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weight loss support.

100 Replies

hi everyone

Thought that as some of us seem to be afflicted with the 'cuddly effect' of steroids and are trying to battle the bulge especially post christmas indulgence we could all share some weight loss tips and help encourage each other as we fight the rubbish side effects of steroids. Has anyone got any tips on exercises that are lung friendly when swimming is out due to the chemicals setting the old lungs off and exercise tolerance is particularly rubbish?!

Happy new year to everyone too! Good luck with the resolutions whatever they be but if loosing weight is one of them lets share tips and progress with one another!

Lv kat Xxx

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100 Replies

Hi kit-kat,

Afraid I don't have any tips and am in the same position. Prior to my asthma kicking off I was a healthy weight and exercised regularly (esp. swimming and long walks). Now a combination of the 'cuddly' steroids and exercise (any) inducing my asthma I'm (based on the height/weight charts) overweight, can't fit into my favourite clothes and it does affect my self-esteem.

I do have a question - is it safe to try and lose the weight gain that results from long term use of steroids? I know when this first became a problem I discussed it with my GP and was told not to try and lose the weight as my body was still fighting, it wouldn't help me recover and that things would settle down - but they haven't/aren't settling down and I want to get back to my old weight.

Sorry - this has been more of a moan than a help - I'm not sure what exercises might help - I've considered aqua-aerobics but that has the pool problem, yoga was suggested but I can't touch my toes! Gentle walks maybe?? I'm going to try ice-skating next week - this could be an unmitigated disaster combining cold and exercise - oh well, one way to find out :s

hi ratty

Im not sure on the safety issue of loosing weight im sure one of the medics will help-cathbear? EmH?

I currently have a walking ability of approximatly 40-100 metres without my sats plummeting so not sure walks especially in the cold are going to help me much but im still trying!!

As for the weight and self esteem i know what you mean. I was a size 8 and underweight before the cuddly effect took hold now a size 14 nearly a 16 and a lot heavier. Im sure my weight is not helping my breathlessness and exercise tolerance but i really dont know what to do next may try some gentle yoga style exercise but i too cant touch my toes as my other conditions cause chronic back and his pain preventing me bending so easily! Its all a bit rubbish. Hopefully another wise person like yourself will post with some other ideas too. Good luck and i really wish you well. Let me know how you get on and i too will keep you posted on my progress. Managed to loose 3lbs over christmas which i thought was great all i did was resist all the treats going round though this was soooo difficult! :-) good luck. Lv kat Xxx

Totally with you on this topic. I've just seen a general mediacal consultant who is insisting I lose weight by eating less and doing cardio vascular exercise such as walking - he doesn't seem to understand how difficult it is when you have asthma and dodgy joints. I am trying though to get out and walk for 20 - 30 minutes a day but between the asthma and joints the heart is not getting the workout he probably wants it to have. Instead of sauntering I have to pick up a pace - yeah! & pigs can fly.

You could try using the stairs for your walks, this would avoid the cold air - no good if you have dodgy knees though and obviously would lead to wear & tear on the carpet. Another alternative would be to purchase an exercise machine if you have the space indoors and can afford one.

I started yoga classes in September & don't think it will help you lose weight but the stetches and breathing and relaxation etc is all good for improving your fitness levels & other things such as posture. Make sure you find a yoga teacher that adapts the exercises for any problems you have rather than one where you are all treated the same ie fit youngsters with no health problems.

Yeah - I feel that I'm stuck - trouble exercising (and hence losing weight) because of extreme breathlessness (my consultant said he was 'impressed' by the extent of my exercise induced broncoconstriction - needless to say, I don't find it so impressive) but pretty sure the weight gain itself adds to the breathlessness. I was a size 10/12 before but am now a 14/16, but it's the feeling unfit that gets to me most - previously I was swimming at least 3 times a week and doing charity treks up mountains but now looking at the photos from my last trek really upsets me because the 'trek' (a whole 5 minutes) to my local supermarket leaves me completely breathless. I try to use the stairs to go down (I live on the top floor) but up I can't manage. The trouble is that I get breathless exercising and can't continue much further which is before I've got to a stage that's going to be beneficial to me. I might try fidgeting - I'm sure I heard somewhere that moving your feet about whilst sat at a desk can help to burn off (some) calories...

hey peeps

Ratty i know how you feel on the whole reduced exercise tolerance i find walking just 40 metres really leaves me breathless and wheezy so its very difficult to do much. I think the idea with exercise is to raise your heart rate which to be honest i can do with just standing and walking into another room its just i dont feel im doing much. Guess your probably feeling the same hey? Its a rubbish situation and does leave me very low as i used to do lots of walking gaining my bronze silver and gold duke of edinburgh awards so i know what i used to be like. I know the weight gain hasnt helped either as im now unfit and overweight and severely asthmatic! Im trying to do sit down exercises using a dvd my friend bought me designed for people who are not very mobile! Its very good but i have to do it in small chunks and rest inbetween!

Im sorry your also in this situation too guys its miserable and though i do try and use the stairs more in my house this is also very difficult. Keep me posted on your progress guys and really wish you well with your weight loss. I find steroids make it really hard to loose weight too-do you guys find it equally as difficult or is this just me?? Take care and good luck. Xxx

swimming is probably the best, but I know about the chemical problem, thats what caused my asthma, but have found that a cold pool is way better, no problems. If the pool is warm as you get in, then its too hot, so try looking around if you can and find a cool pool.

Yoga is great, have tried it before, and you don't need to be able to touch your toes, even though I can (and I'm a man), actually palms flat on the floor (just to show-off as I'm the solo male in a class of 20), but I do a weekly pilates class, not quite so breathing orientated, but you build strength, flexibility, and can work up a bit of a sweet if you want, it's harder than it looks.

How about using a rower, or excercise bike at a gym. Rowers are the best all round exercise you can do, aerobic, and work all the major muscle groups, with little or no impact.

