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Lung Clinic ... Respiratory Medicine.

21 Replies

Looking at my lung clinic letter i noticed they have psychologist in the clinic.

Is funny how i noticed that before i received letter of my GP outlining my lung problems.

With the addition of new diagnosis of Social Anxiety and Panic Attacks.

Dose't lung disease just get better.

As anyone had any similar diagnosis or dealing's with em when it comes to there lung disease.      

21 Replies
Toci profile image

Hi, I think you will find that most of us on here have that awful anxiety.  It seems to come along with lung diseases, like a special offer - buy one get one free! It is a terrible feeling and it does not matter that you know you are only over-reacting to the stimuli and that there isn't really any danger. Some take pills to try and lessen it, some just battle with it and a few must surely give in to it? Suffice to say you are not on your own. I find pursed lip breathing helps me.

in reply to Toci

Wish i could do pursed lip breathing but have blocked nose 24/7 

Is the pits and don't help with CO2 retention or hyperventilation 

diesel12 profile image
diesel12 in reply to Toci

That's what I do too. It also appears to have affected my confidence

in reply to diesel12

Defo nocks you for six DOSE scare you esp when you already have health problems.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to diesel12

Mine too.

in reply to Toci

Truest thing have read thus far is this .... patients with advanced lung disease face innumerable challenges to their functional independence, self-esteem, and quality of life.

Capacity for work and social interaction is diminished severely. Sleep, eating, and sexual intimacy are disrupted. Ordinary activities require extra planning and time. 

Coughing exacerbations spoil events, and each new symptom reawakens fear of respiratory crisis or death. 

The young man unable to father a child, the husband who can no longer walk with his wife, and the grandmother who lacks the strength to lift her newborn grandson are all too aware that life has changed.

Is quite a list burden bucket to bare hawk round under guise of everything is fine.

pepparuby1 profile image
pepparuby1 in reply to Toci

What's the pursed lips ? I'm interested in any new breathing techniques

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to pepparuby1

To do pursed lip breathing:

1.  Relax your neck and shoulder muscles.

2. Breathe in for two seconds through your nose, keeping your mouth closed.

3. Breathe out for four seconds through pursed lips.

pepparuby1 profile image
pepparuby1 in reply to Toci


cofdrop-UK profile image

I think it very often goes with the territory.  How brilliant your clinic has a psychologist.  They have them in pain clinics and I think respiratory needs to follow suit.

Have you tried distraction - counting backwards from 2099 whatever.  Having a mantra I can, I will, I am - that is basically feel the fear and do it anyway.  The panics will peak and then subside, that is not to say the next one won't come along soon after but that too will reach a peak and subside.  Nasty thing.  Best not to run away from it or fight it.

Love cx

in reply to cofdrop-UK

Hi yer i tried all that in early days of disease .. I seen it and nearly had panic attack 

Do think is good idea realy and recognition things are not all well.

Unless the for doctors nurses bit moral rb .. see i do try to stay positive. 

knitter profile image

Hi Jeff, thanks for posting that diagram....before I joined this site I didn't realise how many others with breathing problems suffered with anxiety and panic attacks too.

Mind you that chart says that a person starts relaxed and calm.....I feel tense most of the time, so not a good start. I have tried relaxation exercises, meditation ...the most relaxed I feel is after my gentle yoga class. The side effect of some medications can be anxiety.

I have hyper inflated lungs and hyperventilate, easy to get into a vicious circle.

Jeff about your blocked nose, have you tried gently breathing in, then gently out...then pinch your nostrils for a few seconds...breathe in gently and repeat a few times. 

Take care

lynnekay profile image
lynnekay in reply to knitter

I keep banging on about the benefits of Pulmonary Rehab but one of the things I learnt there was how to control anxiety & feelings of panic.  Still get anxious especially when going out and having to cope with unknown situations, but do feel in better control 

I think my life has been a collection of anxieties linked to the management of my bronch and the related anger and depression which for years my consultant said were all in my mind - oh yes, it's my mind that's dealing with it. At the moment I am dealing with a strange fever, dizziness and dry coughing fits. Not my usual exacerbation symptoms but anxiety making because I am always on the watch now for the empyema coming back.

Last night I went to the most shockingly bad performance of Hamlet at the RSC. No, Elsinor does not translate to Africa. Dealing with the dreadful urge to cough with water, tic tacs and a tissue over my nose to keep the air going into my lungs warm. Then they make with the smoke which covered the stage and auditorium for most of the performance. Most of the audience were hacking away. If I hadn't paid £55 for the ticket I would have left simply because the acting was so bad. Anyway I got through it with no major coughing fit. My theatre buddy thinks that I am a trouper for carrying on with my daily life in spite of everything that you all know so well.

I came home worn out with suppressing the cough and kicked the wall!!

Billiejean_2 profile image
Billiejean_2 in reply to

Very perceptive of your consultant to work out that your anxiety and panic were in your mind. Where did s/he think they would be ? In your toes ? 

All those years in university obviously weren't wasted :)

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to Billiejean_2

Hi billiejean , for years asthma was considered to be all in the mind...the psychological approach.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to knitter

Just as, years ago, hysteria was located in the womb!

Sherry44 profile image

Sorry you had such an awful experience SS63, especially as the ticket cost so much.  It

sounds as if the cast was trying to strangle the play.  As for panic attacks and anxiety I have a mantra which always works for me - Every day in every way I am feeling better and better.

in reply to Sherry44

yes and Churchill said 'keep b.......g on!'

hufferpuffer profile image

The key is in the diagram, 'thoughts' of not being able to breathe. The brain sets off the panic button when it senses lack of oxygen, I tried to help my Mum when the panic attacks happened but could do very little to help, it still upsets me now remembering the sheer terror she experienced and my futile attempts to 'talk her down' .

Thoughts have great power and if you can be 'mindful' you can use your thoughts to your advantage. 

Good post, thank goodness people are more aware of how serious panic attacks and anxiety disorders are and there is more help for those that need it. huff xxx

joyce74 profile image

I am finding that reduced mobility due to a bad back and the COPD is leading me to depression. Not getting out as much and coming back home from a simple shopping trip totally exhausted , breathless. I really do want to move to a bungalow or flat and sell the home we have lived in for over 40 years. My husband and eldest son , both diabetics are in the same boat re reduced mobility . can no longer cope with the garden ,stairs are a problem. I have asked my husband to think what is best, rearrange the house, add a stair lift or rent something more suitable. I tell the family I am fine, my daughters are very supportive, feel like screaming sometimes having to cope everyday with this horrid disease.  Know it would be stressful moving.  Do others who have done it regretted it or find it has helped, sorry for the moan, know others have much more to put up with.

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