Just been reading about the benefit of beetroot ,one thing was interested it helps with oxygen into body .kookie
Beetroot : Just been reading about the... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi KookIe😊
We have spoke of beet juice before and your right. It does help with the oxygen.
I just got a juicer and am trying to figure out what to put with beets, that will taste good. Maybe some people will respond that juice them. They are definitely something worth adding to your diet. Do you juice?
i havent tried but i would say cuecumber and perhaps a tomatoe
scary when eating beetroot water turnd bright red lol terrified me one day thought i was bleeding to death lol
Might be worth mentioning to your doctor next time you see them:
'. . . pink or red urine after the ingestion of beets [Beeturia], affects about 10–14% of the population. Beeturia in the normal population has been variously ascribed to genetic factors, food allergy, gastric acidity, gastric emptying, and colonic oxalic acid. However, beeturia is most common in individuals with enhanced iron absorption: 66–80% in patients with untreated iron-deficiency anaemia, and 45% in patients receiving treatment for pernicious anaemia.'
I buy cartons of organic beetroot juice, it has 10% apple juice added to smooth the earthiness, I find it delicious.
Don't drink too much too fast as the high nitrate content, responsible for much of its benefit, can also cause nausea and vomiting. If you're susceptible to this then dilute it with 25-50% fruit juice.
a love beetroot on a piece lol
Hi I love beetroot but never think of buying it - don't know why. But when I do think I buy some (cooked) and thoroughly enjoy it. It's nice to know it is so good for you as well so thanks for that. x
I always have beetroot with my salad. I even have beetroot sandwiches.
I used to eat beetroot before I got this pesky lung problem so I enjoy it even more now !
I prefer fresh beetroot rather than juice, most supermarkets stock it. But juice is easier to digest I would think. Used to grow my own a long time ago. Unfortunately I am one of those who gets red water from eating only a small amount , so thanks for the link about this. It also helps if you have blood pressure problems I am told. So well worth trying to keep in your diet and tasty too .
Quick recipe for beetroot jelly to go with salad, make a pint blackcurrant jelly up with half water, half vinegar and add chopped fresh beetroot. Set in fridge in usual way for jelly. If you have a little fresh mint it adds to the flavour. If you don't need that much you can make with a half pint of jelly, if you are diabetic there are unsweetened jellies available for this one too. Nice and tasty with your usual salad.
It also help BP drop.
Does anyone know if pickled beetroot in jars is as good for you as fresh beetroot. I sometimes buy it fresh but it is quite expensive and once cooked only lasts a few days in the fridge before turning mouldy. I can only eat a few pieces at a time because of the effect on my bowels if you know what I mean ha ha
I love beetroot in stews chopped into cubes and put in about 10 minutes before the end of cooking time. I even add picked baby beets to it as well just before eating ,,, yummy.
Mmmm, good news I love beetroot, will have to have a go at growing some.
I eat beetroot just about every day with my lunch,luckily I like vinegar too yum!D.