If anyone has had a bronchoscopy it would be really appreciated if you are able to give me information about it thank you!
Bronchoscopy : If anyone has had a... - Asthma Community ...

I had one last monday and it was not the most pleasant of experiences. If you are able to, or are offered it, I would have sedation. I opted for sedation but my consultant is a bit of a maverick and didn't give me any.
The initial part of the procedure wasn't too bad. Uncomfortable, but manageable. It is uncomfortable when they put the camera up your nose and down your throat. It made me cough and gag a little, but as I say, it was manageable. The worst part was when they continued down into my lungs and gave me 3 doses of an anaesthetic liquid (not a throat spray). At that point, I found that I couldn't feel my lungs taking in air, even though they were telling me they were. Here is where the sedation would have come in handy I think, but that's just me.
Afterwards, my nose and throat were really sore but paracetamol helped......and nice warm hot chocolate 😁
Thank you! I've been told that because of how severe my breathing and asthma is and that i only use one lung that they are going to put me to sleep
Hi Ghoulette, I’ve had a couple of bronchoscopies over the past few years as well as lavage of my lungs and can reassure you that it’s really not that bad at all.
I only had light sedation and that was enough for me but I guess it’s a matter of personal preference.
It’s worth having done as it will enable your consultant to see what is going on.
Good luck!
I've had two done. Both with sedation. Once sedated I was oblivious of anything, coming round with an oxygen mask on. No after affects.
I’ve had a few. Definitely take the sedation (ex senior theatre nurse) Ive had a light sedation and a slightly heavier one and I know which one I prefer......ps it’s not the light one. The most unpleasant part is the numbing gel, even that is ok. It will be over before you know it. Good luck 😃
What does a bronchoscopy show? What would it diagnose?