Is anyone having difficulty in access... - Lung Conditions C...

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Is anyone having difficulty in accessing the new site layout.?.

huggs profile image
45 Replies

I have been eagerly waiting to get on the new site layout. To date it has not happened automatically, nor have I received an email about it. I know some members have received one,

or the other of these options.

For the past two days (could be a bit longer, its so hard to tell), when I come on to BLF and HU there has been a message flashed up for only a split second, between the green bar and the blue bar. I have to click on the BLF logo or icon on my favourites bar repeatedly to read the message. I have had to do this around 22 times, as the message appears so briefly. The message is inviting me to click here(underlined) to enjoy the new HU. It is virtually impossible to do this, as the message is only there for a split second, and I have to go from favourites bar and click on in that time. I managed it once and got onto the new layout, but when I came off, and tried to get back on, I am still on the old site. I use internet explorer 11, which was just down loaded today. I hope someone can understand me, because it sounds as clear as mud. I know some of you techies will be able to help me, so thanks for reading..

hugs from huggs xxx

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huggs profile image
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45 Replies
oxytic profile image

hi there Huggs . if you go to communities and go to the very top of the page ,there's an option that says upgrade that's where I normally go ...mind haven't tried it today though all the best hugs' eric

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to oxytic

Hi oxytic,

There is no place which says upgrade. The only thing that happens, is as I have described. Between the green bar of Hu and the blue bar of BLF a message appears literally for a split second. It is impossible to read the message in that time, I had to click 22 times just to read the message, which invited me to "click here" which was underlined,, and then I would enjoy the new HU. It is practically impossible to do it in a split second, as I have to go from favourites bar and guess in the space where I have to click on to. I have only managed it once. The message needs to be permanently displayed, or for someone to contact us by providing a link or something; Thanks for replying and all the best. lots of hugs from huggsxxx

Suzy6 profile image

Hi Huggs I'm on the new one at home but what you describe happens to me at work. It is gone in 2 seconds. Hope someone has the answer. xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Suzy6

Hi Suzy, I am so glad its not just me! If things haven't sorted themselves out by Monday I will get in touch with someone. Not sure who though! huggs xxx

oxytic profile image

hugs ...No I've just tried and got on it no problem

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to oxytic

Hi again, You are one of the lucky ones. There seem to be a few of us having exactly the same problem. The message which flashes for a split second would need to be there permanently, otherwise we will not get on. Take care, and thanks anyway. huggs xxx

Bevvy profile image

No like you I can't get on it. Same problems as described. Tried suggestion given and still can't get on!

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Bevvy

Hi Bevvy, I am so glad its not just me. If nothing happens by Monday, I think we will collectively have to get in touch with someone. I don't know if that would be a moderator or admin. huggs xx

stone-UK profile image

Hi no problem on I- pad three different browsers.

Problem on smart phone, but can now upgrade have to do every time.

Same with laptop, IE11.

Have done all usual , cookies, history ect.

One problem the Address is the same for both sites. When it is rolled out completely and the old site removed maybe it will be ok.

It is a better site for mobile unit, smart phone and I-pad

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to stone-UK

Hi Stone, Glad you are having no problems, but some of us still are. Will see what happens over the weekend, and then decide what to do. Thanks. hugs from huggsxxxx

newlands profile image

Hi i am sure they said it could be a few weeks before everyone would be on ,what you are describing is what happened too me then hay presto i was on. Dont get too excited huggs its not much of a change xxxx


huggs profile image
huggs in reply to newlands

Hi Dorothy,

By some miracle, I once managed to judge the click on place correctly, and get on the new site. I was only on it for a few minutes, so didn't see anything new. The letter size and spacing seemed different, but was difficult to judge because of the time I had. If what is happening to me and some others, and also happened to you, then I daresay it will sort itself out. Thanks. hugs from Huggsxxx

oxytic profile image

hugs Hi yeah a bit hard to be in two places at once here and there ....get confusing its ,enough to take ya breath away :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to oxytic

Hi oxytic, yeah that's for sure. It doesn't take a lot to confuse me anyway! LOL I daresay it will sort itself out. Thanks again. hugs from Huggs xxx

oxytic profile image
oxytic in reply to huggs

hugs thanks for the hugs Have we got it right now here on this site Getting out of breath running around looking for which room every one is in LOL ...

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to oxytic

You are welcome oxytic. yes, You are right, we are all running around like headless chickens! Some have the new site, some only have the old site....although we seem to be getting nearer to the new one, and some have both! Confusion reigneth, but its not worth getting worried about. LOL It'll happen when it happens. hugs from Huggs xx

Toci profile image

My message sits still whilst I click it then updates and takes me to the new site. But every time I come on I have to go through it all again! I have now been updated five times! So, I use the old format. x

oxytic profile image
oxytic in reply to Toci

I cant help but laugh when I see people going through what I thought was only happening to me he he he Not good is it get confusing :)

oxytic profile image
oxytic in reply to oxytic

where is every one ..... ? ? ?