Happy new year all


weight loss support

Hi kit-kat, I have just bought a small stepper off e-bay as I can use it indoors and dont risk going out into the dreaded cold air which sets me off. I cannot use it all the time as every other week I feel to ill but If it may help its worth a try, but I bet you feel so frustrated if the pool chemicals set your asthma off. I bet a lot of you sufferers feel fed up with the whole steroid and weightgain problem I know that I do I now weigh 15 stone but the medication and exercise problem feels like im on a roundabout wanting but unable too get off I hope you find something to help you try looking on e-bay too see if there are any bargains. I wish you loads of luck and hope you find a solution soon, here's to a happy new year, suzy.

I'm in the same boat as most of you much bigger after nearly 4 years on the little red pills. Do like the term 'cuddly' effect of steroids. Will have to remember that next time I'm told I've got bigger!. We recently have brought a Wii and have the Wii fit to go with it. Thought this might at least be some exercise I could do with the benefit of it being in my own home. Has anyone else tried it?

Good luck to everyone.

Take care


hi rabbit The wii fit is great my cousin has one and i had a little play over christmas. They're good as its as difficult or hard as you make it and you can rest if you need to by pausing the game lol! :-) hope you find it helpful! I want to buy one but at the moment its just too much money to fork out! Good luck with it and let us know how you get on!

Suzy the steroid thing can seem like your going round in circles as the more weight you put on the harder physical activity is and the less you can do leading to more weight gain! This is the situation im in now and it sucks but hopefully this year is the year i can make a little bit of a difference and loose a few pounds! Good luck with your weight loss guys!

Lv kat Xxx

What is the cuddly affect? If it is what the topic title suggests are there any other asthmatics on the site who have opposite problem? I know i do everytime i go on steriods i lose weight dramatically ie 4 or 5 kg, per time i on them above 20mg, hense they never like to put me on more than 30mg.

Is this a rare side affect? Guessing must be?


Try tai chi, or ask Gp to refer you to pulmonary chair based circuit group in your area, or pulmonary rehabiliation groups. They do good exercise groups. Here in west yorkshire the do a scheme called PALS (Practical activities leisure scheme) This is where people with long term conditions can go and have a health trainer and be able to do exercise tailored too there needs. It makes you feel you are exercising and you are and you can lose weight that way. not that i need to lose weight, i just love sports and want to build myself back up to them if i possibly can. so this group is the starting point.

Dont let your weight get to you, see if there is an expert patients programme in your local area they help you with healthly eating when you have a long term condition, or maybe this is again just west yorkshire not sure. I am starting all these programmes this week and am really looking forward to them and hoping they turn out to be as good as they sound.



hi folks

ive been on and off on and off on and off you get the picture steriods for about a year now more on than off and my doctor seen me on friday and so did the nurse and she said ah yes your over weight in an not very nice wispering tone, it was like a red rag to a bull i was like yeah and ive been on steriods whats your excuse. Not wise when shes the one holding the needle about to be jammed somewhere in my needle cushion body but i just cracked went off on one how i cant exercise cause i take an asthma attack and when i take an asthma attack im given more steriods when im given more bloody red steriods i put on weight AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHA some people are just really in sensitve but i doubt she will tell me ive put weight on i cant weight lol good pun wait and see if she tells me ive lost weight. lol Ive tried walking but i cant walk far i get pains in my back and lungs i have eczema and the cold and clorine in pool water is not adviseable at the moment but sure do the listen no just fed up. Apparently the new tablet im on neulin helps lose weight fingers crossed i really hope so peed off being cuddly and moon faced ridiulous cried when i got my photo taken recently my face was pure round like the moon :( but sure i have all my fellow asthmatics to support me now happy new year and good luck everyone x

hi guys ... And gals!

Plumie - i have never heard of anyone loosing weight on steroids before the common side effect is weight gain which an unfortunate amount of us suffer from hense i started this link! Sorry i cant tell you more about why thats your reaction to steroids but believe me its a side effect a lot of us on this post would give a leg for! To loose weight on steroids is what we often pray for!!

As for my cuddly friends vee i know how you feel its very very frustrating as drs and nurses sometimes just foot think and can say things which are very very hurtful. Ive found also that people in bars or other places can be equally hurtful without meaning to be as ive recently been asked 3times when the baby is due...im not pregnant! The weight gain with me is so concentrated on my tummy i do sometimes look 6 months pregnant - in certain clothes its a huge frustration to me and really upsets me!

On a positive note its snowy here, but very cold... Lol was going to venture out today, changed my mind will go out when the weather is better lol!

Take care all lv kat Xxx

weight loss support

Can I just say Plumie I really wish I lost weight on steroids as I might look like kate moss instead of Jo Brand but I suppose It has just as many problems if you lose too much weight. Vee good for you telling that nurse people can sound so rude telling us our downfalls but have any of you realised how many nurses and weightloss advisors at hospital are overweight. I feel a little better knowing now that I am not on my own with the whole weight loss/steroids/asthma problem as it used to feel like I was. Always the youngest by far on the respiratory ward but this is a new year and anything can happen.

Kit-Kat I hope you get sorted out with your problems as it sounds like you have enough stress what with your house prob and Asthma best of luck Suzy.

thanks suzy! I know im not alone in the stress thing! There are a few of us in the same position which is sort of helpful to know tho it does mean i feel bad others are facing the same situation! This forum is brilliant as it means you can share how your feeling, and im also relieved im not the only one struggling with my weight. Also suzy yes i have noticed most health professionals who tell me about my weight are overweight! Its laughable sometimes at least we have steroids as an excuse for it being difficult to loose weight!

