and looking very sad.  As I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. and sat up straight - he disappeared slowly from my left to my right, with the blue glow becoming clear again.  I rushed to open the curtains to make sure I was actually living.  The telephone rang and it was someone to say my darling gran had just passed away.  I didn't have choices - it had happened and I had seen it.


Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

Wow....I just went all goosy. 

Spiritual1 profile image

What a lovely story.. I could just picture it happening! I'm sure jo's father was there, joining in the festivities. 

I hope you yourself can possibly draw comfort from it too Lyn 💗x

Lynne x 🌹 x 

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Spiritual1

Hi Lynne, thank you for reading my story, I'm sure he was there with us all and yes I took great comfort from it. :)

Lovely to talk to you. Lyn x

hilde profile image

Yes, but how wonderful for you both. Everyone has their (little signs) so to speak.

Take care, I don't know you, but am hoping with the help if family and friends you are getting your life back on track. It's takes time,but One Life, Live it. That's what he would have wished for you. All the very best, I was widowed in 2006 my late husband had stomach cancer, lots happened since then, but here I am now back in Shropshire with my family and friends and facing the Challenge again.

Love Hilde x

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to hilde

It's lovely to meet you Hilde, I have wonderful family and friends and I'm getting along just fine, Brian would be very proud of me I'm sure.

Painting42 profile image

That was a right coincidence make u wonder when things like that happens.

My hubbys mum been dead about 12 years she was alovely lady she lived to 91 but anytime My Hubby as a really bad day we always see signs that she there with us which is most of the time .

Its true when they say your loves who youve lost are always with you an watching over you.

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Painting42

Yes, I agree Painting, I believe they are around us when we need them to lift our spirits. It's good to meet you.

Sherry44 profile image

Very strange Jolyon.  The car should never have pulled out in front of her.  I am sure her Dad saved her from a nasty accident.

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Sherry44

It wasn't done dangerously Sherry, the car pulled in front of her with plenty of room.  She was definitely meant to see it though.

onamission profile image

I believe there is a life after this one well I hope there is, I remember working in a nursing home nights and some real strange things would happen. 

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to onamission

Hiya onamission, its lovely to speak to you.  Yes, I agree...if there isn't an afterlife...I wonder what's the point of this life.   I think we learn our lessons here and move on to higher spiritual levels.  Well, like you, I hope that's true.

Ooh yes, nursing homes have their funny happenings don't they.

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Jolyn

The nursing home I worked in has been knocked down now, it had 54 beds and only 2 night staff the turn around was really quick. We had a new lady in I went to check on her the room was icy cold the window was shut yet you could see her breath in the cold room. I went to get her a extra blanket yet she felt warm I reported the heating to the plumber but he found nothing wrong  

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to onamission

Ooooooh...spooooooky. :-)

Was thinking about you the other day...used to look forward to your lovely photographs...

It's heartening to think peoples spirits come back to us when we least expect...

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

VAAAAASHTI.....flinging my arms around your neck and dangling there.  How lovely to hear from you.  I do hope you're well and still writing those amazing stories. Thank you for thinking of me, I think of you too. I had to pop in and see how everyone was.  I'm still playing with my camera and really enjoy it.  Yes, it's comforting to know our loved ones stay in contact isn't it.  I just hope he's not watching ALL THE TIME. lol

hufferpuffer profile image

Hello Jolyn, it's lovely to see you posting, you've been missed!😀 great story too,I look out for signs like that , it's comforting to know we are all eternal beings enjoying a human experience...😁🌼🌺🌸 huff xxx

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to hufferpuffer

Hiya Huff, so lovely to hear from you, are you ok? :-)  I've missed all of you too. What a nice way of putting it...eternal beings enjoying a human experience.  I like that and it's so very true. :-)

Sherry44 profile image

I too believe that we are here for a purpose and how we conduct our lives in this world will determine our future in eternity.  I have had some strange experiences during my life.  As for our loved ones who have gone before us, well I know my dear husband is at rest now so that gives me great comfort.  Also I sometimes feel a benevolent presence in the house.  I am sure that he is there.

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Sherry44

How lovely Sherry, thank you for sharing this with me. :)

Scouser58 profile image

Hello Jolyn,,,what a good thing to happen,,,,I hope you felt uplifted for a while after,,,seems like he was around,,,ttfn from Karen.

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Scouser58

Hi there Karen, it was lovely and yes I did feel lifted by it.  Many thanks for dropping by and reading my post. :-)

ClaraC profile image

Some people believe there is no such thing as coincidence & myself amongst them. I read a lovely book called the Celestine Prophecy many years ago & it's a lovely adventure story, which explores synchronicity & helps show our own lives to be more of an adventure. Happy reading for those who do :-) 

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to ClaraC

I don't believe in coincidence either Clara...I think everything is for a reason.  It's up to us to find out those reasons.  Sounds like a good book. Thank you for dropping by :-)

etch45 profile image

Jolyn I was so surprised to see your post.

 I have just come on after quite a long break, it was quite hairs on your neck reading, Brian was there as it is such a coincidence for DAD to come in front of your daughters car. I hope you all found peace and contentment at your gathering.

God Bless you and your family Jolyn.

etch 45


Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to etch45

Hi Etch, yes it was very strange yet comforting.  I hope you're keeping well. :-) xxx

montymillie profile image

hi, what an excellent vibe!!!!! martine  xxx😃

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to montymillie

Thank you Martine, I thought so too  :-) xxx

Azure_Sky profile image

I don't know I missed this thread. I have seen and felt the spirit world. My late husband is often around.

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Azure_Sky

Glad to hear it, it's such a comfort isn't it. I've felt Brian around often it gives me such a lift.

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