I have a peak flow of 600 & my oxygen is at 97%, I had a chest infection about 3 weeks ago, and I was at the nurse a week and a half ago, she said that air is moving around my lungs fine. Could someone tell me as to why I might still be feeling tight chested, I feel like I have a big belt that is just getting wrapped around my chest
Peak flow & Oxygen: I have a peak flow... - Asthma Community ...
Peak flow & Oxygen

As you know chest infections can make you feel tight chested. If you've been coughing a lot then could be sore chest muscles? Like any muscles they can hurt and take time to recover.
Are you breathless with it? Is this a new symptom or ongoing from your chest infection? If you are finding it difficult to breath and it isn't your chest then can occur with heart problems especially if linked with exertion. (Although sudden chest tightness can be heart and needs attention asap). You can phone 111 if you are worried or out of hours doctor. Or wait and talk to asthma nurses after the bank holiday if linked to previous chest infection. Heart problems or asthma attacks need treatment. I only know as my husband has heart problems, but not a doctor and you've given limited information. If chest tightness is getting worse or impairs your ability to speak or move seek medical advice.
It doesn’t feel like an asthma attack, just feel tight chestedhad a chest infection 3 weeks ago., wonder if an infection is rearing it’s head again. I can feel that phlegm feeling starting in the back of my throat.
Peak Flow at 600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you, an Athlete? Been having breathing problems recently and I'm lucky if I can get my Peak Flow over 250
That’s the thing. I have difficult asthma. I blow peak flows like this but my oxygen can be low.
I'm the same - best is 630 vs a predicted best of 470 and PF often good day to day despite difficult asthma and daily symptoms. FEV1 is a different story!
Scoobs like you i get this where the PF is ok or even good and it is confusing. I don't get chest infections much but maybe it is the start of something- sometimes numbers can take a while to catch up. Do you find Ventolin helps the tight chest at all? That may be a clue towards whether this is asthma-related, even if it eases it only a bit or doesn't last.
Hi ,You are so lucky having a peak flow of 600, mine is around 400 & sometimes below 350, I have a very rare type of Asthma Eosinophilic which there are only about 1 in 5 have, with this I cough quite a few times during the day building up loads of mucus,and i am up quite frequently coughing for hours in the night, I did have to take high doses of steroids and did so for many years, but now I have a monthly injection, to try to keep my asthma under control, I have had 11 injections up to now, but for the past few weeks I haven’t been to good coughing most of the night and even during the day, I put it down to the weather conditions, but I am not so sure if the injection is working 100% so I will have to speak with my specialist.
With regards to your problem if you have been coughing a lot sometimes you’re airways can get inflamed, this is what causes the tightness you are experiencing,if it doesn’t start to improve maybe you may need a course of steroids,
What medication do you have for your problem? & do you have a nebuliser? I do and I find it does help when my chest is tight,it might be a good idea to talk to your asthma nurse & explain what’s going on, maybe it could be something else I think you should get a check up if you don’t think that it is your asthma. Kind regards Christine
I have difficult to control asthma. I’m on ventolin, spiriva respimat 2.5mcg 2 puffs in morning , fostair 6/200mcg 2 puffs morning 2 at night& montelukast 10mg tablets 1 tablet. I’m on quite a fair bit of medication.
Hello Scoobs 87, I myself am on a Ventolin inhaler which I use may be two or three times a day especially during the night, Spirivia respimat 2.5mcg 2 puffs in the morning Relvar Ellipta 184 micrograms / 22 micrograms Fluticsone furoate/ Vilanterol which is combo medication for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease & Asthma.
I also take salbutamol & ipratroium bromide total 2.5 ml solution & Budesonide nebulous 2 ml solution combined in my Nebulizer 3 times a day, also montelukast 10 mg’s 1 tablet just before I go to bed, I also take acetescillana in a glass of water ,it is supposed to help to release some of the mucus, I was on a very high dose of Deflezacort 30 mg’s & sometimes even 60 mg’s, for quite a long time, but now because of my rare type of esinophilliac asthma, I think that’s how you spell it, I have to have a injection of Nucala mepolizumab every 28 days at the hospital this as more or less saved my life as before I started to take it my symptoms were very severe, my night time attacks especially, I was too scared to go to sleep thinking I may not wake up on many occasion, but now I do seem a little better than I was even though I still have my boughts of coughing with a lot of mucus, I will have to mention this to my specialist when I see him.
I hope that you get better soon , maybe you should get a blood test to see if you are allergic to something, & to check that you haven’t got the rare type of asthma like me, good luck, please let me know how you go on, my best regards Chrisatsaydo
My profile is identical to yours. Start looking at your foods for ones that might have become intolerable. I had to quit almond milk. Also do you get any cosmetic fillers?
Asthma is not the only cause of tight chest, other Respiratory Ailments and Heart Issues can also cause similar symptoms.
Worth discussing with your GP maybe.