Hope everyone is well! Xxx

yaf_user681_27259 profile image

Weight loss support

Hi everyone

Reading all the replies, yes I too am doing a particularly good version of a Mitchelin man/walking balloon!I've been on steroids for the main part of the last 2 years and am currently on a long run of high dose- managed to make it to the hairdressers the other day(I was desperate and was doing a good impression of a brillo pad!!- do other people also get very dry skin/hair/nails when on steroids??) boy are they glamorous with their side effects!Anyway when in the hairdressers I unfortunately had a good view of my face- talk about moon like-it looked worse than ever and I have no ankles or knuckles at the mo- feel like I'm expecting an elephant!It's so hard to lose weight/exercise when you can't breathe- I too bought a stepper that I managed to use once , but hope to use it again when I'm well as you can do it at home and it was less than 15.00. I also bought some fit-flops which are great for warmer weather as they are said to help exercise the muscles in the legs whilst walking around normally. I used to be a size 8 and have put on 10kg in 2 years c/o the lovely red tablets.I have my thin girl clothes that I couldn't even get a bloated foot into at the mo and my lardy girl clothes that I'm so embarrassed about I want to cut the size labels out! Again it feels selfish but it's nice to know others are in the same boat, also it's so hard to explain to people who haven't had steroids how bad the munchies /hunger is- nothing like being hungry ""normally"". Sorry for the long ramble and here's to a healthier wheeze free and THINNER year!!

Love Fi

Weight loss support

As I need to lose some weight I thought I would go to slimming world with my sister, if any of you had tried it before you will know that on a green day homemade chips are free you could have these with eggs and beans without touching your sins if I have any joy I shall let you know and if I get any nice late night snacky little recipes( which is when I get the munchies when on steroids)(my husband just thinks Im being a pig). But as you all know anything is worth a try, suzyx

yaf_user681_28255 profile image

Cuddly Effect

Hi All Happy New year to you all.

I have been on steroids permently for the last 8 years and put on 8 stone (sorry still work in old money) i joined Slimming world last year and when on the lower dose of pred i.e. 20 mgs i managed to lose 3 stone in 6 months. I was a different person but then I had another spell in hospital unfortunatly put some of it back on but I know I can do it and once I get over this spell I will be back to slimming world. It is bloody hard and some people do not understand that steroids do have this effect I had one person tell me that steroids only initially put the weight on but it is not a cumlative effect. We all know that is not true but the good thing about Slimming world is the free food you can eat as much of it as you like so when we have the steroid munchies I just have the free food. Good Luck if you decide to go for it. x

hi everyone.

Ive tried weight watchers but not sliming world, at the moment i cant really afford to join a sliming club but i do still have the info and books relating my last weight watchers experience. It did work and i got to a size 8 from a 12 so that was great... May try doing it on my own without paying the subs lol! I'll let you all know how i progress! Good luck with those on sliming world let us all know any sneaky treat recipies that are relevely sin-free! :-) take care all and keep up all the good work! Its very frustrating when your lungs are misbehaving and the wise drs stick you back on the red smarties-sometimes all the hard work getting the weight down is undone as the steroid munchies kick in!

Keep up the cuddly battle guys and gals lv kat Xxx


I have been on Steroids since May and I have got 'cuddly' lol...I have put on 4 stone. I do like the term cuddly cos over exmas I have had the family over and the first thing that both my gran and aunty said when they saw me was you are fat!!! Not nice thing to say!

I was told by my GP and both my asthma nurses and GP that to get my lungs built up and to help me lose weight is to go swimming, but unlike some people I don't think the chlorine effects my asthma....But I have the added problem that I can't go swimming because I have eczema and at the moment I have open sores on my arms, so can't do that at present...I am so desperate to lose my weight but really struggling to shift it and have no clue on what I can do to lose it all, because It makes me feel really low being as big as I am as I went from a size 12 to an 18 just like that, and its awful.....So I would like any advice too on exercise

Thanks guysx

weight loss support



I've put on 2 1/2 stone in the last four months due to being in hospital for a long time and very high doses of pred. I've been steroid dependant now for 7 years, but a few years ago I did manage to lose 5 stone whilst on pred so it can be done! that was just by dieting no exercise! I joined slimming world and the support I got was amazing. The biggest boost was receiving slimmer of the week nearly most weeks and slimmer of the month a few times :o)

I did have lots of weight to lose and I never got down to an ideal weight and now its unfortunately all gone back on.

I know I could do it again its just having the willpower and determination.

I do get very depressed about my weight which makes me eat more argh!

I know I wouldnt stick to it at the mo as I've just got outta hossie and am very tired so preparing a meal is impossible, oven and microwavable foods are my only choice at the mo as fresh food needs to be brought regulary and well its too cold to go out!!

bit of ramble!


weight loss support

Its so great to speak to you all about the steroids and weight problem. Do any of you prefer the unhealthy snack to an apple, sometimes a piece of fruit doesnt just hit the spot and when you are really bad you cant cook meals, If we had our own chef things would be so much easier wouldnt they. Im starting slimming world next week so get ready for some yummy recipes as I cant survive on rabbit food.

Take care especially you folks that have just come out of hospital.


I have had issues with my weight since the age of 13!!!

I was over weight for my first few teen yrs then developed anorexia and ended up underweight (not horrendous though). Then at 18 met hubby and he got me eating again but i then swung into bulimic mode where i stayed for another 12 +yrs.

For the past 12 yrs i have been on pred and in the last 6 i havent been below 25mg!!!

my weight did swing wildly when i dieted but i now find any diet triggers the bulimic tendencies so im stuck in a major rut!! Im now 5 stone overweight, have osteonecrosis in my hip so exercise is very painful if not impossible, stuck on 40 mg pred,severely anaemic, have cushings syndrome and to top it off im now diabetic on insulin so am actually eating more to feed the flippin insulin.!!

I get so fed up with people who think obesity is just laziness - i would love to go back to teaching keep fit(i was a qualified teacher 9 yrs ago!!) but now i can barely get around the house, i keep an accurate food diary which the dietitian sees and agrees there is very little i can change other than cutting calories down to 1000 which i cant do.

If 1 more person offers to come with me to this slimming club or that i may well commit murder!!! As you may guess im really at my wits end!!

I know if i lose weight it could help both my asthma and my hip but how!!!

Sorry rant over i will go back and hide in my sleeping back where its nice and warm!!

Anyone watch GMTV? Mr Motivator is back. When he arrived he demnstrated some exercises you can do while sitting watching television. I've signed up to the programme and am hoping it will help me to get moving again and then lose weight that way.

i did indeed see mr motivator haha!

