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was misunderstood so taken it off!

3 Replies

Plumie, All asthmatics should have a protocol they should follow and go by that. I think this post is a bit irresponsible all people are different and if your struggling and not getting help it could lead to serious consequences. I f you need an ambulance you are quite poorly already. The paramdics would much rather be sent to someone who is alive than very unwell because they read on a forum about someone who can cope differently to them and had been instructed differently.

This post is not JUST on about asthma, it is on about general as well. I know you would think it was common knowledge but it isnt?

Not everyones medical people agree with protocols and some people are new to asthma and people are asking the question time and time again so it is something that needs talking about, or that is how i feel, if something is being asked time and time again then chatting about it will reassure people. If you are a severe asthmatic and have a protocol follow it! I not saying dont! I think my post has been misunderstood. Please read read it and think when is a good time to call an ambulance and when is wasting there time?

Fair enough, but I think I know where plumie is coming from.

Some of us newbies have had occasions where we've felt puffed out by over exertion eg clearing out my airing cupboard would be a tiring thing for anybody asthma or no asthma. Walking quickly across town on a hot day would tire anybody out. But first sign of being slightly out of puff or coughing once or twice and we're wondering if its the start of an 'attack' - when maybe a sit down (and not necessarily any Ventolin) is all we need.

In the process of getting used to our condition, we read everything and anything - I came across a really doomy site which forecast an early death. Cripes!

Fortunately I decided to read the rest of the paragraph and found it to mean an early death at 70! Was a clip on wikipedia from a Jewish (?) paper on ageing process. Can only presume the paper's readers live to 150 or thereabouts.

Given the statistics and the current videos on those living with asthma albeit really brittle or severe asthma, those of us with even mildest asthma do worry about a possible attack sneaking up on us. And should this happen, what determines when we should call/wheeze/cough ambulance service.

For me, I'm following the advice on the AsthmUK Personal Action Plan available from this site and which I sent off for immediately on discovering it. I've told all my nearest and dearest what to do should I not be able to speak for coughing my head off despite Ventolin.

Checked they've read and understood cos holiday destination's local A&E is 90 minutes away by air ambulance. Two and a half hours by road.

I've stocked up on Ventolin and checked whereabouts of more local-ish GPs.

Best wishes to all in this muggy weather,