What has my reading glasses to do wit... - Lung Conditions C...

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What has my reading glasses to do with a pip claim.

Fantasy3 profile image
29 Replies

Thinking back to my assessment today,some of the questions were totally irrelevant.

Do you enjoy cooking?

Do you do much reading? If not,why not?

Do you wear glasses to read?

What's that all about?

Anybody else had these,I would be interested to know.


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Fantasy3 profile image
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29 Replies
newlands profile image

Think they want you to say " I love cooking" so then they know you don't need help to cook a meal

Reading question shows you can hold a book or whatever the Modern equivalent is

Glasses too see how bad your eyesight is

Take care


It's just a standard script they have not all the questions apply to everyone.

y_not profile image

Part of the assessment asks "Can the applicant cook a simple meal?" - in my case I can't because of issues there is a strong possibility of scalding (again!). Oddly, I do enjoy cooking and help my wife by sitting at the kitchen table and prepare the vegetables but I could easily fall into the PIP Trap and say "yes" - enjoying and doing are very different.

I remember being asked (a long time ago) how far can you walk? My initial reply was as far as you want me to! This was to a benefits adviser, who then added, "in a reasonable time and without severe pain" ... that is a completely different answer!

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to y_not

Hi y-not, I so agree with you if you say yes it is translated into you can do it, I get fed up of the walking question, benefit is not supposed to be merely how far you can walk but in what manner without pain or breathing problems or deterioration. In my case I have to say I cant walk at all because I have ongoing sight, pain and breathing difficulties, not just answer yes or no to questions. It took me several years to realise why my claim was being refused. Now know to emphasis the negative not the positive when claiming. The wording is important.

Ennyl profile image

I didn't have anything like that and it. Sounds annoying to be asked such questions like they are trying to trick you into saying something they feel you should! It really annoys me when they insult our intelligence we are physically disabled and have mental capacity yet talked down too like that! Honestly you would think our pip comes from their own personal bank account and they are paid amazing money to ask silly questions X bonkers!!!

BugsBunny profile image

I agree with you. The PIP assessors ask the most ridiculous questions. The assessor who came to my house was a psychiatric nurse. What do you think they were hinting at? That it is all in my head? With hindsight I should have printed off definitions of my diseases as she knew so little about lung and heart diseases. After the assessment I had a good laugh as the experience would make a marvelous sitcom. Never mind Dorothy we can always appeal. Kind Regards Mandy xxx.

lynnekay profile image
lynnekay in reply to BugsBunny

I don't think the psychiatric nurse was significant.....they use all sorts of people with medical qualifications. I had a paramedic who was good. I was honest about how difficult everything is - what I can and can't do, how limiting my bad days are, including cooking, walking, eating, dressing, bathing/showering etc. I also stressed the length of time these things usually take - far beyond "normal" - because I have to keep stopping to get my breath back throughout all activities. I got the standard rate PIP for personal care and the higher rate for mobility.

Previously, I'd had mobility allowance for 5 years and attendance allowance for 18 months, but now fall into the "older" age group who are being assessed/re-assessed for PIP. It was nerve-wracking because I was afraid that I'd lose one or other or both

piggi profile image

I think all these questionnaires have a 'catch all'. Been looking at my assessment for pulmonary rehab. The expression is "these days" .... do you feel depressed? No not today but.... "these days" do you panic about your breathing? Well not today but... "these days" are you discomforted by coughing ? Today - no but..... I'm sure you get my drift. And these are people who are on my side! They're not looking to withhold anything from me! I think if you're filling in for money then put the worst case scenario - yes I feel depressed. Yes I panic. No i do not enjoy ... anything... EVER!!!! Ha ha ha xx piggi

lynnekay profile image
lynnekay in reply to piggi

The questionnaire I complete for pulmonary rehab has similar questions but phrases them as "Do you feel depressed?" Answers are a choice of "sometimes, often, never" etc. Seems easier to answer and makes more sense! You would think that the questionnaires would be standardised throughout the country wouldn't you? Maybe that's too simple

Gordon57 profile image

Got to agree. Read everything carefully before answering.

No use hiding facts. If you need help to do something then you must say so.

Cooking a meal for example. I got into a right tizzy on here over making some pancakes a few years ago. I receive the lower rate DLA because I cannot cook a main meal. I can't, and couldn't back then. It took me a few hours to prepare and make a few simple pancakes. I was pleased I had managed to do it so posted a blog on here, only to be berated by some chump who accused me of cheating the DWP. The post was deleted by the moderator but it goes to show how some people think. Look at the facts, the PIP requirement is that preparing and cooking a simple meal means bunging something in a microwave - that's the basic test criteria now.