Never really got the mr motivator thing first time round but i may try it this time! :-) will be checking it out tomorrow and the rest of this week!

Hows everyone else doing!? Xxx

KateMoss profile image

I have fallen out with my scales........................... They lie!!

They must be in colaboration with the chocolate I ate over Christmas!

hi all

just wondered how everyone is doing, im thinking of going back to work, which has two benefits.... stops the grazing all day and also gives me cash to pay for my mortgage!!!!

hope everyone is doing ok.

lv kat Xxx

Hiya Kit-Kat, Just make sure you take it s-l-o-w-l-y if you go back and listen to what your body is saying :)

I had plans to try and get back (slowly ;) ) to swimming this week (thankfully I don't seem to be affected by chemicals in the pool) but had a nasty attack instead - hmm, definitely not what I planned - so back to slow (even slower) (again) for now - feeling a bit rotten at the moment but I'm not going to let this set back beat me.

Unfortunately yesterday I found my secret stash of chocolates I'd hidden after Christmas so as not to tempt me - I really should put them away, but just one more won't do any harm, right??!!

Ratty, the best place to store the xmas chocs is in your stomach, once eaten, thats it, temptation over :D

hiya ratty,

wish it could be s-l-o-w-e-r as im not really feeling fit yet but booked an appointment with the lovely occy health dr and my gp and will discuss it with them after all its not doing my mental health any good not doing anything!!!

as for the choccies - my plan was good go to parents and leave all the choccies there lol!!! end of tempation none here - however i do believe that eating them all is also a valid option lol!!!

hows everyone going with it all, im still feeling rather on the large side and my friend is coming over to cheer me up all i can say is im looking forwards to seeing him but not to his reaction when he see how much weight ive put on this last few weeks!!! Grrrrrr!!!!

anyways least he is looking into finding me a suitable lodger since myspareroom.com prooved utterly useless!!! 14 hits but no responses via e-mail or phone! really want to find a good lodger as then i can afford to get properly better before hitting the old rat race again so soon!!!!!

Ah well hope everyone is doing ok!! good luck all!! keep it up!

lv kat Xx

Sorry if this is the wrong area

Even more reasons for me to try to get weight down. Reached the top of list for IVF treatment & they will make allowances for long term pred use. Can even stay on the pred and not have to get off it like first thought. Am excited but trying to stay calm so I don't trigger an attack. Weight review in 3 months and then treatment middle of year.

Finally found a way to stop asthma screwing up an important part of my life, just need to get a job with an asthma friendly company now!.

Wish everyone luck losing weight, its not easy and I know I struggle when my pred keeps going up & down.

Take care


good luck rabbit let us know how it all goes!

I have just weight myself since christmas day and I am very proud of myself I have lost 7lbs lots more to go but have to start somewere dont I hehe xxx

well done kerry-ann 7lbs down hey? Keep it up!

Any tips kerry-ann?

Keep going everyone :-)

dont deprive yourself of anything if you do you will only want it more but if you allow yourself a treat you probbably be able to take it or leave it. I found that out the hard way wouldnt let myself have a treat so diet went down the pan but now if I want a peice of choclate I have it

Hope that helps abit Kat and ive sent you a PM


Well done Kerry-Anne

All chocolates and similar treats now safely stashed in my stomach so I can start to get serious with the eating side of the plan

Regarding the exercise part of the plan - walking is improving but still not up to the recommended sessions each week of 30 mins 5 times a week - more like 2 but I am speeding up. Yoga started up again on thursday so that gave me a boost as it tends to make me feel more energised.

I've only lost 1lb so far but I supose that is better than nothing.

Thank you Cathy been joined on my diet by 4 friends what we are doing is putting 50p in each week and then whoever has lost the most weight at end of the month gets the kitty I have had my 1st weigh in today so I am saying my diet has only started today and not boxing day xxxxx

Good luck to all those trying to shift some weight :)

I got on the scales this am and they yelled at me yo get off quickly!!!

Have decided tart i am going to make a concerted effort to try and shifty some extra"" cuddle""!!

I'm hoping to change my insulin regime soon and will need to manage the amount of carbs im eating, so as of today im carb/calorie watching im aiming to keep carbs under 120g and cals under 1500. Hubby not happy but needs must.

it wasn't helped by the fact that an orthopaedic cons said to me today do u realise you are very overweight and that losing weight maight help ease the pain - eeerrrr no i think i knew that!!! But u try losing weight when lungs don't let u exercise and not does pain and you are stuck on 40mg pred!!!

Right im off to open a tin of ww soup!!!

Good luck all

im still reeling from the shock of my check up at the drs the scales told me i was overweight the tape measure told me i was fat grr! However i settled down to watch a bit of tv this eve and came across a program called fat and proud-apparently the average size of women in the uk is a size 16! This suprised me as im currently only a size 12-14 and although im unhappy at this and long to be back to last years weight and size 8 figure im far from eat according to these statistics! Soooo i guess my main question is how can the average size of women in this country not be confusive to an average or healthy weight according to the drs?

Any suggestions guys (and gals)?

On the plus side (no pun intended) i have managed to loose 1lbs this week though i think that could be more to do with my finances preventing me buying much in lol! Hope everyone else is also doing well!

