Daughter been given PREDNISOLENE this... - Asthma Community ...

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Daughter been given PREDNISOLENE thismorn.............

6 Replies

she's had a cold for about 3 weeks on and off. But started with bad cough last nite,she is allergic to dogs,brings on her asthma. But not been near any dogs....took her to doctor this morn,she said it was her asthma.

Gave us PRED pills,5mg x 4 every morn for 3 days. But she seems no better,still very sneezy, coughing lots. Just given her some piriton,about 30 mins ago.

Wonder if you could give me any more ideas!!!!

Wasonly diagnosed with allergic asthma in nov 07,so am a newbie to all this!!!!

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6 Replies

Oh dear sorry to hear your daughter is having a bad time with her asthma. Hmmm not sure what to suggest but if i was you i would give Salbutamol and see if that helps with the coughing and if not i would try simple linctus and if still no improvement shortly after i would ring the out of hours Dr for advice or go to A&E. I don't mean to alarm you but asthma can change/deterioate quickly so its better to err on the side of caution. So if the cough is making your daughter wheezy and not resolving with Salbutamol i would seek help quickly, Prednisolone can take a while to take effect.

Hope your daughter feels better soon, take good care and please seek medical advice if you are at all concerned either from your out of hours Dr or NHS Direct or A&E. Hope all goes well, Lois x

Thanks lois,just waiting for out of hrs doc to phone me back!!!


I hope that Olivia is feeling better today and that you got some good advice from the DR's.

I'm not medically trained so can't really give medical advice but as far as i'm aware PRED is usually given at night. We are always told to give it in the evening. But i'm not sure why this is so.

When Ollie is bad and on PRED we also use reliever regularly throughout the day and night (if necessary) usually giving up to 10 puffs 4 hourly. Obvioulsy i'm not suggesting that you give this amount to Olivia - but it's worth discussing with DR and/or maybe trying to talk to the asthma nurse on this site - they are really good and will be able to give advice as to what meds Olivia should /could be on and things to discuss with GP.

Oliver also on priton or loratadine as he has hayfever - but if i don't get him on that early enough then sometimes it makes his asthma bad and it can take a while to get things back on track.

I also remember reading somewhere or someone saying that people/children who are allergic to animals can be set off by coming into contact with people who have animal dander on thier clothing - or going into houses where dogs/cats have been - i know my nephew was still affected by our cats dander that remained in the house even though the cat no longer came into the house and that it took ages for him not to be affected - so if your daughter's allergy to dogs is bad then maybe she could be affected this way.

I hope that you get things sorted soon - initially it can be very difficult and stressful.

Take care


I've always been told to take my pred first thing in the morning after breakfast and this is how it is given in hospital too. In fact I remember one nurse refusing to let me have it until I'd had some toast lol. Is it different for children then I wonder?


Hi and thanks Sparkly Fairy

Sorry about that Ollie does usually take PRED in the morning - i was obvioulsly having a 'brain freeze' so SORRY SORRY and SORRY again for any confusion. It's montelukast that he takes in the evening.


Hi there

Whenever my daughter gets a short course of pred she always takes the second dose 24 hours after the first. Depending on when she needs it, it can vary from morning to nighttime when she recieves her first dose. I don't know if thats just beacause she recievs short 5 days doses but its what I've always been advised.



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