Blue sky white fluffy clouds and its ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Blue sky white fluffy clouds and its dry.

holly17 profile image
34 Replies

Morning every body its a lovely day here at the moment but far to early to know just what its going to end up like as its so changeable these days but fingers crossed we just might have the sun a bit later. It was a shame yesterday afternoon as a celebration sing along had been organised on the beach to remember VE day and what did it do, yes you guessed it, it poured down, I got to admit I ended up not going down as there is no way I am getting a cold or anything else that could stop me going into hospital on Wednesday, so I have no idea yet whether or not it still went on. I have to pop into town this morning to pick up a prescription but will use my bus pass as Saturday can be a real pain trying to find somewhere to park and the wardens or as they are called here Traffic Enforcement Officers always appear on the weekend when there is easy pickings, but I suppose its their job to spread the word :)

Right another to make up for all the blonde jokes. One day in the garden of Eden , Eve called out to God "Lord I have a problem"

"Whats the problem, Eve?"

Lord I know you created me and have provided me with this beautiful garden,and all these wonderful animals, and that hilarious snake, but I am not happy. "Why is that, Eve?" came the reply from above.

"Because I am lonely and sick of eating apples."

Well in that case I have a solution I will create a bloke for you. "Whats a bloke Lord ?" said Eve.

A bloke is a flawed creature, with aggressive tendencies, an enormous ego, and an inability to empathise or listen to you properly. All in all he will give you a hard time, but he will be bigger and faster and more muscular than you. He will be really good at fighting and kicking a ball about and also good at hunting and at times good company.

"Sounds great" said Eve with an ironically raised eyebrow.

Yeah well you can have him on one condition said God, Because of his tender ego, you will have to let him think that I created him first. Just remember its our little secret........

You know woman to woman.

Have a good day the clouds are not fluffy any more they are big black things now, oh well. :) ;) xxx

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holly17 profile image
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34 Replies
huggs profile image

Morning Fred,

hahaha good joke, I always knew there had to be a good reason. lol

The weather doesn't seem to know what to do here either, it is swinging between light rain and sunshine.

Can you get your prescriptions delivered Fred? They have done that here for years now, although I only started using it about two years ago, as I live myself and there wasn't always anyone around to get them for me, and I don't drive. Hope you hear soon whether you are going into hospital or not, but I daresay you will be all prepared anyway.

I was suppose to go through the week and completely forgot about it until the last minute, and it was too late to go. Its been rearranged for Monday, so I had better not forget again. lol

Have a great weekend,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to huggs

Yes Huggs I have whats needed ready to go, it seems as before if I do not hear anything off I go, but you do not really know if its all go until they put you to sleep. Must point out its now raining again. Yes you must remember Monday as they just not be to happy if you miss that one as well.

Enjoy the weekend if possible, oh sorry you asked about the prescription yes Lloyds chemist will deliver but I am able to go down so don't like to use it yet, its different for you being unable to drive.

hugs back to you :) xxx Fred

Sheilab123 profile image

Mornihg Fred loving the joke! Same here weather wise. I have to go and clear my horsey stuff from the stables today, i will probably cry my eyes out as i do so miss my boys, but hey ho on we go. Have a great day Fred xx

Lyd12 profile image

thats a good one Fred, yes men do have fragile egos, especially as they get older and lose some of that strength.

Seems a long wait for some summery weather - I reckon its waiting until you are back from hospital and sitting in the garden! Love Iris x

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Lyd12

If you are right Iris the sun should be with us by next weekend or I hope so anyway. At the moment the rain is coming down like stair rods now where did I leave that hat.? Have a good weekend xxx :) ;)

holly17 profile image

You will manage Sheila and if there are tears so what we are all allowed to have those now and again. Have a quiet restful weekend unless you are going to the disco :) xxx

Suzy6 profile image

Good morning Fred. Who needs sunshine when I have my own on here. You are my sunshine.

The sun is shining here at the moment, very windy and dark clouds keep coming ever near.

I'm happy itchy rash on way out.

Loved the joke. Suzy (W)xxxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Suzy6

And a good morning to you too Suzy(W) pleased the itchy scratchy is leaving you, they really are a menace I seemed to get some in places that you can't itch in public but that's another story. How many more visits have they got you penned in for ? Keep smiling love :) ;) xxx Fred

Suzy6 profile image
Suzy6 in reply to holly17

Ha Ha Ha. I did have too. Good thing the Doc at Hospital was a woman. :X

Tuesday Consultant and Bloods, Friday chemo, then following Friday Chemo and bloods. That's all they have penned in at moment. Suzyxxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Suzy6