Take care and keep it up lv kat Xxx

I am curently in a size 14 to 16 which I dont have a problem with but when I last went to see my DR she told me alot of pain caused by arthritis would feel alot better if I lost a bit of weight I used to be nearly 13 stone over a year ago but have managed to get myself to 10st 11lbs without really dieting just cutting alot of junk food out my diet and back then I was forever on steroids andin hospital alot but touch wood ""she touches her head"" I have managed to stay out of hospital since september and not been on steroids as often as I used to I used to feel I was in a losing battle trying to lose weight but also needing to breathe so had to do what my dr said and take the steroids I am hoping to lose another stone and a bit by summer but if asthma did a u turn and I had to take steroids again I would always put my health 1st and worry about the weight later anyway sorry if its a lot of babble take care all and hope you are all doing ok in your quest to lose a pound or two love KA XXX

Lil_tinx66 profile image


this may be just what i need a bit off encouragement to sheed some must hatted weight and a way to talk about it to understanding people

i am almost 17 years old !! and weight 10 st 7lb and am a size 12ish . oh an im just under 5ft 4in ! (so im over weight basically)

i was a happy size 8/10 a year ago and weighted just under 9st i cant belive what has happened to me the last year.

so.......... i have cut out all rubbish and eat healthy meals but im still not loosing weight (proud to say i managed not to put on over christmas though).

mum suggested that my problem is that i do little exercise , i wish there was a way i could do more and prehaps someone can suggest something it would be great. i find exercise so difficult as i get so breathless quickly, sometimes the 2 flights of stairs at college can be difficult.

i currently walk to and from college everday and use the wii fit two times a week. in the summer i useually go out on my bike but at a slow pace, the only trouble is i cant go in the winter as its to wet and is getting dark when i get home most nights. i normally use the trampoline but i am not allowed it up after the end of october as the winter weather would damage it apparently , but even then i can only go for at least two minutes at a time as i either get out of breath or my knee problem starts to play up

sorry for a long personal moan but i think it may help me to talk about it and perhaps if anyone has any advice to what i could do it would be great and honestly really deeply appreciated

thanks xx

hey liltinx

Hope you find this post helpful, do you react to chlorine in pools? I personally do but a lot of people are fine and swimming is very good aerobic exercise! A lot of people have already advised on this link about the benefit of yoga etc.

I like others on this post have a rubbish exercise tolerance so it does very much depend on your individual capability to what you do exercise wise!

As for diet you sound like your doing the right things so keep it up and keep us posted on your progress. Good luck!

Hows everyone else going! Ive had a bit of a blow today back on high dose pred 60mgs again! Grr also told not to think about work till at least another 2-3months and apparently even then its only a minor possibility i could return im gutted! And kinda deprarate to start earning money again as bills etc are really getting on top of me! But im sticking to trying to loose some of my cuddle we'll see what happens now the steroids have been up'd again!!


Anyways take care all and hope everyone is doing well. Lotsa lv kat Xxx

Lil_tinx66 profile image

hi kit-kat

thanks for your advice i would love to start up swimming again as i get on ok with chlorine but the only problem is that our local pool has opened up free in the evenings (public sessions) until march in a bid to get local people more active (the Cheek) however it is absolutely packed and they only admitt so many people per eve on a first come first served basis so im holding on for a while as its so disappointing to cue up for ages to be turned away , but swimming would be great as its good for my knee too. however yoga is pushing it to far i have found that out! i can only attempt it on really good days for my knee ;( and thats not many im afraid nowdays ...

but thankyou for your advice its good to know that i am doing the right things so far and i will keep perservireing with the exercise ! i promise to keep you posted

sound like you are not to good at the moment either , my peak flow level has dropped to 225 (roughly) from 350(normal) but feel ok so no ideas there , take care and hope you get well enough to go back to work soon but dont rush back as this could only make things worse. and dont let those bills get you stressed its probably the last thing you need right now,

still open to all suggestions on exercise!!!!!

hope all are ok

luv an hugs


Not sure how relevant or true this is, but my mum has been on steroids for a number of years not for asthma but for arthritis and swears by having porridge with sugar in the morning (just after your meds) to keep you sustained and keep the cravings for refined sugar at bay. She eats loads of fruits too, and says that apples are good because they taste a bit sweet and are bulky for their calorie content. I eat a similar diet, but just because I lived with her for 18 years and got used to it!!

Might be true, might be all in her head but thought I may as well mention.

Also I'm not 100% on this but I think steroid doses are generally lower for arthritis than for asthma, but try it if you like, let me know if it works!

KateMoss profile image

I eat porrige for breakfast too but still feel peckish by 12. I usually ignore the peckishness.

I need super amounts of porrige now as pred gone up to 40mg for 5 days ...grrrrr!

PS will someone please take away the chocolate pennies before I eat the lot!

I love porridge but its now off my menu as need to saty low carb to control my diabetes :( am hoping low carb will help me lose weight but not enjoying eating more fatty food.am seriously craving a chunk of french bread!!!

Think I'll give the porridge a go, just need to find out how to cook it! First weigh in later today and am nervous. Have cheated slightly and got on the scales at home, worried as they show no moment despite sticking to the diet. Knew it would be tougher this time because of the pred but did expect some movement. Thankfully there is nothing in the ouse to pig out on if the news isn't good.

Hope everyone else is getting on OK.

I just guess when i make mine! lol just put the porridge in a bowl add milk till the flakes float a bit n bang it in the microwave for 4-5 mins, consistency seems ok for me lol handy when ur unwell though and u dont want to be faffing around with a saucepan on the stove!! xx

KateMoss profile image


One part Oats - around half a cup or a teacup size

One part water

One part soya milk / or cows milk

Zap for one minute in micro


Zap for 20 seconds and that does me!

I add honey most days.

I also add sometimes before cooking a few rasins etc.

I'm with Kate on this - half a cup of porridge to 1 cup of liquid, I use rice milk but you can use any type of milk or even just water (handy when I have run out of milk) I put it in microwave for 2 mins & keep an eye on it; if I did any longer it would bubble out of the bowl - I supose it depends on the microwave.

The Scots tend to add salt, the English tend to add sugar. I like both but personally I prefer to add fruit - blueberries / strawberries / raspberries / banana / dried fruit - I cannot stand honey so would never add that.

Make sure you wash the bowl out / or at least put it to soak as soon as you have eaten it as bits left behind turn rock hard

Yeh our microwave isn't powerful and I tend to have my porridge ""drier"" than most people do, can stand it sloppy and milky!!

Claire x

WOW I can nearly fit into my size 14 I am thrilled with myself as was buying 16 to 18 before xmas all my pjs are being held up by my strap from my infushion not going to buy any new clothes yet though you never know what is around the corner xxxxx

Thought I'd share my good news, 6lbs off at my first weigh in. I know it won't continue at this rate but its a good start. The porridge details look great, I've been advised to reduce dairy products to see if it makes a difference so wondered if it was possible to use 'milk' alternatives in it.

