Wishing all my lovely friends a very happy Christmas and a happy New year lots of love Dorothy xxx
Christmas : Wishing all my lovely... - Lung Conditions C...

A very Happy Xmas,to you as well Dorothy,lovely to hear from you,do hope the New Year brings better things!
Love Wendells xxxx

Thanks Wendells ,do hope you and your husband are feeling much better take care Dorothy xx
Merry christmas Dorothy enjoy the festivities,wishing you a happy health new year. Janexx
A very Merry Christmas to you too Dorothy, and may 2014 bring you health and happiness x
Thank you Pandaz xxx
Merry Christmas Dorothy & a very Happy & healthy new year to you & yours
Take good care of yourself over the hols.
Bless you for your company this year,
Karen xxxx
And to you Dorothy, hope it's a peaceful one for you and your family xx
Hiya Dorothy. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and win the lottery in the New Year.
Lots of love from Bobby xxxx