Hello Is there anyone here that has this like me......
Adult Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histi... - Lung Conditions C...
Adult Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.

Hello winterrose, I noticed your post and I'm sorry that you have had no replies yet. It's not because people are unfriendly but most likely, like me, they have never heard of it before. I hope that it isn't something that makes you struggle too much. Hopefully someone will be along who has the condition and can talk to you about it.
Hi Winterrose! Sorry I've never heard of this. It must be quite a rare condition.
Maybe you could give BLF a call & they may be able to answer any questions you may have.
Hope you are well π»
Av not seen anyware on net where you can talk about immunity issues blood disorders .
I have been trying to fine cause of my abnormal blood cells lack of immunty THUS far I have chased it round my body with my doc's to gut absorption problems and that gland in throat