Hello I'm writing about my daughter who is 7 years. She's just 2 days ago changed to clenil modulite 100. Does anyone know if it takes a couple of days/weeks to take effect?
Daughter 7 years! : Hello :-) I'm... - Asthma Community ...
Daughter 7 years!
Yes it can take up to a month to have a noticeable affect
Yes agreed, it is a low-level corticosteroid so it builds up in the system to provide long-term prevention rather than quick relief. Hopefully though, if she is experiencing problematic symptoms now, you should start to see an improvement soon.
Assuming that she is using her inhaler ok you should see a change in a few days.
Hi. My 7 year old son was changed to these 6weeks ago but his coughing got worse, has to take him to doctor plus 2 nhs calls, was given steriods but his cough has came back this week nhs call and advised to revert back to old puffers if those help and book to see doctor again. Its do frustrating as i know how serious it can be and im on constant watch of him and asking every five minutes how he feels, im paranoid to let him sleep incase he takes an attack through the night.x