Anti mucus drug... : - Lung Conditions C...
Anti mucus drug...

Since my diagnosis last year, I've been prescribed carbocisteine, and I taken two, twice a day, and three times when I do have a chest infection. They do help.
in the process of getting that NAC now,,, could do with it this morning :),,, thanks jeremy,,,,jimmy
been told on the forum,,,at the moment
holland and barrat are selling "buy one, get another half price"
my resp nurse called i today, so i asked her about this, she said if i phoned the doc, explained that the resp nurse told me too, i would get a four week trial prescription of this, [as if it wasnt going to work in four weeks it wont work for me at all],,,, so hopefully this prescription will be delivered tomorrow or friday, so will see how i get on with it,,, the phlem or mucus is clear, but very difficult to bring up.
hi jeremy,,, prescription arrived this morning,,120 carbocisteine capsules 375 mg, one to be taken four times a day,,,,so welle give it a bash,, terrible bother with his phlegm,, so i hope this helps.,,,
been using Carbocisteine for a few years now, and it does work wonders, very good info page, Cheers Jeremy
yes a very good insight into this carbocisteine, worth reading,, i find it working now, less energy trying to bring this phlegm up, ,,,,,thanks also jeremy,, jimmy