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to oxytic

Don't know!! Probably been abducted by aliens to replace the English team in Brazil LOL huggs xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to oxytic

Hi Oxytic, I think its best just to laugh right enough. If any of the moderators or admin are watching us, they must be having a right laugh! ha ha ha

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Toci

Hi Toci, at least the message sits still for you! I have literally about one second to go from BLF on favourites bar to guess where 'click on' is, as its a bland space! LOL hugs from huggs xxx

Louisiana profile image

|I honestly don't know what you are talking about , but I will read everyone's comments and perhaps understand.....although this computer stuff does my head in. I don't even know what "favourites" are....and as for HU - well...all double dutch....please ignore me....I will keep watching this space :)

Louisiana profile image
Louisiana in reply to Louisiana

stupid me, HU is healthunlocked ...I know, I'm past it. :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Louisiana

Hi Louisiana, Don't worry about it. If you are not on the new layout of this site, it will come eventually. A lot of people are on it, a lot are not and having problems which will sort themselves out, and I think a lot of people have both! It is confusing.

The favourites bar is above the green bar of health unlocked ( well done for guessing that one correctly). The idea of the favourites bar is that you can have quick access to your favourite websites by just clicking on the icon from that sight. I cant really remember how to start it off, but say you are on HU just now. If you see a yellow star at the left hand side just above the green bar, click on the star, and then HU will be the start of your favourites bar. If I have got this wrong, my apologies and someone will come on and explain it better. Then anytime you come across a website that you will use regularly, you click onto the yellow star and its on your favourites bar. Then next time, you only need to click once on the little picture or icon and it takes you straight to that site. You might want to put your email there, or local weather forecast or puzzles or whatever. Its entirely up to you. Good luck, and I hope I haven't confused you further. Take care. lots of hugs from Huggs xxx

Louisiana profile image
Louisiana in reply to huggs

thank you is SLOOOOOOWLY making sense and I will keep reading all the comments, advice, etc., and try to sort it out my end, but at the moment I just go straight on to the emails I receive through HU - I have only been on the BFL website a couple of times (that's how I found all of you nice people) did you figure all of this out yourself, or did you have classes??????? Someone gave me their very old computer and set an email up for me, and here I am actually participating in discussions online....anything else scares the living daylights out of me, e.g. if I try to do something online and a question comes up, I just delete it as I don't even understand the question....:) I'm doing OK though :

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Louisiana

Hi Loisiania,

You are doing really well, for just working it out on your own. You could check at your library to see if they run basic computing courses for beginners. The best thing you can do is just sit at it , and practice, and then practice some more. When I got my laptop, there was no one around at the time to help me. I got all the cables, hub and battery sorted out. Then I phoned a friend in England who talked me through getting internet access. After that, I just found my way around by practising, and if I got into real difficulty, like when my cat jumped on the keyboard and the whole screen went upside down, I would phone someone. I have done lots of daft things on it, but that's how you learn. My computer went flying across the room a few times, but it was always carefully aimed at the bed or couch. Just keep on doing what you are doing, and practice when you can. Do you understand about the favourites bar, or would you like me to explain it again, maybe in a different way. The favourites bar is so good, because you can get onto your favourite sites with just one click. Good luck. lots of hugs from Huggs xxx

Louisiana profile image
Louisiana in reply to huggs

thanks for the encouragement. I have just had a might be fun to ask my granddaughters to help me do the favourite thing.....something we could "bond" over during their annual visit in July.....I'll let you know how that works out. You mentioned you phoned England....where are you???? in the UK or across the ocean..sending a hug to you. :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Louisiana

Hi Louisiana,

I am just North of the border, in bonnie Scotland. I live on the Isle of Bute, to be exact, which is a small island off the West Coast. Its lovely.

It might be fun to ask your granddaughters to help you with the favourite bar and anything else, you want to know. I would add a word of caution however. I have no grandchildren, so this is only what I have heard from other grandparents, and they are computer savvy! You will need to be careful that they don't put what they like or want onto your computer, as apparently that happens quite a lot. Obviously it will not happen to everyone, and will depend on their ages etc. They will know about favourites, however. What you could do is write a list of your favourite websites, and if you are only using HU, then find other ones that may interest you, as I suggested in my other response. You can also put shops up, or places like Amazon and ebay. puzzles, jigsaws etc. Between now and their visit, find out what websites appeal to you, and write them down, and it really so easy to add to favourites. Once you have done it once, then you will see how easy it is. Sorry, I am not good at explaining techy type thingys! I am sure your granddaughters will love to help granny out, and it will be a bonding thing as you say. Just make sure its your stuff that goes on the computer, and not theirs. They can still use it of course, but nothing permanent of theirs is to be left on it. I am just repeating experiences of other grandparents. Good luck, and keep practicing, you are doing well. lots of hugs from Huggs xx

