Dizzle and Charlie having a cuddle,not always as peaceful but we,re getting there.
Dizzles progress!: Dizzle and Charlie... - Lung Conditions C...
Dizzles progress!

Why did they turn the picture upside down??? Grrrrrr!D.
Ah how sweet Farmer. I have been very sad for last few days. One of our cats was ill. She had Thyroid problems. We were doing fine controlling it for a while then out of the blue she had a stroke. We had to make that awful decision. I really miss her. The other cat misses her too. We have decided not to have another. Give Dizzle and Charlie a hug from me.
FarmerD - you wont know me but it does look as if you are a catlover. Cats are such a comfort - for me the best pets. Primary worry - the dander that they give off worried me but I take a antihistamine so breathing problems are lessened. Malcolm (!) ismy big mate with problems going on in my life. xx
Lovely cats FarmerD. Our Tessa is 16 now but still active when she wants to be. xxx
Our two cats "tolerate" each other but will never be friends, even though we got them both at the same time. But I wouldn't be without them - they're the two friends who never tire of listening to me when I'm worried about my husband. xx
I see you are having same problem as me. Do you have an IPad.? As you can see my photographs are upside down .ive even tried putting them in upside down and they're still the same. Your cats still look lovely though
Our two cats have been feed they are now in the dog bed together and the dog is on the floor, well you know what they say cats rule and dogs drool