:) ;) :D XXX

Sheilab123 profile image
Sheilab123 in reply to holly17

Got to jump in there Fred my hubby went to see a consultant about the itch and soreness in the unmentionable area, on examination the consultant offered him some cream, and would you believe antidepressants to which hubby replied b......s! xx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Sheilab123

I loved that the mind boggles, I think my reply would have been the same Sheila :) xx

holly17 profile image

I expect our Lyn is sat in the area of the mother swan with the little ones waiting for another perfect shot, I just hope the weather is dry or else she I mean Lyn will get soaked as I am sure the swan does not mind the rain or do they with chicks ? :) xxx

scorpiolass profile image

That is very good Fred but is it a joke i wonder , or is it fact. hehehe. Looks like a mixture of sun & rain again today! I notice you are polite and use names, so do I. I have a consultant who in his gp letters only ever refers to me as she or her, apart from he uses mrs when he calls me into his room.i have an impish desire to sit still next time he calls me in. When he is puzzled smile sweetly and say , oh you must mean me, i am usually known as she!😁 women can have bruised egos too you know. Love Margaretx

holly17 profile image

Our family doctor always comes out to the waiting room looks directly at you then will call you by name, its so nice to hear and the way it should be. Good idea go for it Margaret would be great if it could be caught on camera, see if Lyn is free next time you go. Keep smiling :) xxx Fred

rubyred777 profile image

Good day Fred

Lol..... that was great! Gotta be one of my favorites. You have to go back in the hospital? They must love seeing you. You must have everyone laughing!

Have a great day. Weather.... dark outside yet. Think maybe rain.

Love Rubyxxx 😀 😀

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to rubyred777

High Ruby yes just for a zap on the cancers only in for a little while again I hope, yes we do have a laugh or with the nurses the rest of the other men are normally rather poorly . Hope the rain stays clear for you. :) ;) xxx

pollyjj profile image

Good Morning Fred, loved it and some truth there I think.

Its a bit dull here at the moment but promises of some sunshine later but I am staying in today and chilling, no visitors coming so can relax.

Enjoy your day.

polly xx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to pollyjj

We have had the works since about 0600 and back to sunshine with a blue sky, please let it last. That was a one off story but its possible make believe polly, have a relaxing day :) xxx

sassy59 profile image

Brilliant as always Fred and it is raining here. You must have sent the showers our way but I forgive you as you are such a sweetie. Take care xxxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to sassy59

Carole the sun is shining here at the moment but not holding my breath, as that can be dangerous as well. Me a sweetie you might not say that if you lived with me lol :) xxx Fred

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to holly17

:) :) xxxxxxx


You will win all the hearts of us girls with that x

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to

Mandy I know my place lol be gentle with me :) :) :) xx

in reply to holly17

Oh your a very wise man Fred x :)

Afternoon Fred. Yes, I just loved that joke, definitely true lol I'm late logging on today because it was my morning for visiting a very old lady (friend of my late mum) and, once I'm there, I can't get away!! Ah well, I may be very pleased for someone to visit me one day. Take care. Jan xx

holly17 profile image

Hi Jan I understand as I had a elderly friend who I visited every week for 25 years she was a lovely lady ex school teacher and it was wonderful to hear about her live she was 11 at the start of the first world war, she was such a pleasure to be with, Rose died 2years ago just after her 106th birthday, she even got me to teach her how to use a computer. Have a good weekend Jan. :) :) xxx Fred

Jolyn profile image

Bahahahhhahahha...that's a cracking joke Fred. I love it. A very good evening to at the moment...well it's dark. :-) xxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Jolyn

Now that's really strange Lyn as it is down here as well. Oh well time for bed said Zeberdee, good night said Florence and Brian retreated into his shell house. :) xxx

Mavary profile image

Hi Holly17. I hope all goes well for you on Wednesday. I loved your blonde joke. Ha ha! X

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Mavary

Hello there Mavis, I thought I better give the blondes a rest for a while but I am sure they will be back, had a look at your paintings they are very good, please keep going at it. Bye for now Fred :) xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to holly17

Thanks Fred. I haven't done any more lately. I seem to do it in spurts. I've got some pictures I've taken of Weymouth that I am going to try one day. I think the Sping has got into my head and I've been sorting things out and I've also started knitting a jumper for my Granddaughter. I love your jokes though so please keep them coming. I am absolutely hopeless at telling jokes. I can never remember them. X

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Mavary

Yes just paint as and when the urge takes you, and as for knitting that's achieving two things one your Granddaughter will love it and it also keeps those fingers moving. Keep smiling. :) xx

Mavary profile image

I think you're right. You have to be in the mood to do things. I love to draw and paint but it can take over your life. It's a bit like reading a good book and you don't want to put it down or your in the middle of doing a puzzle and you've got to finish that last corner. I love all these things anyway. Trouble is I get hooked on them. X

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