confidence, do others lack confidence... - Lung Conditions C...

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confidence, do others lack confidence in crowded places ,such as pubs restraunts etc i never did ,is it our copd condition or not?

whit profile image
21 Replies
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whit profile image
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21 Replies

A dont think it confidence its more being stranded or droping dead on street ..

I know i use to bump into people i

busy places like a was drunk its no fun going out when you cant walk and after stop

In my case i use to have to sit down pollution stairs or slight hills use to get me and would have to sit down and yep would be old people .. A use to think thay will think am a mugger or perv but like thay know i have serious lung problems

Anyway dont have to worry about that now .. Paying gas elec is bigger worry these days

phillips1 profile image

Hi Whit

I have become quite claustrophobic since I have had COPD. I don't like crowds or enclosed places. I am ok in big stores as long as I can see a window. It's very strange.


Suzy6 profile image
Suzy6 in reply to phillips1

I have become a bit of a recluse over last 2/3 years. If people didn't drag me out I wouldn't go. Once out I'm OK. Silly as I still work. It is only socially.

Travelling on your own in a strange city can make things so much more difficult and stressful, but personally I would be confident enough to ask for help if I need to.

I don't have problems with this in familiar towns and places.

I found when I was at my worst with breathing, walking and feeling too exhausted to achieve even a long conversation. I wouldn't be confident to go out at all.

I think the answer to your query could be either way depending on the circumstances.

Jambo profile image

I hate being out in company,it can be so embarrassing when trying to converse with people and you constantly cough.people looking at you when you are struggling to catch your know what to expect,strangers don't.

SecondLife profile image

Goodness me your post has made me suddenly realise what is wrong with hubby which has been driving me mad, perhaps I will be more tolerant now. When we are driving somewhere new he goes into panic mode and needs constant directions, he is also the same if we visit a strange town he worries constantly about where we have left the car and how to get back to it. I think there is so much about these diseases that we do not realise, the doctors give us the main bits but forget about the side effects.

My husband has lost a lot of confidence he is not too bad in how own environment but is dreadful if we go somewhere new - actually though some am I : wanting to make sure we can park, no stairs, not too cold, not too hot and so it goes in! But I do think it is better to make yourself and try to ignore any stares!!! It is so difficult and the anxiety that is definitely getting worse! TAD xx

sukee52 profile image

I think it is embarrassment for me. Strangely, Pastor George, the most embarrassing place for me is in Church, where the smell of candles etc make me cough constantly, and folk stare at me. Nevertheless, I have decided to front it out and just cough with a smile on my face. I think they may feel that I am now completely crackers. Hmm, possibly!!

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to sukee52

Candles are normally made from petroleum, so much for their lovely relaxing reputation. You're just breathing petrol fumes!

sukee52 profile image
sukee52 in reply to O2Trees

Yuk, explains a lot.

junespoon profile image

Hi Second life I am just the same as your hubby, No good going any where on my own,such a confident person before the dreaded Lung probs, When I am out with partner need to know where we can park near to where we are going, then its how long are we going to stop, then where are the nearest loos,It goes on and on like this ,until a sigh of relief when I get back home,X

knitter profile image

I often wonder if oxygen levels are lower in enclosed spaces with many people....and we are sensitive to it...don't know if it true or not though ...just an idea.

My daughters and I used to go to Meadowhall shopping centre and had to keep on going to the exit doors to get some air.

Like your husband,second life, I like to know how far away my car is when I am out so I can get back to it (hopefully)

peege profile image
peege in reply to knitter

I think you've got a point there Knitter about O2. xx

peege profile image

I think getting older plays a part too. We become invisible to society and it eventually rubs off, particularly if we're not 100% well and we begin to feel a fish out of water.

When well, I do try to keep up with what's going on in the world so I can join in conversations. When unwell I feel conspicuously dull, boring & past it and I certainly do feel more anxious. Times like that I just want to hibernate in my own space. More reason to stay as well and as active as possible. xx

Suzy6 profile image
Suzy6 in reply to peege

Know what you mean peeg. I went into Mobile phone shop to buy my D.I.L. a new phone for her birthday. I was overlooked and felt like a leper, but think it was because I was a grey haired wrinkly. When I was eventually served derived huge pleasure from blinding the salesman with my knowledge. All given me before hand by my D.I.L.

peege profile image
peege in reply to Suzy6

good for you suzy :)

Mummywummy profile image

Yes I too lost all confidence and hated people staring at me because I was breathless. I enjoy going out more now that I have oxygen and yes they still stare but who gives a damn. I still get a little panicky when getting ready so must be condition of C


rick1 profile image

Am now using a walking stick when I go for short walks or going out in the car, it has given me a bit more confidence and people seem to accept you for being disabled.

grandadbrian profile image

I also find using a walking stick helps Rick just as a leaning post whilst I get my breath back. Regards. Brian

Think that I'm fairly sociable; enjoy having company occasionally, especially meeting up regularly with my friend. But love going out somewhere by myself, ie getting the bus into town, having lunch out,etc. Last year I booked a day trip to see the Autumn Tints in the forest of Dean and it was lovely to watch the passing scenery. Found a decent pub that did a Sunday carvery and as it turned out met up with another traveller from the coach so we ate together.

For me, the difficulty is more when trying to have conversations with others; it's not easy to walk and talk at the same time and I just don't have the energy - wonder if anyone else encounters the same problems?

O2Trees profile image

My main concern is infection. Don't care if i appear breathless, just picking something up which will inevitably result in a long and difficult exacerbation.

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