I AM ASKING FOR ADVICE. .Does anybody have personal experience of using a lightweight mobility scooter, which can be lifted in & out of a car boot by one person? If there is such a thing it would be a great help in giving me back a degree of independence. I would really appreciate any advice or recommendations. Thanks.
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Yes. I have one. Yes 1 person picks up 5 pieces and puts them together in 2 minutes. They take them apart in 3 min and put them in my boot. Easy. Lots of makes. I hate 3 wheeled models. Others may like them. I have a TGA
Thank you so much. What make/mode do you have?
I have a TGA Eclipse. You should make a list of features that you NEED and would LIKE and set a budget because there are plenty of models these days and we all have different requirements and medical problems. I normally use a wheelchair because of lots of other health issues. So I have needs beyond some people.
Great. Your advice is just the sort of info. I want. Thanks again.
Hi Shattock, I have a light weight scooter that lives in the car, my hubby can lift it in and out with ease, though it does break down to three pieces. However I couldn't manage it on my own, but maybe you could. Hope this helps a bit. xx
Hi Shattock, I have a light weight scooter that lives in the car, hubby can lift it in and out with ease, however I couldn't manage it on my own, but maybe you could? It breaks down into 3 components each 1 weighing less than 25kg. Hope this helps xx
Sorry didn't mean to post twice!
Yes there are many makes now, we bought ours about 2 years ago, one disadvantage, it doesn't run very well on rough uneven ground, perfectly good on made up roads or in a town. I now have another bought 2nd hand which l use to go down the chine to the beach, and on any rough ground. Grimmie
I bought one a couple of weeks ago a Quest made by Pride.It's very neat and simply folds up in one piece into the back of the car,no dismantling involved and it takes seconds.Weighs about 56lbs with battery (48.5 without).Great piece of kit,be lost without it!
Good luck.
There are lots on the market now, I've tried three types and true the light weight ones are not so good on rough terrain. I would suggest shopping around or a test run. If you have a mobility shop go have a look if that's possible of course. Good luck with your purchase.
I have a luggie scooter that lives in boot of car. They are easy to take around and get on and off buses and tubes. However they are very expensive! Cheaper alternatives are now available. I use careco.co.uk to purchase equipment.
I also invested in a hoist for getting luggie in and out of car boot so I don't have to rely on others. That was about Ā£800 to have fitted but for me is a godsend!
I used a lightweight Rascal which broke up into 4 main pieces and was easy to put together while sitting on the tailgate of my car. It was great for walking my dog before I had a knee replacement op.
my husband John has a sterling little gem and it has been so reliable. it folds up and goes in the car. bought second hand and we have had it three years. john does not drive now but we use it to go down the beach and to the doctors and shops. we had to replace the battery a fewweeks ago and it cost 70 pounds.
Hello Shattock,try to find a local dealer .I made the mistake of buying from the Internet ,it was a nightmare,supposed to be super light weight but was far from it .I sent it back.Then found a local shop that is brilliant.I bought a three wheeler which will turn in it,s own circle although they are not quite as stable as the four wheels( they can tip over ) It breaks down into three and fits even a small boot,the main frame may have to go on the back seat.I,m actually selling mine as I now have my motability car.The only problem I found was once in my scooter I did,nt want to get out of it,went into shops and all sorts still in it,I live in London and was worried about it being pinched.I went miles but did,nt get any exercise.If you live in London and want to discuss buying it or the shop I got it let me know.D.
I have a mobility scooter called little Gem it comes apart and will fit in almost any boot once you take the battery off it is not heavy but better with two people I can lift my scooter with scooter battery on but its quite heavy better to take it off also the back part with the back wheels comes off they will do about 8 miles now thats if the road surface is flat and your weight is right, I am 15st and I ride my anywhere they are great little scooters what I have just found out my starting stopping and I was told by mobility shop to clean the contacts which are behind the back wheels when you take the back wheels of you will see the contacts use WD40and an cloth its easy I have been cleaning my and it never stops its great known how much they are new my was second hand and I was lucky I think you will get one under Ā£1000
The nice thing about these scooters you can take them on holiday on air planes because they have dry cell batteries hope this helps you because a scooter gives you your life back you can go any where have some fun best of luck
all the best Fred
Pete has a lightweight scooter that can be lifted by one person and was from Better Life. You can pick up info and leaflets from Lloyds Chemist. Let us know how you get on. xxxx
About a month ago I decided that a scooter may be a good idea for me.. have a car through motability so the scooter would have to be my purchase.
Going against the advice given by previous posters I bought a 3 wheeler and bought it off the internet.
Its a TGA Buddy, very nice condition and fully serviced with 2x new GEL batterries.....Tool free to take apart and fit into boot.....
Even been on trails through nature reserves on it. Great little machine.
and it was only Ā£100.

What a bargain ! Thanks for the reply, Hazel
A very heartfelt thank you to you all for writing with such helpful advice I am now considering the Rascal Litewate, which is supposed to break into 5 parts, the heaviest being 13 kg. I have yet to see it & try lifting etc. Will let you know how I get on ! Best wishes, Hazel
Hi I have juse bought a new one from Lloyd pharmacy it's brill fits in the boot no problem it's the drive style scooter the price is good at Ā£415 I bought a second hand one before and was told it was working well big mistake when I tried it i only had a small space to try it and when I got home and tried it it kept stopping when trying to go up a small incline I had it checked by a reputable firm who told me the motor was on its way out and a new motor and fitting it was Ā£255 so I had a new one which goes up and down steep inclines really well hope this helps you
Thank you, Marian. Are you able to put it in/out of the car boot by yourself?
Best wishes, Hazel
Do you need a scooter or a powered chair.
You may want to consider the Benoit light drive, breaks into 3 bits and fits most standard chairs. My partner uses one on a Karma folding chair and its made so much difference to our lives.