Is there any one that is better, eg does soya taste better than rice milk? The only time I've tried soya in the past it seemed to curdle and the appearance put me off. Can anyone recommend a non dairy cheese? I also wondered if anyone else has had trouble with quorn causing asthma attacks or allergy problems. Slimming world recommends it but I've had problems with it each time I've tried it.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Rabbit - i make my porridge with water sometimes or other times half water half milk both taste just as good to me depending on how creamy you like it.

I recently have been having the oats so - porridge then i know exact cal/carbs so it helps me be more accurate . Well done with the weight loss keep it up:)

I went back to swimming today for the first time in months - it was wonderful just being in the water even if the Johnny Depp in trunks look alike I used to stalk was in the fast lane and I was in the granny 'must keep my blue rinse dry' lane plus my asthma decided it would be fine till I'd gone about 3/4 of a length and was in the middle of the deep end .. not good :( But I shall persevere with the aim of getting back to somewhere near where I was (although if it's going to knock me out in terms of exhaustion as much as it has this time I may have to rethink that plan).

I picked up details of their yoga classes as that's been mentioned regularly here and to me - and now I'm very confused - they offer Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Sivananda Yoga and Plain Normal Yoga - what are the differences and which might be best for someone with severe asthma, terrible exercise tolerance, who hasn't done much exercise for a very very long time and is exhausted by the time I've actually walked to the leisure centre?

And any idea if aqua aerobics is a good or very bad idea?

hi ratty i didnt know there were so many types of yoga either mmm interested to know the answer as to which is beneficial to severe asthmatics with zero exercise tolerance- im the same as you ratty except that i cant even walk to the leasure centre lol! Take care everyone lotsa lv kat Xx

I gave up dairy products because i have a milk intolerance - I itch like hell when I have some. I prefer rice milk and get rice dream with calcium - ther are other types out there but I prefer this one. I use it for cooking - porridge, sauces etc but wouldn't drink it. The only non milk I've found that I enjoy drinking is the soya milkshakes. I always drank black coffee but it was hard changing to black tea - the trick is to have it weak.

As for cheese there are non dairy cheeses out there but they don't suit my palette, in fact I find them all pretty disgusting so I have had to give up cheese and still miss it.

woop woop woopy i have lost 2 and a half lb this week lots to go but might get there by summer hope everyone else is doing ok with their healthy eating xxxxx

I have been with Scottish Slimmers personal coach service for a few years and got down to 84 kilos at one point (after running 10K) but then got a chest infection and was later diagnosed with asthma. Since then I've found it more difficult to lose weight but I am sticking with PEP (Positive Eating Plan),

Got a Wii Fit a few weeks ago and I love the Yoga breathing and I'm looking forward to doing more soon (I've decided to wait until my peak flow is back to 480 before doing anything too strenuous).

The Scottish Slimmers forum is great scottishslimmers.com/ and it's not just for people in Scotland.

I have lost 4lb in my first week and eating very few carbs my blood sugars have been alot more stable too:)

whoop whoop

Despite having had to up the prednisolone to 60mgs ems the last 7days i have still managed to loose an entire 2kgs- on idea what that is in old money but think its about 5lbs!! I have been unwell so im hoping its not just that but we'll see what happens over the next 7 days!

Hows everyone else doing!?

Lotsa lv kat Xxx

Hi everyone

I just wanted to say a HUGE well done to all of you try to loose weight, it seems like you're all doing great!

I am here encouraging you all!!

Libby x

WOW Kat thats brilliant keep up the good work my weigh day is Monday so just hoping ive managed to lose a bit this week xxx

hi guys (and gals)

Ive had a horrendous chest infection for the past 3.5 weeks the upshot of feeling so hideous has been a 7kg weight loss during the 3.5 weeks! This has been despite being on 60mgs of prednisolone and 40mgs of hydrocortisone! Im feeling rather pleased with myself though im slightly concerned that as soon as im well again its just going to come straight back on again!!

So ... So far its a total loss of 8kgs since christmas!

How is everyone else going? Good luck to everyone!

Keep it up lv kat Xx

WOOHOO 5lb this week only 2 stone to go lol xxx

Lil_tinx66 profile image


well done everyone so far !!!!!!

lost 2 and a half pound last week

those size 12 jeans are slowley sliding down, at last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stayed the same this week - hopeing i can blame that on the fact its that time of the month, theefore difficult to tell for now, still at least i didnt put on !

well done again , keep going

luv liltinx xxx

Just a quickie question my brother has told me to try and cut out carbohydrates to help me on my diet BUT I havent got a clue what carbohydrates are I have been avoiding them only by checking on things that I buy I seem to be having alot of chicken fish vegtables and salads yawn they get a bit boring after been on them since christmas lol but the weight is comming off if im honest I used to way 12st 8lb that was way before christmas so havent lost all that since then i wish lol then I got it down to 11st 4lb and the min I am 10st 4lb but I am not very tall so could do with at least another stone or two off anyone got any ideas of nice food that are either low or no carbohydrates?? thankyou in advance xxxxx

Carbs give you energy so cutting them out may prove difficult. You could try wholegrains or low GI foods like porridge but I think it's more the amount you eat rather than the type of food. Maybe you are eating too little.

If you are bored with salad, try soup. You can make it with any veg you like and some stock and freeze it. Tomato is the easiest. I make it with a pack of passata, a tin of tomatoes, herbs and onion and garlic granules. I use beef stock. You can cook some veg, blend it and then add the tomatoes if you have more time.

I am very pleased as I have lost a kilo this week and did the Step on Wii Fit (and some balance games) without starting coughing.

I have been low carbing for the past 2 weeks and lost 1/2 a stone:) Its not easy but it hasn't affected my energy levels at all if anything after a meal they are better as i don't have the carb sleepiness you can get.