The DWP need to know everything, if you're not able to do a task then say so. Lots of sections ask if you need help/supervision/prompting to do things like washing and bathing, managing toilet needs and so on. If you don't say anything then they don't know, they are not mind readers and they don't assume that any one person is the same as the previous case they've worked on.

Reading is another one they try and trap you on. Can you hold a book or a kindle type device ? It comes under reading and communicating, if you are able to read OK you could well fail by getting zero points for that.

Overall you are looking at what you are capable of on an average day, not a bad day as a lot of advisers say. The DWP have to consider how you are on the majority of days. Using terms like on a good day probably means they'll take that as every day. I made the mistake of saying I could get to the bus stop over the road on a good day, about 50 yards. I can't now, even on a good day. I get taxis or a lift to wherever I'm going and use whatever assistance I can get along the way. But back then the assessor put me down as able to walk 50 metres without seeing me take more than three steps in the house.

Oh, and one bit of the budget that didn't get a lot of publicity was the millions they are going to give the DWP to defend appeals !

in reply to Gordon57

Some good advice I was awarded pip last week and most of my point were for the things I have to help me

Fantasy3 profile image
Fantasy3 in reply to Gordon57

Hi Gordon 57.

Nice to see you still on here,think we've been on here from the very beginning.

Thanks for your info,very informative..

And thanks to everybody for their experiences with their pip assessments.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Fantasy3

Hi Fantasy, did not realise Gordon57 was still around , now that shows how long I have been on BLF site too, he was one of my first contacts on the site.

Fantasy3 profile image
Fantasy3 in reply to katieoxo60

Yes Katie.i remember you too!

I think we are the originals.😊

Hope you are keeping well.x

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Fantasy3

I'm reasonably well, we are from the original forum before HU came into being, it is quite some time ago x:) :)

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to katieoxo60

As the character in Monty Python & the Holy Grail said - "I'm not dead yet" :-)

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Gordon57

nor me :)

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Fantasy3, the cooking question is to suggest you can cook,I love cooking but can't cook anymore without help or assisting gadgets, so appreciate that the question is nonsensical as you say. The reading question makes sense it establishes that either you can't see or you cant hold a book or you are blind. Glasses to read means your sight is corrected by glasses, for sight purpose points your sight has to be uncorrected by wearing glasses or in simple terms, I was born with an eye defect which cannot be made better by glasses, so is counted as visual impairment. The questions have to cover all types of disability in the form, so some may sound irrelevant. Hope I haven't confused you more :) :)

Offcut profile image

Cooking usually means standing at the oven so they want to know how long you can stand for and hold that heavy pan? Plus bend over with that bad back?

Reading again shows the length of time you can be seated and hold a book for a long time in the same position.

Glasses at the moment are an aid that list is being reduced soon as the say the bed should not be counted ?

I was at a PIP assessment recently and they were clever on the walking. They asked how long they could walk but omitted "without severe discomfort. "

I had a ESA assessment and they said I was fit as "I could lift my hands above my head and lift empty boxes?" If I keep my hands up it affects my breathing because of the paralysed diaphragm. I had to go to appeal as they had made little to no mention of my health conditions and problems at all. It was 5 mins of reading the info for them to find in my favour and they said that they would tell them that this appeal should never of happened?

Be Well

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to Offcut

Cooking usually means standing at the oven so they want to know how long you can stand for and hold that heavy pan? Plus bend over with that bad back? - it used to be that sort of thing, for PIP they now include a microwave and have termed it a simple meal.

If you are able to take a package from the fridge, pierce the plastic and pop it in the microwave then you could easily fail this part of the assessment. It used to be based on bending down to put things in the oven or getting stuff out of the fridge. No mention of bending now. You have to make sure you give all the details why you cannot carry out a simple task like this.

They are out to try and catch people out, no doubt about it. You have to read into each and every question asked, think very carefully about it and then answer, taking into account any need to get help.

inhaler1 profile image

ALL the questions have the chance to catch people out.

From the very first page where it used to ask (not seen the new form) can you get up two steps to get into the assessment building, straight away they know you can climb steps so later on in form when they say can you get upstairs to bed, if you then say no they the no you are lieing I think all think all this should be stopped and everyone get back around the table to re think the benifits system.

onamission profile image

I had my assessment for pip last week I can not cook or prepare a meal I have pins and needles in my hands I end up with nasty cuts when pealing veg and burning my self the assessor couldn't get her head around that

tomc profile image

The mobility assessment I scored 10, even though I nearly collapsed while trying to get up and stopping for breath every couple of yards also the pain in my back and legs.

The Job+ assessed me as unfit to do any work and placed me on the support group..

