New Job Application Question?????????... - Lung Conditions C...

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New Job Application Question??????????????????

1968 profile image
25 Replies

Need some advice, I have been head hunted for a new job with a new company.

On the application form is asks if I have any health disabilities.

What do you put????????????

I was diagnosed in 2010 with stage 1 very mild boulis emphysema (no meds required).

David 1968

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1968 profile image
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25 Replies
initial profile image

I'd be truthful and upfront, as doing otherwise would leave you liable, and lying on an application is grounds for dismissal. I would imagine as you have been head hunted, the application is no more than a formality. Good luck in your new job :) x

Sohara profile image

Have you had to have much time off work since your diagnosis ? or have any treatment for your emphysema?

If not I would not even mention it as its very mild and nothing much to worry about

1968 profile image

I have had no time off for emphysema related incidents, I'm on no medication, I have had 2 spriro tests first one in 2012 fev1 79% then 2013 82%. I don't have any great symptoms and I keep fit and active. I was classed as stage 1-very mild, after my 2013 spiro test I saw a lung specialist at the hospital who said due to my stage and level of fitness she does not even want to see me yearly, only if I request to see her or my doc.

Just a little confused on what to put on the application section regarding do I suffer any disabilities.

My current work sent me to a private health specialist when last year, he classed me the same, and stated I m fit to work and not under the disability act.


Toci profile image

As far as I am aware, they are no longer entitled to ask this question, just as they can no longer ask your age, except under very specific circumstances. "The general position is that it is unlawful for an employer to ask any job applicant about their health or disability unless and until the applicant has been offered a job." Check it out here

coastal1 profile image


I tend to agree with Sahara ,

You say, the question asks about health disabilities . Surely this means something that affects your every day functioning or a need for adaptations in your workplace. If you don't have any symptoms and haven't needed much time off sick it probably isn't relevant. I read on one site. .... ( think nhs .) that fev ratio of 80,% ..or above without any serious symptoms is not usually counted/diagnosed as copd. One or two people on this site have experienced this.

If you really want to mention it..( .personally i tend to err on the side of honesty even when unnecessary .,) you could always couch it in terms of had a few breathing problems 4 years ago but this is now resolved.

Actually that sounds daft .would probably think of something better or just keep quiet.

Great for the morale being headhunted ...Good luck whatever you decide

Cheers Coastal

happyfeet59 profile image

I agree with Toci.

Also, as Sohara, I wouldn't see mild emphysema as a 'disability' especially as you are not seeing a specialist and are not on any meds.

I have had bronch for 60 years and never thought of myself as 'disabled', until I went onto oxygen 6 months ago, as I was ABLE to do whatever I wanted to do - within limits. Thirty years ago a doctor said something about my 'disability' and I was genuinely shocked. I had never thought of myself in that way.

We mustn't rush to label ourselves unnecessarily. If you are well, feel wel,l rarely see your gp and don't think of yourself as disabled - you are not 'disabled'. So you are not lying.

Sorry coastal, we overlapped in time and thinking!

1968 profile image

I was only diagnosed by chance, went to docs with something else, he sent me for a chest xray, and that's when it kicked off.

Emphysema was picked up on the chest xray in 2010. CT Scan in 2011 identified boulus emphysema, stopped smoking as soon as I had the chest xray.

Last time I saw my doc he thinks I could have been born with this and it was only picked up by chance during the chest xray, blessing it was picked up or I would still be smoking and I guess I would be at a different stage by now.

Just worried about future employers though asking about health questions.

I have kept all health records relating to NHS and Private Records.


Sohara profile image

I have had Bronch since a baby...and I have NEVER put on any form that I had a disability...I feel they mean physical disability...anyway my bronch never affected my ability to do any job I ever had ( even though I had both lower lobes out at 15) I personally would not mention it, it has never caused you any health problems and would not affect your ability to do the job

If you feel you HAVE to mention it....then just say very mild emphysema . not requiring any medication.

Good luck in the new job if you get it

happyfeet59 profile image
happyfeet59 in reply to Sohara

We have walked the same path Sohara. I have never considered myself disabled, although now I am on oxygen 24/7 I suppose I should think about it. My sister wants me to apply for a blue badge as I cannot walk very far and my husband has to drop me and my oxygen off at the shop/pub/resturant door then go park in a carpark somewhere.

Sohara profile image
Sohara in reply to happyfeet59

If u are on 24hr oxygen happy then I think u should have a blue badge. Give it a go anyway

martin1945 profile image

I guess the key question is - "Do you feel disabled?" Also, do you believe that your mild "affliction" will in any way impede you ability to complete your job.

If the answer is "No" then I believe you can truthfully answer "No" to the question.

My two cents worth anyway. Stay well, Martin

Most application forms I have seen just ask 'do you have any disabilities which could affect your ability to do the job?' If it is coached in those terms and you don't think you have, answer no. Otherwise I would mention it but play it right down. I presume your sickness record in your last job is fine.

yorkie70 profile image

I would be truthful and reply "none". Reading your spiro results and the lung specialist does not require any follow up visit or issued any medication. With these results from the hospital then I understand that you do not have "any health disabilities" this is of course my own interpretation of it. I would recommend that you give BLF help line a call just click the red balloon at the top of the page. cheers Dave from the LoS.

Tetrazzini profile image

You could answer the question honestly and truthfully by stating that you are not under any course of treatment and, accordingly, take no regular medication.

Jettace profile image

Hi David ...I have the same level an condition as you ...

I wouldn't be putting any pre condition down on any form a guaranteed knock back on any potential job ..,That information is between you an your doctor and it's of a confidential nature ...

Hope this helps an good luck with your potential new job...



Hi David

I think the question is to enable them to see if they need to make 'reasonable adjustments' for you to work ( if they are a reputable firm or if it is the public sector). Personally I wouldn't say I had a disability unless I needed special help.

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

Any FEV1 reading over 80% is counted as normal. I expect quite a few people in the company that asked for you couldn't even reach that so, in my opinion, you haven't really got a medical condition as such. So nothing to tell.

Offcut profile image

I would put that on the form. This then shows your level of health and then they cannot ask you to do something that you are not capable of. Plus if you do not put it on and it does affect your work due to hospital visits flare ups etc. they could take action?

happyfeet59 profile image

One company I worked for had 'targets' for 'equality and diversity' of the workforce. At one meeting they were talking percentages regarding how many employees they had who were - black, disabled, male (all female staff). They were looking at how they could attract men etc into the company.

postscript profile image

on a job form this refers to disabilities that would require a future employer to make some provision ..... large type/wheel chair access through out, etc etc ..... it does not apply to copd unless you needed room for O2 cylinders

onamission profile image

If you are applying for a job with Atos they will not know what this is so I think you will be ok lol

coastal1 profile image

Most people pass through the mild stage without even knowing . Generally there are no symptoms and it is only usually picked up by chance perhaps during a scan for an unrelated matter ?.( just checked your post and this seems to have happened in your case )

Something with no symptoms and no treatment can surely not be classed a disability. !

lilliput profile image

I would not see it as a disability either. It may appear more serious to employers if you DO declare it. Best of luck!

thatcham1939 profile image

Be truthful, then they cannot come back at you.good luck with the job.


solowheelie profile image

It doesn't sound to me like you feel disabled by this in any way and therefore you should be able to say no. personally i think mentioning emphysema would make general public think of people unable to breathe without oxygen so maybe that term would not be the best to put on form. There's bound to be a medical form / medical which might be a better place to write and explain it xx

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