I have cut out potatoes,rice and pasta totally , but i do eat rice cakes, ryvita porridge and ww bread all of which are low carb. I know a number of people who carb manage while eating a relatively high fat diet and despite what most peeps think their cholesterol and lipids in the bloods are very good and well with normal range.

Since eating this way my blood sugars have been very good and i have reduced my insulin dosage too:)

I would certainly give it a try even if you just reduced your carb intake by 100g . When reading packets you will need to look at the total carbs though not what sugars and you will be surprised how high some foods are.

Good luck

hi folks

Anyone watch the feel good factor saturday evening?

If so anyone fancy doing the pound for pound pledge to raise money for auk? Is that possible to pick a charity to support also!?

Just a thought as a lot of us are battling with the cuddle!

Keep going folks and well done everyone - doing well guys! Xx

I have put on 2ons this week not bad really as I have been taking 30-40mg of pred for 7 days as lungs very very grumpy going to see asthma nurse at drs at 2pm hope the rest of you are doing ok on your own weight loss plans take care all xxx

I was on steroids for the whole of last year, and put on a good 3 stone, and went up 2 dress sizes. I completely understand the stress and upset over putting on weight that wasn't even there before! Throughout last year, I tried exercising, but it just didn't work as I would always get out of breath. I found that after reducing the steroids down to 1 a day or 1 every other day, the weight dropped off. It's been a month since I've fully been off them, and I'm only half a stone heavier than what I was before (which is good, coz I was too skinny beforehand!).

How is everyone doing with exercising? I found walking to be ok, even if it was small steps. My asthma nurse advised me to get out of breath everyday, and I did. I strongly belive that, and the Propolis tablets I was taking helped me get off my steroids.

I hope everyone finds their own little way of shedding the pounds. It's difficult though. The steroids make you hungry, and make you put on weight even if you cut out the crap! It's a terrible side effect :( I'm now left with a load of wobbly bits to tone up, and no, christmas didn't help either!!

Hello Everyone

I was sure my ancient bathroom scale wasn't accurate - I couldn't possibly be that weight - besides I struggled to make read out all those little lines which represented pounds. So I invested in a super duper digital scale with such a clear readout I could even read it without glasses.

Horror of horrors - when I got it home I found it weighed seven pounds heavier than my old one!!!

In the great scheme of things I suppose it doesn't matter - I'll just have a new starting point I only wish it was seven pounds less - not more!

Best wishes everyone and good luck with the weight loss


Finding it hard to stick to the diet, was doing so well and then pred had to be upped because of a chest infection. Had problems reducing so coming down 5mgs every 3 days but the munchies this time is terrible. All I can think about is food! dread to think what the scales will say but am trying to be good as I can't go to Slimming world this week.

Anyone know the science behind why you put weigt on when on steroids? I've watched what I've eaten and am doing about the same amount of exercise so don't really understand where the extra weight has come from. I don't seem to be able to get off steroids completely so am concerned that I'm going to be stuck with this difficult to lose extra weight.

Good luck to everyone still fighting the battle.

Iam trying my best to be good but as on steroids wont be disheartend if I dont lose anything these next couple of weeks get my asthma back on track then hopfully start losing a bit of weight again fingers crossed xxxxxxx

The cuddly affect is starting on me NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I will have to be more careful with what i eat now eek! I am going to go back to my treat box i used to do years ago. Any biscuits or chocolate etc go in the box and one item can be eaten once a week. Rest of time is fruit and veg as nibbles between meals. I thought i had escaped clearly not.

Lost 5ils since my pre Christmas weigh in - not great earth shattering progress & I think my doctor and consultant want to see a faster shift.

I console myself with the fact that if I manage to lose about 1lb a week for a year that will be over 3 stone which would put me in the normal range rather than obese.

I have to say that I do have the advantage of not being on pred so here's hoping I don't get any flare ups that put me on it.

Yay another pound gone

ive managed to put on what ive lost due to been on them awful steroids for so long and another week has been added to them today why do i even bother xx

I have started aqua med, a slower version of aqua fit hope 45mins does the trick but hope it doesnt annoy asthma.

Sorry to those who are struggling dont get disheartened, put the bad days behind u and keep fighting.

I have now managed to lose just over a stone despite being confined to my bed for 2 weeks in local costa with cardiac issues i managed not to snack too much so didn't gain. Saw resp con while in and have to stay on 35mg of pred for foreseeable future so that wont help weight loss :(

hi all,

been reading the posts and was pleased to see a weight loss support group, i have just lost my first stone since xmas which i am very pleased about, only 2 and a half to go!!,

my gp let me try Zenical, has any one else tried it, i have not had too many side effects from it, and i do think it helps, sometimes if only as a deterant to eating fatty food as i dont want the side effects which really arnt very pleasant,

keep up the good work everyone,

luv george xx

Hmm, weight loss not so good here - I really thought I was doing OK (I don't have scales at home) so was really disheartened when I was last at the hospital to be told that I'd only lost 2 lbs - nothing like that to make you think sod this and reach for the chocolates :( That's why I haven't posted on this thread recently, but I'm going to try again now, especially as I'm feeling much more in control of my asthma - going to try swimming again at lunchtime because that's the one thing if I could currently have anything back as it was before things went downhill that I would love.

well done george71 on your fantastic weight loss thats great and good luck with the further weight loss! :-)

Ratty i am in the same situation as yourself except i did loose some weight only to put it back on when the drs decided to wack the steroids back up to 60mgs! Grr was at that level for almost a month but now back down to 50mgs so gonna try again! Try not to get disheartened ratty keep going-most of us are in the same situation which was the main motivation for this discussion topic-we all need to support each other through this even if it means ranting when things are not going so well!

Hope things turn around for you soon ratty and everyone else who is struggling and well done to those who have continued to loose weight- congratulations-any advice to those who are struggling!?

Keep up the hard work peeps. Lv kat Xx

If its any consolation to those on long term pred my first stone i have lost this year was while on 40 mg pred and with no exercise at all so it is possible just harder.

