I knew this day would come..... - Lung Conditions C...

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I knew this day would come.....

25 Replies

Hello everyone, after a little advice.... This group is so helpful :)

I have not been doing much of anything lately as I still have pneumonia, and now full blown flu. My breathing is still really bad and my mobility is zero.

The problem I have now is that my daughter and husband were muddling together to help me, you know drinks and food and any other help I needed. My husband and daughter have their own medical problems and can only help me when they are ok. The problem now is that my husband has been knocked for six with the flu too and has not left his bed for 2 days...other than the loo which has only been twice! My daughter has been trying to do things for me yesterday and today and now she can hardly move and is in a lot more pain than usual. I feel so helpless as I cannot do anything other than sit and vent my frustration with everything. My knee is worse than ever and any movement is literally making me yell out... I am petrified of not moving about incase I get more clots (yes I am still taking my coagulant injection fragmin)... The fear is still there. I am on the sofa, husband in bed and daughter in bed.. I cannot get off the sofa without help.. Our situation is dire and I really have no clue what to do. We are still all waiting to be assessed by social services and I have no idea where to go to get help now that we really need it. I was afraid of this day coming...

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25 Replies
newlands profile image

Hi I think you need to contact social services as soon as possible

Your phone book will have an emergency number

Please take care

Dorothy xx

Pentreath profile image

Dear Happy-smiles

So sorry to hear that you are in this dreadful situation. Can you phone 111 and ask for advice and see if they can get some support for you all? I know you have said before you do not have other family nearby but you do need help.

Please let us know if any help is forthcoming.

in reply toPentreath

I thought 111 was for more an out of hours GP thing if you think you need hospital help? Not sure what they can do? And again it's using the telephone... I have a real anxiety issue with telephones.. I need to see the people's faces I am talking to or I shout and get very frustrated quickly. They don't understand even when I try to explain...

knitter profile image

Hi, I am sorry you are all so poorly.

But all I can suggest is that a GP should come out and visit you so that you can be assessed and offered help.

As it is a Sunday you will need to ring the out of hours service...111

Take care ...some one else may have an idea what you can do.

Are there no neighbours you can calł on

in reply toknitter

Neighbours... I have 3 really close but no one talks to each other. They watch me go out via ambulance a lot but never check or pop in to see if my family is ok. We could all die in here and no one would bother... Once we never left the house for 3 weeks... No one cared, no one batted an eye lid... The neighbours may as well be invisible!

I am going to have to get through today, somehow and call the GP tomorrow.. I don't cope on the phone at all, I shout and get frustrated quickly as I cannot see people's faces I am talking to.. It's part of my SpLD's and the surgery have it on file. But no matter they always think I do it deliberately when or if I call them.

It's not that I want help, I have said to the GP and others that have come to our home that if someone is ill or we all are what do we do? They all say well it's a social services problem! Well we have been waiting since May for a family home assessment... We need help, and to be honest I am fed up of asking and asking and getting no where. I guess we are just not supposed to get help! But I will try to call the GP tomorrow.

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to

Hi again, I am lucky that I have good neighbours, but one has Parkinson's, another has asthma...and today the emergency ambulance blue lighted another to hospital. But we look out for each other, but it can be difficult to know when not to interfere and when to help.

I am fed up today as I managed to get the washing pegged out but now I am too breathless to get it in and it's going to rain. Sounds so stupid when it's written down, but so frustrating .

Good luck for tomorrow and I hope you all get over the flu bug soon...it seems to be doing the rounds early this year.

If you really can't get off the sofa and won't use the phone, and your relatives are trapped in bed, what advice do you think anyone here can give? Im sorry to sound unsympathetic but all your posts are about how ill & desperate you are & that noone will help...sometimes you have to suck it up & take action. You could start by changing your gp. Robin

in reply to

This is my only sounding place... I have no one else to talk to. I really don't mean to come across as being so desperate.. I am just saying how things are here. I was not after anyone solving my problems.. I am just here as I feel so alone.

I cannot change my GP... I need to physically leave my home to register at another GP surgery, I am house bound.

I am so sorry my life is not a simple one, I don't appreciate you telling me to suck it up... I come here for support not to be told off.

in reply to

I am not telling you off, you said you wanted advice & Im saying theres no advice people here can give which would help you, you need to take action. As youre on the internet you could look for a new surgery and then get a taxi to register there, or phone them and explain youre housebound. If youre genuinely housebound they will make arrangements to register you the same as if you were living in a care home. Or if the situation is really bad now, today, then as others have said all you can do is phone 111. Robin

I am not here for people to say oh no sorry about your situation.. Or to feel sorry for me... Or on the other hand for people to tell me to get a grip and suck it up... I am not coping and just wanted to talk. I am not stupid, I know people in this forum cannot help me, all I am after is chat, I feel so useless and alone right now.. My family situation is terrible I know but we have tried to get help... Maybe I should just not post here, I am sorry My family and I have a lot of health problems, yes some probably don't believe the state we are in here, but take it from me I don't lie and everything I post here is true...

Even here it seems I am misunderstood... It's not a case of me just not wanting to use the phone... The amount of stress and anxiety it gives me is off the charts. I have known SpLD's and ok I am not expecting you all to understand what those mean for me, but it's not as simple as thinking I won't use the phone. I shout uncontrollably ... No I am not going to justify or explain myself... Why should I? I have told you I can't use the phone, I am not putting myself through that.