Louisiana profile image
Louisiana in reply to huggs

my mind boggles.....I will bear this in mind though!!! The Isle of Bute sounds soooooo romantic and beautiful. I have been to Edinburgh, but that's my Scotland. thanks again...will let you know what happens. nite nite x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Louisiana

Hi Louisiana,

Your mind is always boggling when I say something!! lol. If you want to find out more about Isle of Bute, just google it by typing in Isle of Bute on your search bar. Nighty, night night. hugs from Huggs xx

Louisiana profile image
Louisiana in reply to huggs

weeeeell i tend to do that a lot! I will look up Isle of Bute....x

Hi Huggs ! After reading this post yesterday, I clicked the update button and am now on the new site. Not much different to the old one, just slightly different spacing and highlighting of posts. The main difference seems to be that questions and posts are no longer seperate but all under posts. I didn't have any difficulty accessing the upgrade from my iPhone ( which is what I always use for browsing here), maybe the difficulty is with desktops or laptops. Hope you get on there soon.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Argana,

Glad you are on the new site. I still cannot access it, because the click button only appears for a second, and my cursor is on my favourites bar and there is not enough time to whizz down and guess where "click on" is. To be honest, I am not that bothered now, especially as you all say that its not that much different. I daresay it will come all right in the end. I might try accessing it through typing in BLF, instead of clicking on from my favourites bar. Thanks a lot for letting me know. Enjoy the site. Take care, hugs from Huggs xx

MrHappy profile image

Only been on for a few seconds & have to say I'm not impressed.

If they were going to 'improve' the format, why not make it as easy & user friendly as most other forum sites?

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to MrHappy

Hi MrHappy,

No, I am not that impressed either, but I daresay we will get use to it in time. You might be interested to know that I went off site for a few minutes, came back on and initially thought I was still on the new site. Then I went to the very top of the page, and hey presto!, back on the old one.m Hurrah!!

Try it and see. hugs from Huggs xx

tigger1977 profile image

Hi im having problems sending or receiving some private messages also I cannot change my profile pic x

tigger1977 profile image

Hi huggs my page n private messages not loading .

Can I scream please was ok then no reciving PMs or updated newsfeed .

Anybody else.xx

huggs profile image

Hi Tigger,

I can't help you there, I am sorry. If you go to the green light bulb at the bottom right of the page and get in touch directly with whomever they are, they will advise you. I will be pm, ing you in a minute. Hope you are feeling much better now. love from Huggs xxx

MrHappy profile image

It wasn't broken, but you 'mended' it anyway - why?

The explanation video is very long winded & slow at getting to the point.

I'm a member of various fora on the web yet I've see none so complicated as this one [inc Facebook]

2 sites I use have this format

Another uses this one

Also the 'list' format, like this

Why not have a user friendly set up like these?

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to MrHappy

Hi Mr Happy, or should I say Mr Unhappy!,

There are many people not happy with the site layout, including myself. As far as I can see it has only be restructured to allow people with mobile devices access to health unlocked websites. It was not BLF that changed the layout, but health unlocked. I can only suggest that you click on the green balloon/lightbulb, and write a message with specific suggestions. They will email you back. If enough people request the same thing then things may change. I have not checked your links out yet, although I will. One of my complaints is the private messaging service. Before if you got a pm from someone, you clicked on your email, and it took you directly to the new message. Now it take you right back to the very first message you or that person posted. I know its just a small thing, but it is irritating. There is also far too much white, and the site has lost its cosy and welcoming feel. I also think the home page is too cluttered and confusion. That's just for starters. Go on Mr Happy, get in touch with them and tell of your concerns. That is the only way that small changes may be brought about. Good luck, and I will also be messaging them some more, so let us just hope that improvements can be made. Take care, and remember that the people are the same. I do wish it was back to the old way though!

love from Huggs xxx

MrHappy profile image


thanks - I've sent them msg via green bulb as you suggested - prob get struck off now!

We really shouldn't have to be doing all this stuff - it really detracts from the real business of this site, namely to help fellow sufferers & spread useful info about copd

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to MrHappy

Hi Mr Happy,

Hope you feel better now that you have done something about it. If you have any more ideas or suggestions to make to them, then just keep sending them. I know we shouldn't have to bother with all this carry on, but if they change our site, then we need to let them know we are not happy. I have not been active at all on it lately, but that's been due to health and lappy problems! Both of us are on the mend now, I think. Take care.

love from Huggs xx

dukes profile image

What are all of these padlocks about, and why are you not allowed to read half of the content ?

Not very impressed !

huggs profile image

Hi Dukes,

To be honest, I don't know what the padlocks are about. I have still clicked on them and been able to read the question and answer. If no one comes on and gives an answer, you could get in touch directly by, either clicking on help on the green bar, or going on to BLF's home page where the staff of BLF are all listed and you can pm them. Good luck, and I will wait with interest to see what happens. Take care, Huggs xx.

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