Moldy showers: Hi, I'm looking for... - Asthma Community ...

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Moldy showers

1 Reply


I'm looking for some advice on whats the best (lung friendly) way to treat the mold growing in the shower of our student house!? It's gross, we clean it and it grows back in a couple of days. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks :)


1 Reply

I don't know about specific mould treatments and would be cautious of chemicals. I think the first thing to do is to keep it as dry as possible. In our house we all (including the kids) wipe the shower walls, edge of the bath and the glass screen dry with a glass cloth (from Lidl so nice and cheap) every time we use it. We started doing this as we have hard water and it would end up looking awful if we didn't. As well as drying the walls you need to keep it well ventilated and warm enough so that it stays as dry as possible. You might also want to change the shower head as mould can grow inside these and so you get aerosolised (not sure about that word) mould every time you shower. My husband found quite a bit of info online about mould in shower heads so you might like to google it. Best wishes. Valerie

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