Why did I only score 10 on Mobility ....As they awarded 10 on observation, Because I could plan and follow a route..

I did not contest it.. I was just so grateful to get anything and to ask for reassessment for mobility through PIP, i may have lost it all altogether.. under the savings The treasury want to impose.

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to tomc

You really should contest it, but you only had a month from the assessment to lodge a request for a mandatory reconsideration.

If you thought they were wrong then get them told, otherwise they'll keep on doing this...

tomc profile image

Hey Gordon. Nice to see you again i HAVE MISSED YOUR CHAT.

I did attempt to challenge it when I found out I could, and especially when an assessment found in favour of placement into the support group of ESA some months after stating I stopped three times for breath and rest over a 10 mtr distance.

But I was advised to leave it as at that time the government were looking for any excuse to remove PIP and Mobility or to make it more difficult to get.

To be honest Gordon I was so happy just to get anything....

And in Light of what is going on now ... It may well prove to be a wise bit of advice.

I am now having to attend Pain management for the left side of my body as well as a decline in lung function due to Bronchiectasis,, The Emphysema is stable...

So it may be I will have to reconsider the advice given By Grapevine ( a body in Lothians who help with disabled persons needs and forms etc )

I can't use busses, I get very Claustrophobic and any way, by the time I get to the bus stop I`ve missed 4 and often can't get on board anyway....

I often laugh at myself ............... well, it`s better than crying.

Hope you are well and still doing the radio business.

Best regards Tom.

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to tomc

Hi Tom,

It wasn't until my third attempt at DLA that I got anything at all, and that was the low care component. I decided to go for appeal as I really needed to get the mobility component or I would not be able to get to hospital or the surgery for appointments. I just wasn't able to get to the bus stop any more, and even if I did, what the heck was I supposed to do when I got off - our bus station is 250 metres long and you can bet that you get dropped off at the opposite end to where the next bus goes from.

I got my MP on the case and then got a call to say they had looked again and decided to give me the high rate of mobility. I still have the low rate care as I'd not submitted anything to support a higher award on that side. I could have lost that had the appeal been unsuccessful.

I managed to get into the support group for ESA from the start, I think my GP's report was all they considered. What I'm dreading now is the envelope to say I have to apply for PIP. My DLA was 'indefinite' but of course that means nothing as you start all over again for PIP, which seems unfair to me and I'll make a point of saying so as and when I do apply.

I've already looked into it and had my doctor's records updated with a very recent spirometry test result, which was depressing in itself as it showed I'd dropped down quite a lot this time. I've got appointments booked with the consultant and for PR at the hospital. It seems the info must be current, within the last year, or they won't consider it for PIP, crazy... They still think that a Chronic illness gets better ?

Like many on here, I know COPD is a downhill slope and I aint getting better. Just going through the end stages of a rotten cold on top of a chest infection. Hardly done anything in the last week, even had to put out repeats of my radio shows as I wasn't able to make new ones :-( Breathing is bad, coughing a lot, that hurts, having to strain to get the gunk up, legs like lead and I'm so drained...

I'm am hoping that we've some warmer weather to come at last, looking forward to it. Need to get some fresh air into the house for a start. I'd love to open the doors and windows and let it blow through for half an hour or more but I don't want to lose the heat and make myself cough more than I have to.

Look after y'self :-)

tomc profile image


Gordon, I am sorry that you also are going through the grinder, There is some kind of bug doing the rounds that floors you...

PIP Mobility, I know exactly what you are saying .. We do have a progressive disease that can only go in one direction DOWN , DOWN , DOWN ...

And I was advised of the exact same as you have mentioned What got me was ,, Grapevine said don't contest it now you may under the current climate find they take all of it away altogether??? OK, I`ll do the highland fling while i sit on the potty and put my socks on and I`ll rattle those pots and pans :-)) TWITS...

Still at least the cuts to benefits have been " kicked into the long grass " and ids has gone!! ( for now ),

Alot of mutual friends on the above site have been asking for you.... Maybe you could pop in??

Take care Gordon I hope things improve for you and you will be back on air ( the radio ) type air... soon..


willie01 profile image

hi i went for my pip assessment on the 2nd of nov and was refused because i could read with glasses and walk 27 yards with a stick i have copd and asthma bronchiectasis and diabetes plus other problems what right have they got to refuse some one who is termalilly ill. i went to the a and e on friday and was told my cartlage in my knee is damaged because atherists

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to willie01

Hello willie01 .

I am sorry to read this. It is quite disturbing to know they turned you down considering all your frailties. Could you appeal perhaps?

This thread is two years old. The people who wrote it may no longer be active here. I hope you get a response but if not, you can always start a new post.

Take care.

Cas xx 🌿

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