Good luck everyone

Gah, swimming was not nice - my asthma was being silly but I was determined, however slowly I had to go and however often I had to stop, to get some swimming done. Stupid man who should have been swimming in the speedy lanes (where I used to be :( ) rather than the open part for grannies and slow people and kept bumping into me decided to tell me I was clearly unfit by the sound of my breathing. If I'd had the breath I would have told him, nope, actually, this is asthma and it's worse cause I'm trying to keep up with the unrealistic expectations of idiots like you. Probably a good thing I didn't have the breath... I know we shouldn't think badly of people, but I really hope he stubs his toe AND gets a paper cut tonight!!!

So good to hear that it is possible to lose weight whilst on high doses of pred and not being able to exercise. I'm going back to slimming world this week to face up to several weeks of higher pred, no exercise and eating loads of carbs because I'd been in hospital and its all I could face.

Good news is now have a date with ivf doctor for middle of April so have a target to aim for. Luckily he is sympathetic to the 'cuddly' effects of pred.

Found that Morrisons do a range of instant flavoured cous cous which you just add boiling water to. Is great for a quick lunch or as a change to spuds. Is low in fat provided you do add the oil/butter they suggest to improve the flavour. Even better is on offer this week. Been very disciplined and brought a bag of crunchie nuggets and weighed them into little packs. Have put them in the freezer so they take longer to eat too!

I've been told I need to have more potassium in my diet, does anyone know of anything you can eat other than bannanas?

Good luck everyone, keep up the good work. I'm not the only one in my house trying to lose weight, been to the vets and Toby my bunny is now classed as being plump!. Couldn't believe it when on is food there is an advert for Slimming Warren!


I am doing ok, been to aqua med today and it has done me in, i have aching muscles glore, but this is the second week i hvae been, hope the exercise pays off! Will know when i go back to consultant and get weighed again. (a week)

@rabbit: According to the USDA (the United States Department of Agriculture... yes, I know it's American - it was the easiest to find!) the following are potassium-rich foods:









Many thanks for the list of other potassium rich foods. I'll certainly try and build some of them into my diet, so pleased to have some variety as I at the moment I can't face another banana! Good news is most of them seem to non-fattening so should be able to fit them in with slimming world.

Take care


Lil_tinx66 profile image

hi all

just thought i would share my latest idea which i hope will help :-)

how about giving up the thing you are most likey to want to eat for lent

this seems like a good idea to me as its actually in the end going to be an achievement if you stick to it

love tinx xxx

p.s. i no its a bit late to be the whole of lent but havent been on for a few days but anything is worth a try is it not?

hi everyone!

Hows everyone doing on the battle against the cuddle! Im still the same as i was about 2 months ago though im not to unhappy with this as the steroids have been consistently at 60mgs during this time!

Take care all lv kat Xx

KateMoss profile image

I seem to gain weight when I get home from hossie.

Hosp food is better than weight watchers! Though this time, I did have quite a few tasty nibbes, Choc chip cookies ( In liew of birthday cake) some yummy free from Flapjacks ( Thanks Charlotte), Jelly babies and divine dark chocolate in varying shapes.... still no weight gain. Though when you can't breathe, food is sometimes not a priority.

Weight is stable ish and trying to be good now home and have free access to food! LOL. Though I don't have biscuits, sweets etc.

I have lost 24 lbs since i started mid Jan and i have to admit im now starting to notice it more as i can fit into a few more clothes at last!!!

Still on 40mg pred and have had naughty nibbles (sneaky bits of kids eggs and a slice of easter choc cake!!) I find when im first in costa my weight drops but as i improve then it tens to stay the same as family bring in my staple foods!!!

I'm really pleased - I was weighed at the hospital this morning when I went to see my consultant, and I've lost 11lb in the last 3 months. My BMI is still slightly into the overweight category, but my clothes fit better and I don't look so cuddly/cuddly-faced anymore :D I'd hoped to have lost a stone, but given my recent chocolate binging (comfort eating - had some bad news about another health issue) I'm quite happy with the 11lb and it's given me a little motivation to continue the slow gradual loss.

Good luck to everyone still fighting the cuddles :D

hi everyone

Just thought id share that since i started this topic although it has been very up and down in line with increases and decreases in the dreded red smarties i have managed to loose almost a stone and a half! :-)

Still a way to go yet but i am still rather pleased with the progress even if its been slow. I do find it very frustrating that when i manage to loose a bit the smarties go back up and with that goes the extra pounds however sometimes when im in hospital i find that i do loose some weight even with the steroids, which is a bit odd!

Anyways dont want to waffle too much. Hope everyone else who is trying to loose the cuddly effect is doing well. Keep up the hard work peeps!

Lotsa lv kat Xx

Hey kit-kat, that's really good news, well done you :) I was doing ok, doing some exercise, but with the deterioration I've had recently and back on the Pred things are going the wrong way fast and it's so frustrating.

I'm really really hoping my cons can find some way of giving me enough relief so I can do some proper exercise because I think this would make a real difference - not just to my weight but to how I feel generally.

A weird positive - my pred-munchies have been odd this time, a real wanting for salty/savoury food and complete dislike of sweet stuff (there is actually a bar of choccy sat on my desk and I don't want it!!) - how weird it that???

hi ratty

I've been craving savory and salty things for a while and also craving sweets but things like mint imperials and chewits but not really got the taste for chocolate-in fact i've been finding recently that chocolate has been making my nausea and vomiting worse... Wierd querk i suppose? Hope you feel better soon. Lotsa lv kat Xx

Finding my general shape has shifted about a bit. Started out this year Size 26 in denims. Now down to a Size 20. Funny thing is, I haven't lost any weight nor have I been exercising.

I have however, since starting inhalers, totally gone off sweet things like filled chocolates and creamy filled cakes. A plain tea biscuit is quite enough for me.

Its not that I miss the sweet stuff, just finding it all a bit odd to explain to friends when we go out for dinner and I forgo dessert. Most unlike me.


PS Most huffed to find I'd gone right off Nestle Condensed Milk, that staple of camping trips.

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