Has anyone used clove oil for help with asthma?? I've read it apparently can but don't wanna flare it up again??
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Clove oil?
To be honest I wouldn't try anything new like that while things are iffy.
While some people are adamant natural stuff helps (or even gets rid of) asthma, I am extremely sceptical because if that was the case then those things would be the treatment for it. Ok some people find some things (and it's very personal) help a bit, in some ways, but if it helps hugely it would suggest it might not be asthma that's causing it. To me anyway.
I wouldn’t touch it either. Thinking about how sensitive some people can be to odours the smell could set off an attack. So I wouldn’t do anything with it.
If your asthma is not affected by scents and smells then you maybe able to tolerate essential oils. However, oil particles in the air can be breathed in and be an irritant. I say proceed with caution and be aware of the risks. Personally, I don't use anything scented as it sets my asthma off. I found breathing exercises much more beneficial, that's if you're looking for a holistic add on to your medication.
I use powdered cloves in tea (brown tea / "english" tea) and think it helps
to calm down my chest,
it is strong tho so try a bit on the end of a t-spoon, and I also put powdered cinnamon in tea with the cloves