So to cause me less stress I am now going to leave the forum.... Then there is no fear of me getting any more upset.

Just want to say the time I have been in this forum it has been lovely, and I thank you.

knitter profile image

Hi again.....firstly don't leave the forum...just sit and relax a bit and calm yourself down.

People do want to help, we all have different ways of saying it that's all.

I know how frustrating it can be feeling so helpless. ...but as they say tomorrow is another day.

I used to hate using the phone when I was younger, but not any more...except for the fact it starts me coughing, so I always keep a drink near.

Can you contact social services by email....my late mother's social worker was not easy to contact by phone but would reply to my emails.

Can you text friends and relatives to keep in touch as well as email.

Take care and keep posting.....remember you can email the BLF helpline tomorrow....you don't need to phone.

Bevvy profile image

Ok a couple of thoughts:

Someone needs to phone social services and ask for urgent assessment via duty team.

When you feel better ask about 'type talk' this is how Deaf people communicate via telephone. Would be easier and less stressful than speaking into a phone?

I also think idea of taxi to new GP to register is a good idea. Just remember to take everything you need to register. I have just registered with new GP - took evidence of bills, driving license, NHS card.... Also took details of meds on prescription- because can take time for old notes to get to new GP.

Check internet for comments about different practices in your area. Don't want to get worse situation!

Check hubby is drinking plenty of water - should be going to loo more. Dehydration serious and he will be sweating loads with flu.

Hope you all feel better soon.

in reply toBevvy

Great idea about typetalk from Bevvy. Look on Action on Hearing Loss website you can probably find out all about it. Robin

Magpuss profile image

We can only tell you what we think is the best thing to do in your situation, we can't do it for you tho'. You know how spLD affects you ( I don't even know what it is) but knowing that, have you not developed any strategies to help you overcome the worst of it? One way or another you're going to have to get in touch with you doctor, and/ or social services if you want help. I wish you well.

knitter profile image

Happy smiles....I googled SpLD and its given me an insight into the difficulties you may have on top of your lung and joint conditions.

Take care

9aaron10 profile image

You really need help. I would ring an emergency help line 111 first and if no help ring your on call doctor. You should have not been left waiting so long for an assessment. Try to be strong and let them know you need help immediately. Bite the bullet and ring. You deserve better. Sue E. xx

huggs profile image

HI Happy Smiles,

I can see that you have deleted your account now, but I hope you are still looking in and seeing what is happening.

You have an awful lot on your plate, too much for you to deal with, and as the others have said you need help urgently. There should be a duty social worker on call, so try calling your SWD, or failing that, ask your nearest hospital for the number. Maybe your daughter could phone tonight if she is in a better condition than you.

You have had a lot of good suggestions such as using emails to contact people, tpyetalk and changing your GP if necessary.

I know you are desperate and I feel for you, so could you register with BLF and use the user name happysmiles1 ( as you cannot use the same name twice) so that we know its you and can keep in touch with you.

You are never alone, and there is always someone here to talk to, and as someone else said, you can contact BLF by email in the morning.

Good luck, and please come back so we know how you are doing.

warm hugs,

Huggs xxx :)

Happysmiles Im sorry if it was my posts put you off. I read your previous ones before answering & could see this situation has been going on a long time with no progress so felt you really have to do something yourself to make a change. If I sounded hard I apologise. If you just wanted to rant thats fine we all need that at times but you said you wanted advice and I think changing your gp should be top of your to-do list otherwise this will keep happening. Robin

Azure_Sky profile image
Azure_Sky in reply to

Robin I am afraid it is too late to get her back now, which is such a shame as I know the 111 service can be contacted by email.

I get so cross when people storm off the site and delete their accounts. I realise you meant well Robin. It can be frustrating to see somebody struggling when you cannot understand why.

We have been spending a lot of time boosting Happysmiles confidence over the time she has been here. It is probably best to say nothing, rather than get annoyed.

I am hoping BLF have a way of making contact with Happysmiles. Maybe Huggs has an idea of what we can do?

meglou profile image
meglou in reply to

Sorry Robin all I can say is just don't comment that was very cold and attacking.

in reply tomeglou

Sorry you feel that way meglou. HS had lots of sympathy in previous posts but nothing had changed. Sometimes people need to stop seeing themselves as victims & take action. Changing her gp isnt that hard. Robin

meglou profile image
meglou in reply to

Still a cold reply Robin sometimes sympathy is all that's needed we all know those dark days and maybe if you don't feel sympathetic to a post then don't reply. What we need to remember is we don't really know the true circumstances of people.

in reply tomeglou

Maybe youre right meglou I dont know. I did apologise later because HS hadnt locked her post so could still see it. If she comes back I wont comment further. Robin

meglou profile image
meglou in reply to

Robbin thank you I've seen posts that I don't particularly like but if I can't offer anything then I don't reply maybe you are a strong person and can deal with issues some people can't and maybe the mistake that was made was the post was asking for advice I just felt they were wanting to tell someone how desperate they felt. I think my first post was at a really desperate time and I had so many sympathetic replys and that really was all I needed no one can change my circumstances only I have the ability to do that lung disease isn't a very pleasant disease to deal with and sometimes it feels like everything is a fight, and I still try to deal with the fact that it was self inflicted X

Bevvy profile image

Sadly I recognised Happysmiles from another community. Again she asked for help and advice but wasn't happy with responses received so left!

I hope she is still reading these and comes back because she has had a lot of helpful advice and support from this community.

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